Oser Communications Group

Produce Show Daily Oct 18 2014

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P ro d u c e S h o w D a i l y 6 3 S a t u rd a y, O c to b e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 FRUITBREAK BY BUDDY FRUITS OFFERS HEALTHY FRUIT SNACKS FOR ADULTS ON THE GO Buddy Fruits, the innovator in all-natural fruit pouches and snacks, has launched FruitBreak, a new line of eight healthy fruit snacks for active adults and teens on the go. For years, consumers in America and across the world have been searching for a healthy, convenient snack to fit their on-the- go lifestyles. But many so-called healthy snacks on the market are loaded with artifi- cial ingredients and sweeteners, which healthy eaters strive to avoid. Buddy Fruits has turned its success with all-natural blend- ed fruit products for kids into an innovative, healthy snack for adults to fill this void. FruitBreak is the grown-up version of Buddy Fruit's wildly popular all-natu- ral fruit pouches and snacks for children. All of the new FruitBreak products are vegetarian, gluten-free and BPA-free with no preservatives and nothing artifi- cial; there are even Kosher varieties. FruitBreak products are packaged in convenient, squeezable pouches, so FruitBreak can be enjoyed by adults dur- ing their morning commute, at the office or as a post-workout snack at the gym. "Our original fruit pouches and snacks for toddlers and children have been a huge success, and since the begin- ning we have made listening to our cus- tomers a number one priority. Based on customer feedback, we know that parents and teens want delicious, healthy snacks that fit into their busy lifestyles, too," said Daniel Connors, V.P. Marketing, Buddy Fruits. "With FruitBreak, it's clear that we're not a baby food brand and we're not a kids brand – we're a fruit brand, and we're proud of that." FruitBreak products come in larger sizes than their Buddy Fruits counterparts, and have a modern and trendy design. The new line-up includes a variety of products and flavors made from the highest quality ingredients. These signature fruit pouches are available in four varieties: Blended Fruit, Greek Yogurt, Coconut Milk and Superfruit. FruitBreak also offers all-natu- ral fruit bites and apple chips, simply baked, never fried! With FruitBreak, it is easier than ever for health-conscious adults to enjoy fruit without sacrificing convenience. No more struggling to eat bananas before they go bad or grabbing a pack of cook- ies instead of a handful of berries – gone are the days when busy adults had excus- es to skip their daily servings of fruit. For more information, visit www .fruitbreak.com, call 305-774-7332 or email myfruitbreak@buddyfruits.com. BILLIE-ANN PLASTICS PACKAGING CORP.'S VISUAL PACKAGING By Mathew Rubinstein, Vice President of Sales, Billie-Ann Plastics Packaging Corp. We are a Brooklyn-based and family owned manufacturing company that spe- cializes in plastic cylinders and plastics boxes. Our visual packaging enables you to show off your great products. Two examples in our product line that can help you achieve higher per- ceived values are: 1. The unCANNY CAN. This cylin- der style has a ring-pull design that sports an aluminum ring-pull on one end and a unique tamper evident form-fitting base on the other. As you can see on the com- pany website, www.billieannplastics.com, the sky is the limit for the number of uses for this new and exciting packaging. What a way to make your product POP! 2. The Finger-Pull Plug Top. This is a new way to close our standard cylin- ders. This container utilizes an inside fit- ting plug that is easily removed with one's finger. There are countless applica- tions for this sleek and economical con- tainer. Colored plugs are also available with custom orders as well as a variety of printing options. With Billie-Ann Plastics as your trusted supplier, your business is guaranteed to run on all cylinders. We are a manufacturer of round, oval, rectangular and square transparent plastic containers, in combination of all plastic, plastic and cardboard, and plastic and metal. We can custom run to your size requirements. We have a low minimum of only 1,000 pieces. Our smallest diameter cylinder is 1 1/2 inches increasing to 7 inches in increments of approximately 1/2 inch. For two piece boxes, all lengths, widths and heights are adjustable to your requirements in 1/32 inch increments. Put your brand out there. Printing your logo on the package will help it stand out to the consumer. We offer vari- ous high quality printing options includ- ing four color process, silk screening and foil stamping – any process will help you dominate the market! Sometimes stock items might be a better way to go. Billie-Ann Plastics also offers those. You can view our line of stock containers on the web at www.bil- lieannplastics.com. There you can obtain our current pricing and can conveniently place your stock orders. Started in 1973, we are constantly changing the way we do business to help your business. For more information, visit www .billieannplastics.com.

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