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JUNE 2016 n SPECIAL SHOW ISSUE Continued on Page 168 Continued on Page 178 An interview with Jorge Farber, Pres- ident and Chief Ex- ecutive Officer, The Madelaine Choco- late Company. GN: Tell our readers about your company. What's your main line of business? Madelaine Chocolate Co. Committed to Quality Continued on Page 178 Entrepreneurial spirit and an island vacation inspired the start of Cassandra's Gourmet Classics in Ken and Cassandra Craig's kitchen. In 2006, Cassandra started baking rum cakes to formulate just the right recipe for a smooth, moist cake with Island Treasures Rum Cakes from Cassandra's Continued on Page 176 At ChefsBest, brands can pursue advertising claims without the exorbi- tant costs associated with consumer re- search. Through a proprietary process conducted by panels of Certified Master Tasters ® trained in ChefsBest Honors Best-Tasting Products Continued on Page 178 SaltWorks, a leader of the gourmet salt indus- try, recently re-launched its e-commerce website with a unique dual-tab architecture featuring two distinct storefronts serving in- dividual consumers and business customers at The first of its kind, the SaltWorks Launches Award-Winning Salt Portal Continued on Page 180 Star Kay White was founded by David Katzenstein on Febru- ary 14, 1890. The maker of top-quality ice cream flavorings has been owned and op- erated by the Katzenstein family for five gen- erations. The business, originally known as Star Extract Works, was located in New York Pure Extracts Since 1890 Continued on Page 180 Naturally delicious mixes for soups, chilis and stews, side dishes and desserts from Bountiful Pantry are easy to cook, satisfying and delicious…. And many are ready in 30 min- utes or less. New this year are mixes for Creamy Kale & Potato Soup, Golden Pea & Curried Apple Soup, Tuscan Potato & Kale Real Food, Real Easy from Bountiful Pantry Continued on Page 180 Passage to India™ Simmer Sauce range, the No. 1 In- dian sauce brand in Aus- tralia, has been available here in the U.S. since 2008. Consisting of four different all-natural sauces, each is a recipe of traditional ethnic cuisine created to deliver authentic restaurant-quality flavor Passage to India Sauces Booming in America Marky's Caviar was founded by Mark Gelman and Mark Zaslavsky in 1983, with head- quarters in Miami, Florida. It is an im- porter and distributor of high-end gourmet specialty food from around the world. Marky's Caviar Thrives for Protection, Preservation G OURMET N EWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® Continued on Page 34 Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to give up chocolate. Good Health Cocoa uses non-GMO 72 percent couverture choco- late and adds herbs, berries and nuts to create delicious chocolate with health benefits. Many people don't like to eat 72 percent Chocolate + Herbs = Delicious Continued on Page 180 Cookies in fruit flavors are flourishing at Salem Baking Company, a pre- mium provider of gour- met baked goods based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. New flavors such as Clementine, Wild Blue- berry and Raspberry have joined Fruit a Growing Inspiration at Salem Baking Company Continued on Page 176 Pelmen Foods has re- designed the packaging for its U.S. line of high- quality, all-natural pero- gies to ensure that your customers will notice them in your freezer case. "Our beautiful and attention-grabbing stand- up packaging makes the initial sale, and the Your Favorite Perogies from Pelmen Foods Continued on Page 176 Dorval Trading Co. Ltd. is proud to announce that the company is celebrat- ing its 50th year in busi- ness. President Roberta Cappel says she has a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment in reaching such a mile- stone. Cappel's parents, Jack and Florence Dorval Trading Celebrates 50th Anniversary