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Gourmet News August 2015

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BY LORRIE BAUMANN "Goats are getting a lot of love tonight," Big Picture Farm Co- founder Lucas Farrell observed as he accepted the sofi Award for Outstanding New Product for 2015 for Raspberry Rhubarb Goat Milk Caramels together with Co-founder Louisa Conrad. The two started their farm in the fall of 2010 with just four goats and now have 44, who were very happy to see Farrell back at home after the conclusion of this year's Summer Fancy Food Show. "They were very happy to see us. They're going to go on new pas- tures, and I've got to mow the old ones," Farrell said. The show was a commercial as well as critical success for Big The Food and Drug Adminis- tration announced on June 16 that it had finalized its determi- nation that partially hydro- genated oils, the primary food manufacturing source of trans fats, are not "generally recog- nized as safe" (GRAS) for foods, giving grocery manufac- turers three years to remove them entirely from food prod- ucts. Because partially hydro- genated oils (PHOs) are no longer "generally recognized as safe," they become subject to premarket approval by FDA as food additives, and approval of Trans Fats No Longer Generally Recognized As Safe, Says FDA Continued on PAGE 10 Continued on PAGE 10 Continued on PAGE 8 exceptions seems unlikely, even though the Grocery Manufac- turers Association (GMA) will lobby for a reconsideration of a ban on low-level uses. The terms partially hydro- genated oils (PHOs) and trans fats are used somewhat inter- changeably because PHOs are the main food processing source of trans fats. Partially hydro- genated oils are created in the production of some food prod- ucts when hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them semi-solid in consistency. In bakery applications, for ex- ample, trans fats can give liquid vegetable oils that are cheaper, more shelf stable, and choles- terol-free the functional per- formance of butter, which generally sets the norm for quality expectations for baked goods. Foods containing unapproved food additives are considered adulterated under U.S. law, meaning they cannot legally be sold. In plainer English, the FDA is essentially banning trans fats in food products, and the "no trans fats" label on food products will become obsolete. Naturally occurring trans fats found in small amounts in some meat and dairy products are not additives and a special case, and they do not fall under the ban. Since 2006, the FDA has mandated that nutritional labels on foods specify the level of trans fat content. In November 2013, the FDA announced its intention to accelerate the elim- ination of partially hydro- genated oils from the U.S. food supply, having provisionally made the determination that these trans fats carriers are not GRAS. The intensifying glare of regulatory attention on trans Boundary Bend Comes to America sofi Awards 2015 Honor Great Goats Picture Farm, which also won a sofi Award this year in the Out- standing Confection category for Goat Milk Chai Caramels. Big Picture Farm previously won a sofi in 2011 for its Sea Salt and Bourbon Vanilla Caramel, and the chai caramels also won a Good Food Award in 2013. During the three days of this year's show, Big Picture took "a fair amount" of orders, both from current cus- tomers and some new ones who stopped by for a taste after the sofi Awards ceremony, Farrell said. "It helps bring people who might otherwise not stop at our booth to come over and put a caramel in their mouth," he said. "That's our main selling point, when they taste it." Continuing the goat love, Fat Toad Farm Goat's Milk Caramels won the 2015 sofi Award for Out- standing Product Line. Fat Toad Farm is run by husband and wife team Steve Reid and Judith Irving, their daughter Calley Hastings, and three employees. "We're from Vermont," Hastings said as she ac- cepted the award. "Our family is back there working the goats so we get to be here." The awards were presented by Chef Alex Guarnaschelli, an Iron Chef and frequent judge on "Chopped," who substituted for Ted Allen, also from "Chopped." Allen had been scheduled to host the ceremony but sent a video BY RICHARD THOMPSON This year's Summer Fancy Food Show introduced new and grow- ing brands that aimed to update how we look at foods, from breakfast to all-natural desserts. Many of these news products stood out with their focus on reinvention, health and taste. If there was one new brand that will be hard to forget, it would be the sweetened waffles from The Belgian Kitchen. Made using brioche dough infused Continued on PAGE 18 New Products at Fancy Food Show Delight with Superior Taste, Outstanding Innovation with raw sugar, this frozen dough is an all-natural, butter-based dough that breaks out of tradi- tional waffling by being marketed as a dough rather than a batter mix. The Belgian Kitchen waffles are already enjoyed at five ski resorts in the Northeast and more than 60 foodservice businesses – in- cluding multiple frozen yogurt chains, and President Sean Lee has plans for expansion that will see this product targeted at the family market and being sold as frozen dough balls in retail chains. It's simple and delicious, says Lee: "It's a very simple prod- uct. It's like the WD40 of doughs." Southern Culture Artisan Foods Founder Erica Barrett pre- sented her own take on waffles with her ShortStacks Pancake and Waffle mix. Sixteen different pan- cake and waffle mixes offer BY LORRIE BAUMANN Australia's leading olive oil pro- ducer, Boundary Bend Olives, had been in California just long enough to get stationery printed with its address at a former John Deere dealership in Woodland, California, about 20 miles north- west of Sacramento, before the company started winning awards for its California oils at the New York International Olive Oil Competition. The April 15 com- petition drew nearly 700 olive oils from 25 countries for judging by an international panel of experts, and Boundary Bend took home four NYIOOC awards for Cobram Estate oils produced from Califor- nia olives as well as five awards for oils produced in Australia. Cobram Estate Ultra Premium Picual, a medium picual oil from the U.S., won a NYIOOC Silver. Cobram Estate Super Premium Robust Blend, which combines leading varieties from California and Australia for a blend with a cut green grass nose, a strong spicy aroma and complex fruit flavors, earned a NYIOOC Gold Award. Cobram Estate Super Pre- mium Medium Blend took home a NYIOOC Gold Award for ap- pealing fresh fruity aromas and penetrating flavors, and Cobram Estate Ultra Premium Mission, VOLUME 80, NUMBER 7 AUGUST 2015 n $7.00 RETAILER NEWS n A Southern Season of Gustatory Pleasure PAGE 12 SUPPLIER BUSINESS n McCrea's Candies: Sophisticated Flavors from Simple Ingredients PAGE 13 NATURALLY HEALTHY n The Italian Sauces for Consumers Who Don't Trust Processed Foods PAGE 16 SFF WRAP UP n PAGE 17 SNACKS UPDATE n PAGE 37 BUYERS GUIDE n Heat & Serve PAGE 40 SMALL ELECTRICS n Countertop Cookers PAGE 42 News ..............................................6 Ad Index .......................................43 Smorgasbord ................................43 www.gourmetnews.com G OURMET N EWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ®

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