Oser Communications Group


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An interview with Grant K i t a m u r a , I d a h o - E a s t e r n Oregon Onion C o m m i t t e e P r o m o t i o n Chairman ONION DEMAND DISCUSSED It's been an award-win- ning year for Mooney F a r m ' s Bella Sun Luci Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Thus far, 2015 has brought three medals for Zippy's Veggie Bites ® blend good taste with good health. Z i p p y ' s founder, Keith 'Zippy' Mullin, will be showcasing the brand's An interview with Anthony Mongiello, The Big Cheese™, President and CEO of Formaggio Brand. PSD: Your Just Add Lettuce line is An interview with Magnation CEO Mike Jenzeh. PSD: Magnation has been around for a while now. Can you An interview with Chef Douglas Bond, New Product D e v e l o p m e n t Manager for F r e s h w a y Foods. By Cam Pitman, M a n a g i n g Director in charge of Bank of the West's D i r e c t E q u i p m e n t Finance Group. Continued on Page 76 Continued on Page 77 Lemons For Life™ is Limoneira Company's new campaign and builds on the suc- cessful "Unleash" campaign that has been running for the past three years. "Lemons for life is a Continued on Page 77 Continued on Page 77 Continued on Page 76 Continued on Page 73 Continued on Page 70 Continued on Page 73 MEDALS FOR BELLA SUN LUCI OIL ZIPPY'S SHOWCASES SAVORY VEGGIE BITES INNOVATION WITH JUST ADD LETTUCE INNOVATION WITH MAGNATION ADVANTAGEOUS LEASING STRUCTURES PRODUCE ON THE MENU LIMONEIRA UNLEASHING HEALTHY EATING You may a s k , "What do Mississippi sweet potatoes have that sweet pota- toes from other regions do not have?" They are produced by farm- ers who have been growing MISSISSIPPI SWEET POTATOES: GREAT TASTE, AVAILABILITY An interview with Luis Perez, Director of Sales for El Sol Brands, Inc. PSD: Tell us why you're here at Fresh An interview with David Cross, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Albert Bartlett USA. PSD: Who is Albert Bartlett? Sunsweet is excited to a n n o u n c e two new additions to its Pacific Tropicals line: tart and tangy Green Mango and lightly toasted Thai Coconut Chips. Each piece of Continued on Page 70 Continued on Page 67 Continued on Page 76 Continued on Page 70 HIGH QUALITY FROM EL SOL Don Reggio, V i c e President of Corrugated Container Marketing at WestRock Company discusses his company's recent merger. PSD: It's been an exciting year By Katie M u r r a y , M a r k e t i n g and Public R e l a t i o n s , Southern Valley In a small community in south Continued on Page 73 Continued on Page 76 ROCKTENN AND MEADWESTVACO PARTNERSHIP SOUTHERN VALLEY: FEMALE-OWNED, FAMILY-OPERATED The sweet potato market is going strong. The consump- tion of sweet potatoes is still the strongest during the holiday seasons, but it is not just a hol- iday delicacy anymore. The Continued on Page 67 SWEET POTATO UPDATE ALBERT BARTLETT'S ROOSTER POTATOES OFFER VERSATILITY SUNSWEET'S PACIFIC TROPICALS O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G r o u p A t l a n t a S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH PMA

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