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R e s t a u r a n t D a i l y N e w s 1 1 1 S u n d a y, M a y 2 2 , 2 0 1 6 consumer purchase at a myriad of retail- ers including Costco Wholesale, BJ's Wholesale Club, Hannaford, Fairway Markets, Shaw's and Big Y with more retailers to follow. "To this day, we make everything the way that Mom always did, just a bit more of it," said Sergio Squatrito, Vice President of Operations. It is all made at its facility, which employs over 165 at a state-of-the-art South Windsor, Connecticut production facility. The Carla's Pasta product line includes Cheese Ravioli, Cheese Tortellini, Gluten Free Penne and Six Cheese Sacchettini, which come in a rev- olutionary microwave bag that has been in production for over a decade. The new line also features microwavable steam bag meals, including decadent flavors such as Mac & Cheese, Six Cheese Ravioli with Marinara, Tortellini Alfredo and Buttered Noodles. In addition to the microwavable line, which is ready in minutes, it has a line of frozen specialty raviolis in clamshell packaging which include Spinach & Egg Striped Cheese Ravioli, Tomato & Egg Striped Ravioli, Tuscan Style Vegetable Ravioli, Sage & Egg Striped Butternut Squash Ravioli, Spicy Italian Sausage Ravioli, Shrimp Scampi Ravioli, Vegan Ravioli and Gorgonzola Pacchetti. In addition to the eight year-round flavors, Carla's Pasta has a seasonal rotation program of four specialty ravioli flavors. The product line C arla's P asta (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) also includes four varieties of pestos: Basil Pesto, Basil Pesto with Pine Nuts, Sundried Tomato Pesto and Wild Mushroom Pesto. In addition to the four current pesto offerings, Carla's Pasta is working on introducing Kale Pesto, which will be coming soon. Club store shoppers can find steam bag meal vari- eties like Braised Beef Ravioli with Wild Mushroom Crème and Six Cheese Sacchettini with Basil Pesto, along with Carla's appetizer item, Crispy Stromboli Bites at their local club stores. Carla Squatrito founded Carla's Pasta, an industry leader in frozen pasta, in 1978 when she produced handmade pastas in a 1,800 square foot retail store. The Carla's Pasta story is a unique American success story. Carla came to this country in 1968 from Italy and became renowned for outstanding pastas and pestos. This was no small feat in 1978. "It was about love," said Carla, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Carla's Pasta. "Love of family and love of food." It still is, as evident by the employees and its amazing array of pas- tas and products, each one still made with only the best all natural ingredients. Today, Carla is recognized for being an outstanding businesswoman and is a part of the National Women Business Owners Corporation (NWBOC). For more information, visit www.carlas, call 860.436.4042, email or stop by booth #707. SK: Oregon Cherry Growers is a grower- owned cooperative made up of nearly 60 family farmers located in the Willamette Valley and along the Columbia River Gorge, who take great pride in producing the highest quality fruit. The cooperative is the largest producer and processor of sweet cherries in the world, delivering maraschino, fresh, frozen, glacé, dried and canned cherries, as well as blueber- ries and strawberries, to global retail and foodservice markets. RDN: What is new with Oregon Cherry Growers? SK: We have an industry-leading R&D team at Oregon Cherry Growers that develops innovative, on-trend solutions to help our customers achieve success. Currently, we are launching stabilized wild blueberries for the ice cream indus- try and beyond. RDN: What was the concept behind this product – why did you create it? SK: We've received interest lately from companies looking for a better way to include identifiable fruit – specifically blueberries – in a value-added ice cream, among other products. RDN: How are your stabilized whole wild blueberries different than what's already on the market? SK: Most existing fruit in ice cream is what is called "variegate." Basically, a lot of sugar and stabilizers with some small pieces of fruit or other very small partic- ulate that would then be added into ice cream as a "ribbon" – like a jam. Our stabilized wild blueberries are, O regon C herry G rowers (C ont'd. from p. 1 ) first and foremost, whole. We then reduce the moisture content, add just the right amount of pure cane sugar and suspend them in a viscous stabilizer to help keep them uniform when added to ice cream. This process allows whole, identifiable blueberries to be added without becoming too hard when frozen, and they actually taste like blue- berries. RDN: Do your wild blueberries have a shorter ingredient list? SK: Yes, they do, and they are actually sourced from Maine, so they can be called out as 'wild blueberries' in the ingredient statement. We also use non- GMO sugar instead of corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. Our stabilizer is a natural gum. Add to that the fact that our blueberries are whole, and you can see that this product is a perfect fit for a value-added ice-cream. RDN: Beyond ice cream, do you see this as having any other potential applica- tions? SK: Absolutely. We could thicken it up a little more for many other applications. Wild blueberries are really small, so they could be used in a filling or as a topping in a wide variety of products. RDN: Is this a process that could expand to other kinds of fruits? SK: Yes, the concept is there. It could be adjusted for different kinds of fruits and for different applications. We've been looking into a diced peach or even mango … really, the sky's the limit. For more information, visit www.oregon or stop by booth #10229. of flush-mount capacitive touchscreens designed specifically with the foodser- vice industry in mind: the UCM-1443 and UCM-1470, both available in hori- zontal or vertical configurations for added flexibility. Like Renau's other capacitive touch solutions, these state-of- the-art capacitive touchscreens can easily be operated by users wearing gloves. Now available in a standard 4.3-inch (UCM-1443) or jumbo-sized 7-inch (UCM-1470) display, the UCM-1400 Series offers equipment operators a sophisticated control that can be config- ured and installed either horizontally or vertically on the front of a controlled appliance. Measuring less than 0.91 inch- es deep, the UCM-1400 Series is com- pact and versatile enough to allow equip- ment manufacturers to mount it on virtu- ally any available panel space, including from inside the unit (allowing the display screen to be perfectly flush with the front panel). Using Renau's Single Wire Communication Network, the UCM- 1400 Series connects to any of Renau's compact, powerful hybrid micro process controllers to power even the most inten- sive and demanding applications. Equipment operators and customers see a sleek, vibrant color display that can easi- ly be mounted anywhere on the appliance while keeping the process controller inside of the controlled equipment, reducing the need for expensive and complicated harnesses. With the ability to quickly and easi- ly access and select programs, as well as full support for Day Part Programming, training equipment operators to use the UCM-1400 Series is fast and simple. R enau (C o nt'd. fro m p. 1 ) Equipment operators can quickly and easily read the UCM-1400 Series' high- resolution color display from across the kitchen, and because the screen is the interface, use is incredibly intuitive, easy and designed to help reduce operator error and food waste. The UCM-1400 Series can even help guide a service tech- nician through troubleshooting and repair. Easily upgradeable and fully repro- grammable, the UCM-1400 Series allows recipe menus and system configurations to be quickly updated through the media- tion of Renau's Universal Host Adaptor (UHA) and custom Windows-based soft- ware, which allows for the creation of custom recipe menus, warning alarms, sound files and system configurations that can be stored on an authorized user's hard drive for future use and reference, or for larger organizations, e-mailed to a remote colleague. When it comes time to update the system, simply save the desired file onto a USB flash drive and reprogram the products with the use of a Renau UHA Series Adaptor. The UCM- 1400 Series is also completely compati- ble with the Renau's new WHA Series of WiFi or ISM-band wireless adapters. In order to perform in the most demanding foodservice industry environ- ments, all Renau products are fully encapsulated for outstanding protection from extreme temperatures, humidity and shock. Designed and manufactured in the United States, all Renau products are rigorously tested and come with an industry leading three-year warranty. For more information about Renau Electronic Laboratories' products and services, visit, stop by booth #4454 or call 818.341.1994. TRUE REFRIGERATION WINS ENERGY STAR EMERGING TECHNOLOGY AWARD True Refrigeration is proud to be recog- nized by the EPA as a recipient of the 2016 ENERGY STAR Emerging Technology Award, with over 40 True Refrigeration products being awarded as promising technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce green- house gas emissions. True Refrigeration is leading the industry in the develop- ment and introduction of self-contained refrigeration products available with more efficient hydrocarbon refrigeration systems. The award winning models will benefit operators by saving up to 30 per- cent in utility costs compared to standard HFC models, and continue to offer the industry leading performance that defines True products. True continues to develop and pioneer its Hydrocarbon (HC) product offering to expand into other product categories over the years ahead and it is excited that the EPA and ENER- GY STAR recognize the efforts that it has put forth. Not only is it making an impact to help slow climate change, it is also offering operators important values with enhanced performance and efficiency. True Refrigeration is a global leader in providing high quality, high perform- ing and energy efficient self-contained refrigera- tion products to meet any commercial appli- cation. True manufac- turers all products in the United States in its World Class facilities throughout Missouri and is dedicated to being the industry's complete refrigera- tion source. For more information, stop by booth #3451 or go to or call 800.325.6152.