Oser Communications Group

Consumer Electronics Daily News Jan. 6

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C o n s u m e r E l e c t r o n i c s D a i l y N e w s W e d n e s d a y, J a n u a r y 6 , 2 0 1 6 3 4 PAIN IN THE EYE? ADLENS HAS THE ANSWER Adlens ® , the global leader in adjustable focus eyewear, is showcasing Adlens Interface™ at CES 2016 – the solution to the ever increasing digital eye strain problem. People of all ages are putting huge pressure on their eyes. As we spend more time than ever using digital devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets for working, socialising, gaming, reading and more, our eyes are experiencing demands that they are not designed to cope with. Imagine lifting a heavy weight. After a while you can feel the strain on your arms – that uncomfortable, tired ache. This is exactly the same sensation your eye muscles experience when forced to continuously focus on screens at close range. Sixty-one percent of adults in the U.S. have reported symptoms of digital eye strain, according to a 2015 study published by the Vision Council. These symptoms include eye strain, blurred vision, headaches and dry eyes. As well as being caused by prolonged focus on screens, the symptoms of digital eye strain can also be exacerbated by the harmful blue light emitted by screens. Blue light, or high-energy visible (HEV) light, can penetrate deeper into the eye than other wavelengths, causing irritation and potential permanent dam- age. With many of us dependent on lap- tops and computers for work, a lot of people would argue that spending a long time in front of a screen is simply unavoidable. A whopping 1/3 of adults surveyed by the Vision Council reported spending over nine hours per day staring at a screen, so such a high prevalence of digital eye strain is perhaps not a huge shock. However, what is surprising is that 1/3 of adults surveyed who experienced digital eye strain had not taken any meas- ures to alleviate the symptoms – espe- cially when there are such simple steps you can take to do so. One very effective method is to use protective computer eyewear, such as Adlens Interface. As well as having yellow tinted lenses that will filter out 80 percent of the most harmful blue light, each lens is individually continuously adjustable. This allows the wearer to change the optical power of each lens in order to be able to focus on the screen comfortably, reducing the strain put on eye muscles and relieving the symptoms of digital eye strain. Adlens is showcasing Adlens Interface at CES 2016. Visit booth #72271 for live demonstrations and fur- ther information. For more information, visit booth #72271 at CES and www.adlens.com. To reach a sales representative, call 888.459.9793 or email customerservice@adlens.com. INTRODUCING THE NEW & IMPROVED XCOM GLOBAL MOBILE HOTSPOT Year after year, XCom Global found itself vetting hotspots to see which ones would provide the most reliable and con- sistent connectivity. After all, ensuring the customer had solid equipment was a key part of the value being delivered. And each year, the company would settle for the best one it could find and update its rental fleet, but the hotspots always seemed to be lacking something. The biggest challenge was network compati- bility. It was inevitable that certain coun- tries would require special equipment because the primary hotspot chosen was not compatible with their network. The executives at XCom Global had a wishlist of features that the perfect hotspot — or the Xcom Global Mobile Hotspot — would include. When they continued to search in vain for this product, it occurred to them to try building it themselves. This was the moment the XCom Global Mobile Hotspot was born. It will be the world's first truly global mobile hotspot that utilizes LTE speeds and fre- quencies in more than 175 countries across the globe. The Dream Router is a revolutionary product that allows users to take advantage of the latest technological advancements and will change international travel connectivity. The key benefits focus on speed, secu- rity and savings. The company has contin- ued to adapt to technological advancements over the years, developing the expertise necessary to provide its cus- tomers with the utmost superior service possible. XCom Global has teamed up with the best carriers around the world, allowing its customers to stay securely connected at an affordable rate wherever they may go. One device, no matter the country, can securely connect up to 10 devices to the Internet at a low flat daily rate, at the highest speeds, without data limits (subject to fair usage), eliminating roaming and data over- age fees. The company wanted to create a serv- ice that was seamless across the world, and it needed an advanced hardware product to facilitate its vision of ubiquitous high speed 4G communica- tion, a robust battery life and a data and power source for all of a traveler's data devices. With the proliferation of smart- phones and the need to stay connected at all times, this is a product whose time has come. For more information, go to www.xcom global.com or stop by booth #72770. LIMITLESS INNOVATIONS BRINGS RELIABLE CHARGING SOLUTIONS TO MARKET With so many powered devices on the market making their way into everyone's pockets, consumers need a reliable uni- versal charging solution. At International CES 2014, Limitless Innovations Inc. debuted that solution. "The ChargeHub plugs right into the wall through its own cord and can power up to seven devices simultaneously," said Rock Smeja, Principal and Vice President of Operations at Limitless Innovations Inc. "The hub itself sits on a desk or table and then the devices plug into it with their own USB cords. Another great feature is that the ChargeHub utilizes patent-pending SmartSpeed Technology to allow any port to charge the connected device at its maximum charging speed, regardless of whether it is an Apple iOS or Android device." The team at Limitless Innovations is committed to putting forth every effort to reach consumer needs. In addition to the seven-port hub, Limitless plans to release two new charging stations. "We plan to roll out two brand new chargers, the X3 ChargeHub and the X5 ChargeHub, three- and five-port univer- sal charging stations to accommodate dif- ferent price-points and markets," Smeja said. "It is the same unique and patented form fac- tor as ChargeHub, that's also able to charge each connected device optimally. In addition, the top insert is customizable for any company's logo or marketing message. This is something unique to the charging world and not something seen in other competitive products." Another unique feature of the ChargeHub is that it can be used interna- tionally or on-the-go, with adapters for plugs worldwide. Not only does that mean optimal charges for everywhere from home to cafes in other countries, but it means that Limitless Innovations customers are getting the most value for their money spent. Smeja expects the service and new products at Limitless to foster growth in coming years. "We seek to maintain a con- sistent sales flow of our current product lines, in addition to dou- bling, if not tripling sales, with new product releases in 2016," said Smeja. "We attribute our success to hard work, consistency and determina- tion. Potential new customers can trust in our product and company by reading our past customer successes through stellar product reviews on different websites or simply by contacting our sales depart- ment with any questions." For more information, visit North Hall booth #6438, go to www.limitlessinnova tions.com or email sales@limitless innovations.com. BEAST PHONE CASE THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION FOR JOURNEY FROM GYM TO OFFICE Beast is a magnetically charged phone case that attaches to gym equipment so you can record your workout, monitor timers or pump up the jams hands-free. It has drop-proof construction, so you can focus on what's important: keeping your heart rate, work-rate and reps up, so you don't have to think twice if you acciden- tally drop or knock it off the cardio machine when you redline your personal best. Built-in screen protection stays open or shut with its military grade metal clasp and creates a doomsday prepper-worthy fortress for your phone so you don't have to worry about someone in the corner drop- ping a dumbbell on your case and cracking your screen. Combine the Beast phone case with the True Wireless ultimate Bluetooth ear buds and the Beast Magnetic Armband and you've got the trifecta of workout gear. Rock out with your TrueWireless ear buds and Beast Magnetic Armband while moving from cardio equipment to the weight room to the yoga studio and back again – it offers hands-free convenience without a worry about how to hold your phone or getting tangled in cords. For more information, visit www.medge store.com or stop by booth #73160, Level 2, Sands Expo in Sport Tech Space.

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