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Fo o d M a g i c D a i l y 2 9 S u n d a y, Ju l y 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 traces of gluten cross-contamination, test surfaces of your equipment and facility to ensure adequate sanitization between production runs and also validate that your final product is within FDA guide- lines and as gluten-free as your cus- tomers have come to expect. Emport can help you meet your food quality stan- dards, as well as meet the food hazard criteria in your HACCP or HARPC plan. Emport's GlutenTox Pro kits have been validated by the AOAC for the detection of gluten contamination on five different types of surfaces as well as for five varied food matrices, giving you the assurance that you're avoiding gluten contamination in the widest possible variety of environments and items. "We're also proud that the AlerTox Sticks line of allergen test kits continues growing," Kaufman said. "We've been able to add tests for several new allergens over the past year." The newest AlerTox kit is the Empo rt (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) Emport AlerTox Mustard Kit for detect- ing traces of mustard protein. "Our kits are quick, easy, robust and accurate. They are an important part of any allergen management plan, and they allow manu- facturers to get near-immediate verifica- tion of the safety of incoming ingredi- ents, the validity of any in-house sanita- tion and the integrity of any outgoing fin- ished product," Kaufman said. All of the products Emport LLC carries are designed to be highly accurate and high- ly easy to use, even for people with no science background and no lab equip- ment. Emport LLC, U.S./Canadian distrib- utor of the AlerTox Sticks line of allergen test kits and GlutenTox Pro, GlutenTox Sticks and GlutenTox Home, was found- ed in 2011 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. For further information, visit Emport LLC in booth #4421 in the Food Safety Pavilion. After the show, call 412.447.1888 or visit value. Most ancient grains flourish with lower levels of genetically modified organisms, rapidly making them an attractive choice for the modern day con- sumer. Ancient grains' ability to grow in rough, arid climate conditions adds to their agricultural value. As most of us know, modern grains have undergone substantial hybridization with the inten- tion of increasing production, profitabili- ty and ultimately reducing the cost to the end user. Unfortunately, with this hybridization came more modification. In attempts to control disease and increase yields, protein structures have been changed. Toxins resulting from pes- ticides have increased and more preserv- atives are being used to extend shelf life. Ancient grain crops come from seeds that have been around for millions of years. Ancient grains are free of hybridization and GMO modification, resulting in much healthier, more nutritious grains. Western Foods (WF) is located in Woodland, California, which is in the heart of the California rice growing dis- trict renowned for its high quality non- GMO medium grain japonica rice. WF is a new rice mill. Its parent company, Western Milling, based in Goshen, California, is one of the largest private- ly held feed companies in the world, with facilities throughout the Western United States. WF started business in 2010 and has grown exponentially, rid- ing the wave of the gluten-free trend. Its W estern Fo o ds (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) dedicated gluten-free rice and ancient grain mill and blending facility have all the necessary accredited quality certifi- cations in order to provide safe products for your business. WF has always been a dedicated gluten free facility, con- forming to the California Certified Organic Farmer's (CCOF) and is proud to announce it has recently attained SQF Level 2. In addition, it is a member of the Whole Grains Council and a mem- ber of Non-GMO Project Verified. WF is dedicated to milling hypo-allergenic rice flours, long, medium and sweet together with ancient grains focusing, but not all-encompassing, on sorghum, millet, quinoa, amaranth and teff, creat- ing turn-key custom ready formulations in the gluten-free snacks and baked goods arena. WF has a state-of-the-art inline mill to produce organic and con- ventional rice flours utilizing special- ized Japanese style rice milling tech- niques to manufacture to the tightest granulations such as meal, course, fine and extra fine specifications. Its latest product offerings are Reduced Micro flours lowering micro counts on both rice and ancient grain flours together with pre-gelatinized (which is pre- cooked rice flour). Finally, WF has the necessary equipment to offer retailers both branded or private label flexible package options for gluten-free mixes, snacks and other related products. For more information, visit www.western or stop by booth #4504. Nutritional Profile The pecan has a strong nutritional profile with favorable amounts of multiple com- ponents. This nut is high in fiber, with a one-ounce serving providing between eight and 12 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Dietary Reference Intakes for adult dietary fiber. Pecans also are a good protein source, offering nearly three grams per one- ounce serving. Additionally, pecans con- tain a variety of more than 19 different vitamins and minerals, including magne- sium, phosphorus and zinc. Uses in Foodservice (Clinical, Commercial or School Settings) Pecans are of benefit to the foodservice industry on several different levels. Their protein content, fiber and gluten-free sta- tus make them an appealing alternative for use in a culinary environment. Pecans also are naturally sodium-free, meaning pecans accommodate many dietary restrictions without sacrificing flavor and texture for healthfulness. As both a good protein and fiber source, pecans are excellent for incor- porating into dishes needing a hearty addition. When providing food for vegetarians or vegans, consider sup- plementing recipes with pecans in order to bulk up a dish with plant pro- teins. Boil pecan pieces for 10 min- utes, then add to a stir-fry for a hearty chew; prepare a wild rice salad with toasted pecans, or create a stuffing from toasted pecan pieces and root Pecans (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) vegetables for portabella mushroom caps. Less traditional pecan products – such as pecan oil and pecan spreads – are also worth exploring in your foodservice setting. Pecan oil is a healthful alterna- tive to olive oil, that in tests, was pre- ferred two-to-one against olive oil. Pecan oil has the added perk of a 470 degree smoke point for high-heat cooking. Pecan spreads are ideal for patients or customers in need of a calorie and pro- tein-dense snack. Private Practice and Client Education Pecans are a valuable educational tool in teaching clients about the importance of whole foods. One ounce of pecans is about 15 to 19 halves. Pecans are both tasty and filling, so at just under 200 calories per one-ounce serving, even a half-ounce of raw pecans are an ideal, long-lasting snack alternative to chips, candy or even roasted, salted nuts. Incorporating pecans into your clients' day-to-day meal plans is easy. Suggest a make-your-own pecan trail mix or advise spreading fruits and veg- etables with an all-natural pecan spread – home recipes abound online. Clients can use pecan oil as the base of a salad dress- ing or pesto. Pecans work with both sweet and savory dishes. Note: Due to their high oil content, pecans will go rancid if not kept cool. Keep refrigerated, or freeze for up to a year. For more information, stop by booth #3669 or visit GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY WITH ISI Who doesn't want more for their money? iSi North America offers just that! The best just got better today, with the global launch of the new iSi Professional Charger, delivering up to 20 percent more portions for whipped foods, result- ing in up to a 20 percent savings on ingredients and handling without sacri- ficing quality or taste. Will switching to professional charg- ers require an additional investment? Absolutely not! New iSi Professional Chargers are used with the iSi Whippers foodservice professionals already own and love, and now they deliver even more value per food dollar. A café using a quart sized iSi Whipper to top 30 coffee drinks with two ounces of whipped cream will now be able to top 36 beverages using the new iSi Professional Charger. And now, non- dairy foods can be whipped up with bet- ter results using iSi Professional chargers too. The increase in portions also reduces calories and fat per serving. This is par- ticularly significant for chain restaurants and their calorie count listing. "This shows the restaurant is caring about its customers and what they're serving," says Jeanette C. Brick, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at iSi North America. "The idea of farm-to-table has expanded into recognizing healthy food preparations, and we see restaurants striving to improve the health conscious- ness of their menus. They want to avoid processed foods." Better still, iSi Professional Chargers enable the whippers to whip a greater range of products, such as lower fat creams that often cost less, or non-dairy coconut creams, popular among vegan customers. iSi Whippers are used by ice cream shops, cafes, restaurants and pastry chefs for topping desserts and coffee. But at least half the users fall into the mod- ernist cuisine camp that have discov- ered an amazing array of creative applications at their fingertips. Chefs make light and fluffy espumas, sweet and savory creams, soups, desserts and sauces while mixologists have found the perfect tool for rapid infusions and cocktail toppings. Refresher: An iSi (say "E-C") whip- per is a stainless steel canister with acces- sories for dispensing whipped foods, or for creating rapid infusions. An iSi Cream Charger (N20) introduces the exact amount of gas needed to whip up foods such as fresh whipped cream and espumas. iSi North America was established in the United States in 1977. The iSi Group, parent company of iSi North America, iSi GmbH, and their related companies was founded in Vienna, Austria in 1964. iSi Group is the largest manu- facturer of cream and food whippers, soda siphons and its respective charg- ers. For over 50 years, the company has led the way as an innovator in whipper and gas charger technology. iSi contin- ues to set the standards for safety and consistency in delivering perfect results for chefs, baristas, bartenders and food enthusiasts. Star chefs are demonstrating their artistry with the new iSi Professional Chargers throughout the day. Expect Chef Aaron Lirette of GreenRiver, Chef Ashley Simone of Maison Cuisine and Mixologist Al Klopper of FIG Catering to wow you with their imaginative cre- ations.