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GOURMET NEWS n JUNE 2016 n GOURMET NEWS 1 0 0 The Spice Hunter Offers Consumers Delicious & Convenient Holiday Products There is no greater responsibility than prepar- ing the star of Thanksgiving, the turkey. The Spice Hunter's most popular holiday product is a turkey brine blend that ensures a moist and flavorful Thanksgiving entree. Brining is a method of soaking meat in a water-based salt solution to lock in moisture before cooking. The Spice Hunter's brining blend gives con- sumers just the right amount of ingredients to brine one turkey. The Spice Hunter's Turkey Brine combines sea salt, brown sugar, cranber- ries, apples, garlic, orange peel, juniper berries, Malabar black peppercorns, thyme, rosemary and sage to help infuse the turkey with flavor while not making it overly salty. The flavor that brining provides is so superior, long time users swear that once someone tries brining, they never go back to their previous recipes. The instructions on The Spice Hunter Turkey Brine jar are clear and simple. Just combine the contents of the jar with one gallon of boiling water to create the salt solution and release the flavors of the brine, and cool com- pletely. Next, submerge the turkey in the solu- tion with additional water, and chill for 12-24 hours. The Spice Hunter also offers two delicious holiday drink mixes, Hot Buttered Rum and Mulling Spices, for an easy way to make the season more festive. There's nothing like the aroma of cinnamon, cloves and orange peel wafting throughout the house on a cold winter day. A warm drink sipped by the fire is a great way to get in the holiday spirit. Hot Buttered Rum is a blend of brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, cloves and lemon oil. The Mulling Spices con- tain cinnamon chips, orange rind, whole allspice, whole cloves, cinna- mon oil and orange oil. As with all Spice Hunter products, Hot Buttered Rum and Mulling Spices contain the same high quality ingredients customers have come to expect. The line is all-natural, certified kosher and gluten-free. Both flavors can be purchased in either a 4-5 ounce tin or a 1.2-2.2 ounce packet. Both drink mixes may be served to adults or children, depending on what they are mixed with. Apple juice or cider may replace rum or wine for a treat that everyone may enjoy. In ad- dition, the mixes are not limited to drinks. Cus- tomers can get creative by adding the Hot Buttered Rum mix to oat- meal or snickerdoodle cookies. The Mulling Spices may be used to in- fuse whipped cream or make poached pears for an elegant dessert. Additional uses and recipes can be found on The Spice Hunter website. The Spice Hunter is headquartered in San Luis Obispo, California, and produces an ex- tensive line of herbs, spices, blends, grilling spices and organic spice varieties in addition to holiday items. The Spice Hunter products are available at grocery and specialty retail stores throughout the U.S. and online at www.spice- or through mail order by calling 800.444-3061. For more information, visit www.spice or stop by booth #4139. Hagensborg Chocolates Enters Organic Market Showcasing Silver Award for Wild Boar Star Anise Bar Since 2007, Hagensborg Chocolates based in Vancouver, Canada, has been producing the finest all-natural gourmet chocolates. Its reign- ing Chocolate Princess personally chooses sup- pliers who harvest ethically, from sustainable cocoa plantations in regions renowned for ex- ceptional taste and quality. Hand crafted by her royal highness's second generation chocolatier, each Truffle Pig chocolate is made with the finest chocolate and ingredients. This year, the company is launching Wild Boar Single Ori- gin, an organic, fair trade line of bars, and is proud to announce it has won a Silver award for the Salted Star Anise Wild Boar bar. Why Hagensborg? The company be- lieves in the magic of chocolate. It is sweet- ening the world by making an emotional connection with everyone who enjoys its products. Hagens- borg is committed to inviting all to be part of the fairy-tale of life, through childlike simplicity, playfulness and of course, quality. Hagensborg's goal is to hear the giggle of someone enjoying its chocolates knowing that the chocolate that they have enjoyed has cre- ated an emotional connection in a positive way. Its magical products have been marketed throughout Canada, the United States, Japan, Singapore, U.K. and Australia. Major depart- ment stores, specialty grocery chains, gift stores, book stores and many independents have fallen under the spell of its magical recipes. For more information, visit booth #4339, email or call 604.215.0234. Old World Quality and Flavors from Fast Pak Trading Fast Pak Trading is your source for high- quality gourmet and all-natural foods from around the world. This year's newest product introductions are Amelie's Fruit Preserves. Eight flavors of fruit preserves are offered: Blackberry, Sour Cherry, Fig, Green Fig, Or- ange, Pumpkin, Pumpkin with Sesame and the best-selling Strawberry. "You actually get the whole piece of strawberry there," said Fast Pak President Kiro Ivanovski, son of company Founder Ivanco Ivanovski. "With Amelie's and our Va-Va products, we take great care to reproduce the methodology of home cooking on a larger scale. It still does have that taste of Grandma's kitchen." The Amelie's product line also includes cloudy juices such as the top-selling Amelie's Cold Pressed Unfiltered Apple Juice. Among Fast Pak's other product intro- ductions for this year are Little Blue Pot Jams and Preserves, Chef K roasted veg- etable spreads, Frosina Baklava and other sweets. The company has also added items to its Vitalia and Vicinni lines, and again this year has added new items to its Va-Va line. Altogether, the Fast Pak products constitute a broad range with global variety that ap- peals to consumers who appreciate premium food products with authentic Old World fla- vors. Ivanco Ivanovski founded Fast Pak Trading, Inc. in 1991 to bring products from his homeland of Macedonia to the American market. He started with candies, selling them to ethnic foods markets in the northeastern U.S. and the business took off from there as consumers wel- comed a broad range of products from the Balkan region into their American homes. Today, Fast Pak operates a 50,000 square foot warehouse dedicated to specialty foods that the company imports primarily from Macedonia, New Zealand, Serbia and Croa- tia, many of them under the company's Va- Va brand, with top sellers that include a full line of delicious spreads, such as Ajvar, a Balkan specialty made from roasted red pep- per, as well as other won- derful vegetable spreads. The Fast Pak catalog also includes many sweets, jams, preserves, muesli, honey, cheeses and meats. "Most notably, we ensure that our products are of the highest quality, without ar- tificial additives, and as close to nature as any packaged food can be," said Kiro Ivanovski. "Through our prod- ucts stem from the Mediterranean region, we aim to share these wonderful foods with all Americans." Fast Pak Trading is taking a summer off from the Fancy Food Show this year, but for further information, call 201.293.4757 or visit Hawaiian Coffee in the Big Apple Is there a place for relaxed, Aloha-state cof- fee in the city that never sleeps? That was the question the Hawaii Coffee Association (HCA) asked itself in 2015 when it made its first appearance at the NYC Fancy Food Show. Judging by the positive response, absolutely – plus encouragement to return for an encore appearance this June. "Seeing our Hawaii-grown coffees at the New York show did a great thing for many members of the HCA," says HCA President Steve Hicks. "As a result of being in New York and a few other food shows since, some of our members are adopting current market- ing trends and serving techniques, such as pour over and cold brew." Hicks went on to explain how the show in- troduced Hawaiian coffees to new markets, both domestic and international. "The Hawaii coffee industry is best known by coffee drinkers on the West Coast. Com- ing to New York is a huge opportunity to in- troduce our coffees to a whole region that is not as familiar with the variety and quality of the Hawaiian coffees." That opportunity extends beyond the Big Apple to Canada, where interest in the spe- cialty crop came from representatives from eastern cities like Montreal, Toronto and Ot- tawa. "Canada is a very important market for Hawaii and we have worked hard to meet the needs of that market," Hicks explained. "We've seen that the New York show attracts interest in our coffees from Canada, and we've continued to target the New York Fancy Food show as a primary marketing venue for Canadian coffee businesses and enthusiasts." If the 2015 Hawaii Coffee Association booth is any indication, visitors to this year's version will be in for some unique and de- lightful treats. Last year the HCA offered a taste of coffees from each growing region in the islands, plus new offerings like 'Hawai- ian-style coffee soda' for the humid after- noon hours. "Each growing region has its own unique characteristics, and we want to be sure to fea- ture those distinctions at the show again this year," says HCA Vice President Ralph Gas- ton, who will help run the booth this June. "But we also want to find ways to feature Hawaiian coffees beyond a simple batch brew. The more diversity in products and uses we can show for our coffees, the more attractive they can be for consumers." Of course, the biggest draw for Hawaiian coffee may well be the aroma of the freshly ground beans, which was a big draw for booth visitors and sur- rounding vendors alike. "We had many visits from our fellow ven- dors last year, looking for their first cup of coffee that day," Gaston explained. "Then, when the show floor opened, we got visits from all of the buyers looking for a little cof- fee as they made their rounds. We were ex- cited to see the same visitors return each day for a cup, or two or three." Try a cup of Hawaiian java at the Hawaii Coffee Association booth #5253 in the North Hall. After the show, visit hawaiicoffee