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Convenience Retailer Show Daily 2 5 Wednesday, October 10, 2018 XLERATOR Hand Dryers: Convenient, Hygienic Hand Drying Solutions By William Gagnon, Vice President of Marketing & Sales, Excel Dryer, Inc. A recent poll conducted by Cintas Corporation revealed that the cleanli- ness of a restroom can significantly impact a business' bottom line – 94 percent of adults would avoid a store if they encountered a dirty restroom. Of those surveyed, 88 percent identi- fied overflowing receptacles and 80 percent identified paper towels and toilet paper left on the floor as signs of a dirty restroom. With cleanliness of vital importance to convenience store restrooms, more store owners and managers are installing high-speed, energy-efficient XLERATOR ® Hand Dryers to replace paper towels as the preferred method to dry hands. The XLERATOR, manufactured by Excel Dryer, revolutionized commercial restrooms; today, more convenience stores are adopting the technology not only for their cost and energy savings, but for their superior hygienic bene- fits. XLERATOR dries hands com- pletely three times faster (in eight sec- onds) and uses 80 percent less energy than conventional hand dryers. The XLERATOR represents a 95 percent cost savings versus paper towels, elim- inating their labor, maintenance and waste, while creating a more hygienic restroom environment. Simply e x c h a n g i n g paper towel dis- pensers for hand dryers can make a positive change on the appearance of cleanliness. By eliminating paper towels in restrooms, convenience stores eliminate not only an unsightly mess, but a breeding ground for bacteria. While the cost-savings and envi- ronmental benefits of XLERATOR Hand Dryers are clear, there are many misconceptions about the hygienic effi- cacy of different hand drying methods. Several studies have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals on the health benefits and hygienic efficacy of hand dryers, including one study con- ducted by Laval University in Quebec, which was published in The American Journal of Infection Control. That study found "a large com- munity of cultural bacteria, including toxin producers, can be isolated from unused paper towels." These bacteria were also found to be capable of transferring to an individ- ual's hands after washing. Specifically, the findings included 17 species of bac- teria on paper towels with the most common being Bacillus, which causes food poisoning. As a touch-free, sensor- activated hand dryer, the XLERATOR reduces touch points and decreases the risk of cross-contamination while dry- ing hands in a public restroom, which is especially important in high-traffic areas such as convenience stores. For more information, visit booth #2576. Growth in Men's Health Supplements An interview with Riki Ascherman, Mass Market Sales, BioXgenic/Md Science Lab. CRSD: To what do you attribute the massive growth in men's health supple- ments? RA: That's a good question, but I think we can come to some understanding of it when we look at the demographic changes and evolving social awareness of aging and what it means to grow older. CRSD: What are the demographic changes you see as important? RA: Let's face it, baby boomers are aging and generating a lot of demand. But I think the important thing is our redefinition of what it means to age. No longer does it mean retirement and a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone, but sur- prisingly men, are leading this charge to redefine aging. Men no longer want to ride off into the sunset. CRSD: Do you think there's a greater awareness of men's health now? RA: No doubt. Men are buying things to postpone aging and perform at their best. Baby boomers have refused to be like past generations. They consider anything that can make them feel and perform bet- ter as a good thing. You have to remem- ber this generation was into rock and roll, 'free love,' I mean, they know about the pleasures of the flesh. CRSD: Do you think it's mostly the boomers creating this demand? RA: They're a large part of it, but I think Gen X and Millennials are part of the mix also. These generations grew up around parents that were much more open mind- ed to new ideas and a much more healthy attitude toward aging and sex than their predecessors. Plus, people in general take more control of their health now. Today, through social media and online research, consumers quickly learn about new medical advancements as well as health and wellness trends. CRSD: How do retailers take advantage of this trend? RA: Make sure you're in the game and carry product. Second, carry the right product, the brands and categories people want. Keep abreast of trends in the market. CRSD: In your view, what are men look- ing for? RA: Men are looking to feel youthful, have more energy, vigor and of course, perform better in the bedroom. For our BioXgenic brand, we produce a full line of natural products that we know through our research men are looking for. That includes our 12- Hour X-Treme, a fast acting testosterone booster, Bio- Hard, HighTest and a Size product, to name a few. CRSD: Any other sugges- tions to retailers? RA: Two things really. These types of products are becoming much more main- stream and are no longer taboo, so don't be afraid to stock them. Of course, be cognizant of where you merchandise them within your store and choose areas children are unlikely to browse. Second, make sure you carry a brand that res- onates with consumers and is reputable – one whose ingredients you can be confi- dent in. Too many brands mislabel and contain ingredients not found on the packaging. For more information, go to www.biox genic.com, call 888.657.1717 ext. 1308 or email rascherman@bioxgenic.com. Trace Minerals Introduces Fresh Branding, Clean Labels Trace Minerals Research (TMR), a lead- ing provider of trace mineral fueled sup- plements for over 40 years, has unveiled new brand and packaging designs. TMR partnered with BrandHive, a marketing and branding firm with 20-plus years of expertise in healthy lifestyle products, to develop a new corporate logo and refreshed branding and packaging to help communicate TMR's legacy in effica- cious supplements to a broad range of consumers. "While we are a well established brand known for our quality, science and efficacy, it is important for younger, active consumers to recognize the bene- fits of supplementing with these essential minerals," said Matt Kilts, Managing Partner of TMR. "After 40 years of per- fecting trace minerals and the science behind them, we wanted to freshen up our look, and ensure that we are connect- ing with both our traditional, as well as new customers." By gently harvesting the health- promoting ionic minerals found in Utah's inland sea, and making them available to the general public, TMR remains committed to being the best source for essential minerals necessary for maintaining proper health, including magnesium, selenium, lithium and boron. TMR is stating unabashedly that it adheres to clean label standards and fully transparent sourcing. ConcenTrace ® and all of the TMR product labels are ran- domly tested and verified to meet label claims by the Natural Products Association's TruLabel ® Program. "We were so pleased when TMR asked us to help re-imagine the look and feel of the brand and make it more rele- vant to today's young, active con- sumers," said Jeff Hilton, co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of BrandHive. "We have a long, storied business relationship with TMR, and we believe the rebranding will make the product line more inviting and accessible to a broader range of consumers." The company is also planning to make a strong entrance into the sports nutrition category with a full line of trace mineral products under the TMR Sport and Adventure Athletics brands in 2019. Look for the new labels when you buy Trace Minerals products at your favorite local health and nutrition retailer. Or, contact TMR for more information at www.traceminerals.com/contact. About Trace Minerals Research Trace Minerals Research (TMR) has been in business for over 40 years. In its first 10 years, the company grew over 1500 percent. Today, TMR offers improved delivery systems, bulk miner- als and private label ingredients. The company has a strong international pres- ence, and its products are available in over 40 countries. TMR is the exclusive provider of ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops, an ionic, solar evaporated, GRAS-affirmed, food- grade ingredient for food, beverage and dietary sup- plement use. TMR uses these balanced, naturally occurring minerals as a solid base for all its prod- ucts. For more informa- tion, visit www.traceminerals.com. About BrandHive BrandHive generates buzz for brands promoting natural, healthy living. With over 20 years of experience, BrandHive understands the evolution and potential of the natural products industry. Whether branding dietary supplements, functional foods, healthy beverages or personal care products, its collaborations with clients achieve remarkable results. Visit www.brandhive.com. For more information, contact Scott Boyson, Trace Minerals Research, at scottb@traceminerals.com or 801.528.5612.

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