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R e s t a u r a n t D a i l y N e w s M o n d a y, M a y 2 3 , 2 0 1 6 1 0 6 part of day-to-day operations in all food- service facilities. Recently, high-profile food poisoning cases involving major restaurant chains have put increased pressure on food safety inspectors to ensure compliance and on foodservice operators to implement and maintain proper food safety protocol. HACCP Compliance Food safety regulations are intended to keep consumers safe. However, keeping food products safe and food waste to a minimum is a difficult task that is typically labor inten- sive and prone to human error. A typical kitchen in a restaurant, school or hospital handwrites over 100 labels and 100 temper- atures daily. There is a lot of room for human error, and with roughly 48 million Americans falling victim to foodborne ill- ness every year, a crippling lawsuit or health violation is more likely than one may think. These strict regulations impose hefty costs such as paper, pens, clipboards, ink and handwritten labels. These protocols also drastically increase labor costs and the human error associated with hand- writing puts any establishment at an increased risk of a health code violation, compliance issue or legal implication. A New Solution ITD Food Safety is proud to introduce its newest food safety solution, The Prep n Temp Station. The Prep n Temp is your all-in-one solution for HACCP food labels and food temperature manage- ment. Use the fully-loaded and complete- I TD (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) ly customizable station to print prep labels, nutritional labels, ingredient labels, custom labels, coupons and so much more. Its durable thermal printer eliminates the need for ink and can print over 50 labels per minute. The Prep n Temp Station's intelligent handheld ther- mometer delivers lightning fast tempera- tures and customizable options for recording, correcting and displaying tem- peratures. Temperature reports are easy to view, sort and share. ITD has innovat- ed a true "all-in-one" food safety solution that saves time and money in the kitchen, and provides peace of mind. Customer Feedback Mike Leeper, a Dairy Queen operator in Missouri, says: "With all the concerns about critical food violation standards from Corporate and foodborne illness outbreaks at some of our competitors, we must be proactive so that we may protect our customers and our businesses. Having the Prep n Temp station is an additional line of defense against the cost of a foodborne illness situation, and gives me peace of mind." ITD has now helped streamline food safety and HACCP management in thousands of locations. Major chains such as Subway, Panera Bread, Sonic, Sunoco and Dairy Queen trust ITD products to keep food safe, costs down and consumers happy. To find out more about ITD's Prep n Temp Station and other food safety prod- ucts, visit or stop by booth #4873. provides major energy savings where walk-in freezers and display cases are used, such as in full service, casual and fast food restaurants, healthcare facili- ties, cafes, convenience stores and super- markets. It will save customers money by I ntermatic (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) reducing energy usage associated with defrosting walk in coolers and freezer evaporator coils. Foodservice businesses as described previously are always look- ing for cost effective solutions that can generate energy savings and ultimately save money with a short return on invest- ment. It is an easy, versatile, innovative and affordable way to reduce defrosts cycles by 40 percent or more per day. For retro-fit or new installations, the compact ICUBE module simply assembles direct- ly to an existing or new Grässlin DTAV40 Defrost timer with no change to the timer wiring required. The ICUBE module works with the DTAV40 timer to determine when defrosting a Walk-In Refrigeration system evaporator coil is truly necessary versus a time initiate only approach. The module has four tempera- ture sensor inputs which can accommo- date up to four evaporator coils with wiring capability to extend up to 400 feet for remote condensing unit installations. Typical mounting locations are inside of a remote multiplex or dedicated condens- ing unit, parallel rack system, unit cooler or freezer, or external to the unit cooler or freezer. Typically foodservice owners are forced to utilize this type of intelligent technology at a very high price point and with an overly complicated control. These types of controls can also be very difficult to program and install, which takes time away from the HVACR tech- nician, and we all know time means money. With the ICUBE, you save time and money by simply installing the Adaptive Defrost Module directly to the existing DTAV40 Defrost timer and run- ning sensing wire from the inputs to the evaporator coils. There is no need to change any other wiring in the system or timer programing. Intermatic provides a unique non-isolated evaporator coil sen- sor with 10 feet of sensor wire and 6 feet of input wire which can be expandable in between up to 400 feet with 20-18ga shielded or unshielded typical field wire for remote condensing unit installations. Intermatic's reasoning for the unique sensor is because it wanted the commer- cial refrigeration technician to have the ability to run this sensing wire through the existing or same conduits/raceways from remote rooftop locations to the box cooler/freezer. Additionally, with four sensor inputs the ICUBE Adaptive Defrost Module can expand to accommo- date up to four evaporator coils. Commercial refrigeration techni- cians have been using defrost timers for many years. Sometimes newer technolo- gies and changes in energy standards can create unfamiliar complexities and sys- tem reconfiguration. Intermatic provides the technicians with a familiar solution by continued use of the same defrost timer, but with the addition of the energy savings ICUBE technology which will align with upcoming DOE Walk-In- Cooler/Freezer Annual Walk-in Efficiency Factor standards. Learn more at booth #10913 or go to RDN: Tell our readers about your com- pany. What's your main line of busi- ness? TV: Established in Toronto, Canada in 1947, Kingsmill Foods Company devel- ops and manufactures high-quality cus- tom beverages, syrups and protein mixes. Our cold beverages include fruit smooth- ies, chocolate drinks, cappuccino and tea frappes. We also make hot cocoa, white hot chocolate and chai tea latte. Our syrups line includes chocolate, caramel and other flavored syrups. We have a very strong track record of innovation, quality and customer serv- ice. Our very broad customer base includes some of the largest North American operators (Café and QSR), national retail brands and private label brands. We are GFSI, organic, fair trade and kosher certified. RDN: What else makes your company unique? TV: We design outstanding beverages that tantalize consumers' senses – that means not just taste, but also their aromas and their visual appeal as well. We have very high sensory expectations and understand what consumers like. Since we are a custom developer, we work with our customers to create the beverages to meet the specific flavor profile they want. We also customize our beverage solutions to optimize equipment and sup- ply chain needs. RDN: How is that playing out in the mar- K ingsmill Fo o ds (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) ketplace? TV: We have grown rapidly over the last five years through innovation and a track record of successful beverage launches. Since we are a full service provider of powder mixes and liquid concentrates, our product breadth has allowed us to capitalize on the explosive growth of spe- cialty beverages and smoothies. Our out- standing quality systems, flexible supply chain and investment strategy have allowed us to effectively manage our rapid growth. RDN: How do your products or services enhance your customers' ability to com- pete in the marketplace? TV: We help our customers – café and restaurant chains, distributors and the retailers for whom we provide private label products – grow market share and profitability in a very competitive mar- ketplace by developing beverages that their consumers love. With our international presence and participation in different market seg- ments, we see trends before they become mainstream. We understand how to exceed consumer expectations with on- trend fantastic beverages. These bever- ages have allowed our customers to dif- ferentiate from competition and have been promoted aggressively. We enhance our consumer knowledge through propri- etary consumer research as well as pub- lished research. Visit Kingsmill Foods Company in booth #10719. After the show, visit Best of Show 2016