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O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G r o u p L a s V e g a s T h u r s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH CTIA Brad Sellors, Managing Director of InfiniteKM, stopped by to discuss with Wireless World how the right technology platform can help com- panies enhance the value of their brands. WW: Tell us what you'll be offering to the attendees at CTIA Super Mobility. BS: InfiniteKM is a technology platform that accelerates the flow of information to the right people at the right time. For example, if you're a provider with a wide range of pricing plans that change frequently, you want your sales staff to be aware of the latest promotional campaign for their region, the various options they can present to their customers, and you want the information they have at their fingertips to be accurate and up to date. If you're the manufacturer of a device, you want to pres- ent one set of information about the device to consumers, perhaps some more advanced information to the chat line that handles consumer inquiries and another set DELIVER THE RIGHT INFORMATION AT THE RIGHT TIME WITH INFINITEKM Mengtor Mobile Device Training is one of three Mengtor Inc. affil- iated businesses that can equip you with all the knowledge, tools and parts you need to start a suc- cessful business in mobile device repair. "The wireless industry is a business that is booming right alongside the proliferation of mobile devices that have become vital parts of not only American's lives, but for everyone in every corner of the world," claims Rene Amsterdam, a Level III Mobile Device Training instructor for Mengtor Mobile Device Training. A school with three convenient locations in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Atlanta that offer three-day and five-day courses in mobile device repair. The National Wireless Safety Alliance (NWSA) is a national non-profit assessment and certification organization that is under development by the wireless industry. The mission statement of the NWSA is to provide thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills and provide verifiable worker certification in order to enhance safety, reduce work- place risk, improve quality, encourage training and recognize the skilled professionals who work on towers and other non-standard structures. The NWSA organization is a by-product of collaboration between a broad coalition of the industry's leading subject matter experts, compa- nies and stakeholders representing wireless carriers, tower owners/verti- cal realtors, OEMs, turnkey management firms, engineering firms, public safety enti- ties, small contractors, tower technicians and industry associations. A Board of Governors representing a broad cross-section of companies in the industry has been selected to provide leadership and oversight for the organization. The NWSA plans to offer a variety of assessments leading to certification based Empire ® Cell Phone Accessories was formed in 2011 with one pur- pose: to create fun, fashionable phone accessories at easily acces- sible prices. Its team is a wonder- ful mix of family and professionals that strive to continuously design fresh and exciting products for your customers. Its products are designed with the indi- vidual's personality and lifestyle in mind. Its flagship case line is its KLIX ® wallets. For the active moms or any woman who dreads lug- ging a big purse everywhere she goes, KLIX Klutch™ was designed to keep daily essentials and your phone together in one easy to carry wallet. KLIX Klutch also An interview with Tim Lorello, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TCS). WW: Tell our readers about the TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) portfolio. TL: Over 20 years ago, TCS constructed a broad portfo- lio that relies on data communications at its core: satel- lite communications, text messaging and wireless loca- tion technology. We have built secure and highly reliable solutions using these technologies, and we have added cybersecurity solutions to this portfolio to further protect Continued on Page 33 Continued on Page 33 Continued on Page 33 PREPARE FOR A CAREER AS A MOBILE DEVICE TECHNICIAN NATIONAL CERTIFICATION ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED FOR WIRELESS INDUSTRY WORKFORCE MAKING AND PROTECTING THE CONNECTIONS THAT MATTER ACCESSORIES THAT FIT YOUR PERSONAL STYLE Continued on Page 28 Continued on Page 28

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