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Fo o d M a g i c D a i l y S u n d a y, Ju l y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 4 NDC TECHNOLOGIES' SYSTEMS ENABLES MANUFACTURERS TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY, QUALITY NDC Technologies, a leading global provider of precision measurement and control solutions, has been working closely with many leading food manufac- turers to improve product quality, safety and productivity. NDC's latest Near- Infrared (NIR) on-line gauges and at-line analyzers deliver precise, reliable food measurements for moisture, fat/oil, pro- tein and degree of bake. For the foods industry, NDC's MM710e on-line NIR gauge generates highly accurate continuous measure- ments of moisture, oil (or fat) and pro- tein, plus degree of bake as appropriate. Controlling the moisture, oil or fat con- tent are important to ensure product qual- ity and the MM710e can be integrated into a control strategy via analog, digital, Ethernet or Fieldbus connectivity. Now accurate on-line measurements combined with tight control can further help improve quality, productivity and reduce waste. NDC's InfraLab™ At-Line analyzer can be used in production or laboratory areas for rapid, five second analysis of moisture and/or oil with samples taken from the line. The InfraLab e-Series uses non-contact- ing, multi-wave- length NIR technol- ogy to capture accurate and con- sistent measure- ments, completely independent of prod- uct and ambient changes in the process area such as temperature, relative humid- ity and factory lighting. The system is simple to use, with no special operator skill required. These advantages enable food processors to achieve consistent product quality, optimize moisture and fat values, reduce unnecessary giveaway and improve traceability. For more information go to PROBIOTICS – THE NEXT HOT SPORTS INGREDIENT? New research is demonstrating that cer- tain probiotic strains may benefit the body's ability to absorb protein. David Keller MD, Vice President of Scientific Operations for Ganeden, touches on these new findings. FMD: How do certain probiotics benefit protein absorption? DK: Probiotics, such as GanedenBC 30 , have been shown to benefit the GI sys- tem by allowing it to work more effi- ciently and better utilize nutrients such as protein. The exact mechanism is still being studied, but most likely is a com- bination of direct interaction between the probiotic and the protein as well as the probiotic creating an overall health- ier GI tract that can then work more efficiently. FMD: Can you point to specific scientif- ic findings demonstrating this? DK: Ganeden started looking at the benefit of combining protein with GanedenBC 30 in a study using the TNO TIM-1 gut model. This demon- strated an increase in breakdown of the protein with GanedenBC 30 versus the protein alone. Ganeden has continued to build on this science over the last few years and has conducted multiple studies supporting this endpoint with Dr. Jacob Wilson (University of Tampa) and Dr. Ralf Jaeger (Increnovo). The latest trial C o ntinued o n P age 3 7 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH IFT Lee M. Oser CEO and Editor-in-Chief Jules Denton Kim Forrester Sharon Kether Delaney Oser Carlos Velasquez Associate Publishers Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director JoEllen Lowry Jeanie Catron Associate Editors André Gressieux Art Director Yasmine Brown Graphic Designer Caitlyn McGrath Sarah Glenn Heather Canale Customer Service Managers Stacy Davis Kim Stevens Show Logistics & Distribution James Gennette Marcos Morhaim Mark Romero Account Managers Enrico Cecchi European Sales Food Magic Daily is published by Oser Communications Group ©2016 All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy