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F o o d E q u i p m e n t N e w s 5 1 F r i d a y, F e b r u a r y 8 , 2 0 1 3 For many in Europe, Duralex is a magi- cal name that transports adults back to their childhood school cafeterias where they played games with the little inlaid numbers found at the bottom of their milk glasses. But these tumblers are much more. They are the mainstay of bistros and taverns in Europe. Duralex glassware withstands the rigors of con- stant use. Duralex owes its birth to the industrial patent for molded, tempered glass, developed in 1939 in the La Chapelle Saint-Mesmin factory. This industrial process gives the tumbler a perfect transparency and lasting clarity and makes it practically unbreakable. Duralex drinking glasses are ideal for both hot and cold beverages. Visit booth #4232 for more information. Contact the company at CONSTRUCTION, RENOVATION, DISASTER: TEMPORARY KITCHENS KEEP BUSINESSES MOVING By Glenn R. Therrien, President & CEO, Kitchen Corps, Inc. Every organization eventually experiences an interruption to their food service opera- tion, whether from construction, renova- tion or disaster (fire, flood, hurricane, tor- nado, earthquake, etc.) My company provides temporary kitchen facilities that help organizations get through these tough times without missing a beat. I'd like to share with you a brief histo- ry of Kitchen Corps and how we can assist your organization when you experience an interruption in your food services. Throughout my 22-year Navy career, I was responsible for the operation of gal- ley's onboard aircraft carriers as well as in recruiting stations. These galleys were required to provide nutritional meals to as many as 5,000 people four times a day. This experience gave me the knowledge to understand the logistical constraints for moving large volumes of food to support thousands of personnel with a nutritious meal. After retiring from the Navy in the early '90s, my love for the food service industry was still strong. So, I decided to spend my time helping fellow food service professionals get through rough times like new construction, renovations or disasters. In 1997 I founded Kitchen Corps with the vision of building a great team that pro- vided outstanding temporary kitchen facil- ities to institutions and organizations any- where in the country. I'm proud to say that we have accomplished just that. Kitchen Corps is now one of the nation's leaders in supplying temporary kitchen facilities. For close to two decades, Kitchen Corps has provided temporary mobile kitchens and other food service facilities to organizations that need to keep stakehold- ers fed. Our clients include jails and pris- ons, military bases, universities, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, corporations, disaster relief organizations, country clubs and more. Our custom kitchens can serve as many as 9,000 meals per day, or as few as 90 per day, and can normally be on-site and operating anywhere in the U.S. within one week of the initial call. Our motto is, "The difficult we do right away. The impossible takes a bit longer." A custom, full service temporary kitchen normally includes: An industrial kitchen equipped with production, prepa- ration, dishwashing, dry storage, and walk- in cooler/freezer areas, production areas that consist of UL listed commercial cook- ing equipment and UL listed hood systems with NFPA certified fire suppression sys- tems, facilities built to meet all internation- al building codes, a guarantee to meet and pass all health codes, and bathrooms, din- ing facilities, generators, decks, ramps and lift systems upon request. I take great pride in the results the Kitchen Corps team has provided organi- zations and institutions across the country, and I hope you will consider partnering with us for your next renovation or unfore- seen crisis. We are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business that relies on its top-notch professionals, strong alliances, and "best practice" management and processes to ensure our clients achieve their temporary kitchen goals and are 100 percent satisfied. Feel free to visit our website at or give us a call at 866-452-6777 with any questions you may have. INTRODUCING THE COMBO CART PLUS: HOT AND COLD HOLDING WITH THE MOST VERSATILE TRANSPORTER ON THE MARKET Cambro's latest addition to its line of insulated transport products allows unlimited versatility in holding sheet pans, GN food pans, trays and even pizza boxes! These transporters come with two separate compartments and offer the flex- ibility of heating one or both compart- ments. Non-electric models are also available. Currently, foodservice operators have many options when choosing hot holding cabinets. However, the choices have been predominantly metal and these carts face their share of drawbacks. First of all, the heaters and fans are usually mounted on the top or on the bottom of the unit, forcing hot air to blow down- wards or upwards, past food pans and solid sheet pans in order to distribute heat evenly. Uneven heating will result and food quality will have to be monitored closely. With the Combo Cart Plus™ proprietary heaters are located on each of the doors, enabling gentle non-radiant heat to circulate throughout each cabinet, evenly keeping food, whether on the top or the bottom, well heated. Combo Cart Plus heaters are also on average more than 50 percent more energy efficient than those of metal carts, providing much welcomed savings for the operator. Using the Combo Cart Plus with its dual compartments and separate heaters allows greater flexibility in menu plan- ning for the foodservice operator as well. Both compartments can be heated, or the bottom can be used for cold holding sim- ply by not turning on the heater. Metal carts generally cannot accommodate hot and cold holding within the same cart at the same time. Metal cabinets also share a lack of or, at best, very minimal level of insulation. This means that during transport when there is no source of electricity, rapid heat loss will take place—a critical food safety consideration to take into account. Some foodservice operators try to address this issue by using canned heat to maintain food temperature. It is a costly solution that does not ensure even heat- ing. With the Combo Cart Plus, food tem- perature and food safety is never an issue as the cart is robustly insulated through- out. Even without electricity, it can safe- ly hold hot or cold food for up to four hours, with no worries. Lastly, while metal cabinets easily dent, undoubtedly rust and are hot to the touch while in operation, the Combo Cart Plus effortlessly maintains a beautiful appearance for many years to come thanks to its tough polyethylene exterior which also remains cool to the touch dur- ing operation. With this many benefits what's not to love about Cambro's new transporter? About Cambro Cambro Manufacturing is based in Huntington Beach, Calif., and is a lead- ing manufacturer and supplier of equip- ment and supplies to the foodservice industry worldwide. For more informa- tion about Cambro, visit For more information on the new Combo Cart Plus and other great Cambro prod- ucts, please visit NAFEM booth #3012, or contact Cambro Customer Service at 800-833-3003. WHEN YOU HAVE TO COMPLY, MAKE THE BEST CHOICE: TRAPZILLA Compliance, though tough on a restau- rant's bottom line, is compulsory. Local authorities say restaurants must have a grease trap. You know they're right, yet you've had some bad experi- ences with the traps, which eventually turn into rusting, sanitary point-grab- bing nightmares. Sometimes the traps fail, resulting in expensive service calls at the worst possible times. The bad thoughts crowd your mind, but you have to comply… Why not then choose a modern design separator that safely meets or exceeds requirements while eliminat- ing staff worries about sanitary and cleaning issues? Trapzilla® is the new age, approved/certified super-capacity grease separator, which can be installed inside, outside, in basements or between floors for multi-story urban sites. Trapzilla's durable polyethylene construction doesn't rust and is unaf- fected by cleansers, hot water or other chemicals such as bleach. Its unique hor- izontal baffle design enables Trapzilla to hold up to three times more captured grease and oils than standard grease traps, so local authorities feel better about your com- pliance, and you feel better about your facility's compliance, too! Trapzilla's technology is changing the shape of the industry. Reduce your compliance risk and year-on-year expenses with Trapzilla and feel better knowing you made the right choice. Watch "Trapzilla Saves the City" at Trapzilla Compact Supercapacity Grease Interceptors are manufac- tured by Thermaco®, a trusted solutions provider in the field of water pre- treatment. In addition to Trapzilla, Thermaco also manufactures the Big Dipper® Automatic Grease Removal Devices and EZ Klear®, a unique passive grease separation technology. Be sure to visit booth #2168 at NAFEM 2013. After the show, check out for addi- tional information. DURALEX STANDS THE TEST OF TIME