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GOURMET NEWS n JUNE 2016 n GOURMET NEWS 4 9 'Jambon Maison' Finds Home in U.S. Paris Gourmet, a specialty food importer and the exclusive source for Madrange French hams in the United States has just launched "Jambon Maison," a new natural ham, to satisfy the demands of consumers looking for healthier alternatives. "Jambon Maison" by Madrange carries no nitrates nor ni- trites, no artificial coloring and is gluten-free. Crafted without compromising the well-known Madrange- flavor profile, the new "Jambon Maison" joins the flagship line, which includes "Ruban Bleu" or Blue Ribbon, and "Jambon de Paris." Madrange "Jambon Maison" benefits from the following advantages: the pigs are fed antibiotic-free diets; hams are crafted from hormone-free pork meat; pork meat is never frozen; no water is ever added or injected; no preservatives are ever added (no nitrites/no nitrates); hams are gluten-free; and no artificial coloring. A Madrange tradition since 1924, hams are HPP treated (high pressure pasteurization), ensuring micro bacte- riological safety without the need of chemicals or heat. Fur- thermore, the process provides no alteration of the flavor, color or texture, and extends shelf life. Uncured hams are slowly tenderized and steam-baked in their own juices. This method takes longer, but provides excellent results and unri- valed taste and texture. Rated among the highest in terms of quality, the line of Madrange hams are the result of time-honored French culinary art perfected through three gen- erations of the Madrange fam- ily. Today Madrange continues to be the No. 1 brand of ham in France. The entire line of Madrange French hams: Le Ruban Bleu, Jambon de Paris and the new natural "Jambon Maison" are available through Paris Gour- met and its network of over 90 regional distributors. About Paris Gourmet Established in 1983, Paris Gourmet is headquartered in Carl- stadt, New Jersey since 1991 and is a leading specialty food- service importer of gourmet and pastry ingredients nationwide. For more information about Madrange French hams and all Paris Gourmet imported and distributed products, call Paris Gourmet at 800.727.8791, ext. 3 for National Distribution or ext. 225 for tri-state New York sales. For additional product details, visit Paris Gourmet at or stop by booth #1470. Rabbit Creek Products Introduces New Line of Doughnut Muffin Mixes By David Cook, Vice President, Rabbit Creek Products As the spring time thunderstorms roll across the plains, it's high time to begin thinking about the mystical occasion that is the Summer Fancy Food Show. Held in one of the greatest cities in the world, New York, a cultural melting pot perfect for hosting the Fancy Food Show as thousands of vendors and customers from the world over will be descending upon the vast halls of the Javits center to peruse and hawk their wares. Trying to see the show in its entirety can seem to be a task of Sisyphean proportions. Whilst on this days long me- ander, avast and take reprieve at Rabbit Creek Products booth #4859 in the Kansas pavilion. And now for something completely different. I've had the hankering to watch "Swiss Family Robinson" all morning long; I hope it is as good as I remember since it's been over 25 years since I've seen it last. I have always thought the tree house would be awesome to live in; alas, not many places to build something that spectacular in Kansas. I digress though, so back on track. Rabbit Creek Products is working on a line of doughnut muffin mixes to bring to the Summer Fancy Food Show. Think delicious cider doughnuts only in muffin form and covered in cinna- mon and sugar. I envision them accom- panying a thick cut Berkshire or Duroc chop; I'm actually salivating as I write this. As always, Rabbit Creek still has a minimum order of only one case (12) and we still offer free private labeling on all of our mixes. We will be in booth #4859, as previously stated, in the Kansas pavilion. If one was wishing to see our wares before the show they can be ogled at or call us at 800.837.3073. For more information, visit, call 800.837.3073 or stop by booth #4859. Go Gluten-Free with Flax4Life Flax4Life is a small family owned and operated bakery. It is a certified and dedicated gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free (with the exception of coconut) bakery. The bakery pro- duces flax-based baked goods made from all natural, high quality ingredients. All of its products are high in Omega 3s, protein, fiber and lignans. Its baked goods are nut-free, preservative-free, cholesterol-free, non-GMO and are low in saturated fat and sodium. Flax4Life currently produces muffins, buns, granola, brownies and cakes. "There is a growing number of people going gluten-free for numerous reasons, such as Celiac disease, gluten intol- erance or just simply choosing a gluten-free lifestyle. Cur- rently over 14 million Americans have food allergies. The products we bake are meant to be enjoyed by anyone, al- lergies or not. Our goal is to make a line of products that not only taste good, but are good for you," says Kasondra Shippen, Flax4Life General Manager. In an effort to make more gluten-free options more con- venient, Flax4Life is proud to announce its new single serve muffins and brownies. The simple grab-and-go pack- aging is ideal for college and workplace cafeterias, cafés, continental breakfast bars, grab-and-go cases, vending ma- chines, delis and convenient stores. Flax4Life has created the sin- gle serve muffins in three varieties: Blueberry, Carrot Raisin and Chocolate Chip. Each muffin is packed with more than 4300mg of Omega 3, 10 grams of fiber and over 60 mg of lignans. With the same great flavors as the four packs, each muffin is conveniently packaged in a colorful single serve plastic for individual sale. Flax4Life single serve muffins are perfect for a quick breakfast or snack with all the benefits of being gluten-free, dairy-free and nut-free. In addition to the brand new single serve muffins, Flax4Life is also producing two different brownie varieties: Original Chocolate Brownies and Toasted Coconut Brown- ies. Both flavors of brownie are boasting more than 600mg of Omega 3, two grams of protein and two grams of fiber per serving. Each single serving package contains two brownie bites. Flax4Life single serve muffins are great for a quick snack or dessert. For more information, go to