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Fo o d M a g i c D a i l y 3 7 S u n d a y, Ju l y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 should they be eating? How can "food entrepreneurship" be encouraged? The goal is to foster an interdisciplinary syn- ergy to ultimately contribute to the safety and quality of the U.S. food supply. Training is one of the key ways in which it works to achieve this goal. AUFSI offers a variety of face-to-face and online training programs for the food industry in partnership with the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, various Auburn University departments and Purdue and North Carolina State Universities, as well as the University of Memphis. The face-to-face programs include an annual Food Entrepreneur Conference, the National Egg Products School and a variety of food safety and quality courses offered in partnership with Extension. Online training covers everything from foodborne pathogens such as Listeria and Salmonella to food facility sanitation practices, principles of aqua- culture and effective communication in A U FSI (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) the workplace. It even offers free courses in Specialty Eggs, Basic Food Microbiology and Parasites in Food. Additionally, a series of interactive digital books supplement AUFSI's online training courses and allow for easy refer- ence for food industry professionals on the job site. Its e-books are available through the free "AUFSI Training" app in the iTunes Store for iPhones and iPads and in the Google Play store for Android phones or Galaxy tablets. There is no charge for e-books included with courses. One of the most valuable services AUFSI offers the industry is customized training. Between its wide variety of sub- ject matter experts and e-learning special- ists who have the ability to use the latest, innovative technology to develop training, it can develop specialized, tailored course content in the form (online, face-to-face, e- book) that best suits your company's needs. For more information, visit www.aufsi or call 334.844.7456. Learn more at booth #4512. 2016 Culinary Forecast," smoking is one of the three hottest cooking methods among chefs today. Smoked flavors are featured on 49 percent of U.S. restaurant menus, have seen a 12 percent increase in menu penetration over the past four years and have experienced a 46 percent increase on menus since 2005, according to Datassential. That same report indicated that of all global foods launched with select smoke- related flavors, the classic smoke flavor grew 192 percent. Roasted/toasted, grilled/chargrilled, hickory and mesquite also saw substantial growth during those five years. These flavors can be used across an array of applications, including charred vegetable side dishes, desserts topped with burnt sugar, or beverages featuring smoked salts or syrups. Kerry has long been at the forefront of smoking technology. Kerry's smoking portfolio includes various options, from hardwood and mesquite to apple-, maple- K erry (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) and jalapeno-flavored. The advantages in flavor, texture and color offered by smoking technology are on display at Kerry booth #302 throughout IFT16. During the lunch hours of all three days, Kerry is serving hot sandwiches featuring cherrywood-smoked brisket rubbed in a churrascaria sauce. The sand- wich also will include chimichurri sauce, tomato and corn coleslaw, and a chili sliced pickle. It will be served on Pão de Quejo, a Brazilian-inspired gluten-free bread stuffed with cheese. Grilling and smoking also has made its way into the snacking category. From November 2010 through October 2015, 54 percent of global food launches touting a smoke-related flavor came in snack form, according to a 2015 report from Mintel. Stop by the Food Expo Forum, booth #4986, throughout IFT to hear from Kerry experts on broadening the snack category, meeting consumer demand and improving food safety. Learn more at booth #302 or (submitted for publication) showed that in a sport nutrition model, there was increased utilization of the protein when consumed with GanedenBC 30 versus when consumed alone. FMD: Do these studies simply address absorption or are there additional bene- fits relating to the use of that strain in combination with protein? DK: In addition to the increased protein utilization aspect, there are many more benefits to taking GanedenBC 30 with protein that include support of your digestive and immune system. But the combination of our probiotic and protein has shown decreased perceived recovery time, reduced markers of muscular dam- age and increased muscular performance. These latest findings are incredibly encouraging and we are continuing to discover new, novel uses of GanedenBC 30 in combination with pro- tein. Such research is on trend as con- sumers are understanding that probiotics are a healthy ingredient that aids in sup- porting overall health, and are looking to incorporate them into their daily diets. Market research shows that consumers prefer to obtain probiotics via foods rather than by swallowing a supplement G aneden (C o nt'd. fro m p. 4 ) capsule every day. GanedenBC 30 can easily be incorporated into protein pow- der blends and will be stable until the last day of shelf life of the product. FMD: To which probiotic strains does this apply? DK: Every probiotic strain is genetically unique and efficacy data would be strain specific. Only strains that have been clin- ically tested to demonstrate this effect would be able to make these claims. It cannot be assumed that if one strain in a species has the effect that all other strains in that same species will also have them same effect. Only GanedenBC 30 has been tested and proven to have these effects on protein utilization and per- formance. FMD: Does this apply to all proteins such as plant, egg, whey and casein? DK: The protein absorption benefits of GanedenBC 30 are not specific to a par- ticular type of protein and you would expect to see the same results regardless of the protein source. A healthier GI sys- tem will work more efficiently and have benefits for all types of proteins. For more information, stop by booth #2148 or visit Proryza Gold contains 25 percent protein and 50 percent dietary fiber and serves as a healthy and nutritionally rich source of vegan protein. Proryza Gold can be formulated as a base material for nutritional bars, smoothies, protein pow- ders and healthy beverages. Proryza P-35 is a minimally processed, great tasting dispersible protein with a balanced amino acid profile. Both ingredients can be labeled as rice bran protein. RiBalance ® , RiSolubles ® and RiFiber are also points of discussion at the IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo. These proprietary and patented ingredi- ents are rich in gamma oryzanols which help increase plasma adiponectin levels and support healthy lipid and carbohy- drate metabolism. RiceBran ingredients are being used in wellness beverages and added to pro- tein drinks, and are being included in "meatless" meat, healthy snacks and baked goods, bars and cereals. While just eight percent of the rice kernel, rice bran has 25 times the dietary fiber and four times the protein as white rice. RiceBran Technologies developed the technology to stabilize and capture the bran and germ layer of rice and con- vert it into a range of healthy rice bran ingredients and derivatives that are "clean label" – non-GMO, all natural, minimally processed, gluten-free, soy- free, low glycemic – and a great source of vegetarian/vegan macronutrients R iceB ran Techno lo gies (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) including plant-based protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber and healthy fats. Rice bran is very nutritious. However, it is often discarded due to the rapid rancidity that occurs once it is removed during the milling process. By stabilizing the rice bran immediately after it is milled, RiceBran Technologies can provide healthy whole food nutrition for some of the more than nine billion people expected to inhabit our planet by 2050. Before the develop- ment of RIBT's proprietary stabilization process, raw rice bran quickly spoiled and could only be used as animal feed or discarded. RIBT's stabilization technolo- gy produces a second crop from rice, without increasing the need for addition- al arable land or water. Despite rice bran's enormous global availability and nutritional significance as a partial solution to feeding our rapid- ly growing global population, few con- sumers know what rice bran is or to look for it as an important food human food ingredient or functional food source. We want to inform readers about the value of rice bran and the process by which it is being brought to consumers around the globe. RiceBran Technologies is based in Scottsdale, Arizona, with plants in Montana, California, Louisiana, Texas and Brazil. For more information, visit or stop by booth #2951. chromatography from discovery to com- mercialization. Orochem's SMB technol- ogy for the purification of EPA and DHA from fish oil commercialized since 2009 and has played a major role in the devel- opment of high purity omega-3 fatty acids for pharmaceutical and food appli- cations. Over the past five years, Orochem has successfully installed a sugar separation plant in Europe, a pro- tein purification pilot plant in the U.S., and a phospholipid purification plant from krill oil in North America. Orochem inventors have been grant- ed several U.S. and European patents for unique processes developed using propri- etary SMB technology. Highlights of Orochem's Contract Purification and Production Services Orochem has developed the purification process of proteins from plants, such as rubisco from spinach and alpha-alpha, recombinant heme from yeast and pro- teins from peas; DHA and EPA from fish oil; alpha and delta tocotrienols from palm oil; pure phospholipids from krill oil; specialty sugars (tagatose, galactose, O ro chem Techno lo gies (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) glucose, fructose, mannose, xylose, xyli- tol, stevioside and rebaudioside A) from plants and dairy products; xanthins (astaxanthin and anthocyanin) from plants, fruits and seafood; and curcumi- noids from curcumin. Orochem's work model supports the process from discovery phase to lab scale and all the way to commercial production scale. Orochem has capabilities of manu- facturing customized adsorbents, which can efficiently work on the commercial scale of the SMB process. Orochem's large scale SMB models are designed to offer process economy in the cost and utilization of adsorbent, sol- vent recycling and affordable equipment, leading to a cost effective, highly pure product. Orochem provides continuous sup- port for process improvement and opti- mization even after successful installa- tion of the SMB system. Orochem provides full documenta- tion and technical support services required for operating the process under a cGMP environment. For more information, visit booth #238 or go to