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F o o d M a g i c D a i l y S u n d a y, J u l y 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 8 AT-LINE NEAR-INFRARED MEAT ANALYZER INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY, REDUCES LEAN GIVE-AWAY NDC Technologies, a leading global provider of precision measurement and control solutions, offers the InfraLab e- Series at-line meat analyzer for the accu- rate and reliable measurement of fat, moisture, protein and collagen content in meat samples. Suitable for beef, lamb, pork and poultry, this near-infrared (NIR) analyzer produces accurate measure- ments in less than 10 seconds while next to the production line. "Meat processors need reliable fat, protein and moisture content analysis for their blended batches of ground meat portions to ensure they meet the specified value," says Andy Grady, Market Manager for NDC Technologies. "There is a requirement to measure these critical quality parameters during the processing stages in order to make adjustments to the batch average. Accurate measure- ments are essential to reducing lean give- away and speeding up batch release. Our InfraLab e-Series meat analyser is highly accurate and improves process visibility, enabling manufacturers to optimize prod- uct quality." The InfraLab e-Series uses non- contacting, multi-wavelength NIR technology to capture accurate and consistent measurements, com- pletely independent of product and ambient changes in the process area such as tempera- ture, relative humidity and fac- tory lighting. The system is simple to use, with no special operator skill required, and allows for the rapid analysis of meat samples with minimum sample preparation. These advantages enable meat proces- sors to achieve consistent prod- uct quality, optimize batch fat values, reduce lean giveaway, improve traceability and replace laboratory test- ing. As there is no single international standard for measuring the fat content in meat, it's simple to perform valida- tion of the InfraLab e-Series readings against a chosen external laboratory. The InfraLab e-Series is available in fat-only or fat, mois- ture, protein and other multi-component for- mats. Each measure- ment is pre-loaded and can be easily selected from an intuitive and secure touch-screen interface. Connectivity via Ethernet to M a n a g e m e n t Information Systems, or to a PC, as well as extensive 10,000 sam- ple integral memory capacity, enable the display or storage of vital quality data wherever it is needed – both local- ly and centrally. Visit NDC Technologies at booth #4114. For more information, visit www.ndc.com/food. INTERNATIONAL AWARD RECOGNIZES HIDROX ROLE IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASE MANAGEMENT By Paolo Pontoniere, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Hidrox Evangelist When CreAgri began working with the juice of olives and the by-products result- ing from the milling of olives used for the production of olive oil, the idea that these could have a market value, or, especially, health applications seemed far-fetched. Today, this idea is not just common, but is also being celebrated at Expo 2015, the universal expo currently held in Milan, Italy, where the theme, "Feeding the Planet Energy for Life," has propelled the concept to a global dimension. Likewise, CreAgri's work has given rise also to a new era in the olive industry and in the use of polyphenols―olive's bioac- tive nutrients. Discovering that the juice of the olive contains from 300 to 500 more polyphenols than extra-virgin olive oil, CreAgri devised a method to mechani- cally separate the bioactives from the juice obtained during milling of the olives. CreAgri was able, for the first time in the history of olive's utilization, to produce these polyphenols from some- thing other than olive oil. Furthermore, CreAgri was producing them on an industrial scale rather than in milligrams, so they could now be used for the cre- ation of consumer products ranging from nutraceuticals, to functional foods and beverages, to cosmeceuticals, and botan- icals. CreAgri's seminal research in the use of Hidrox ® , CreAgri's proprietary formulation of olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol, for cardiovascular health, joint protection, skincare, neuro- protection, and antioxidant activity has shown that, due to their broad spectrum anti-inflammatory activity, olive polyphenols can play a strong role in human wellness, offering an adjunctive and effective sup- port to consumers worldwide who are battling debilitating health conditions. CreAgri's work has since been recog- nized internationally, both for its innovation quotient with a Nutraceutical Business Technology Award in 2011 and in 2012 for its effec- tiveness with a Paris Polyphenols Award from the International Society of Antioxidant in Nutrition and Health. As CreAgri's research advanced, so did the industry of olive polyphenols, extending its reach into areas of human wellness that were before unthinkable. One of these areas, and probably the most important for its epidemiological implication, is neuroprotection. According to projections of the Alzheimer's Association, by 2050 about 16 million of Americans will be afflict- ed by this condition. The pivotal impor- tance of this research has been con- firmed by the European Union, which recently established the NeurOliv Project to develop foods containing olive polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol for the treatment of patients suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's dis- ease. It is therefore with a sense of accomplishment that CreAgri, and its founder Dr. Roberto Crea, welcome the Ottorino Rossi Award, which was presented to CreAgri and its founder, Dr. Roberto Crea this year. Named after one of the founding fathers of modern neurology, the Ottorino Rossi Award is assigned yearly to a scientist who has made an important contribution to neuroscience research. Introduced by University of Pavia's (Italy) Fondazione Istituto Neurologico C. Mondino, the award has reached its XXVIth edition. "Our commitment to developing Hidrox applications in neuroprotection, in collaboration with premier research institutions worldwide, is of great impor- tance," said Crea. "Receiving the Rossi award isn't just a confirmation of our work, it spurs us to conceive new power- ful products for health and wellness directed at making life healthier and more productive." For more information, visit booth #2161. After the show, visit www .creagri.com, call 510.732.6478 or email ppontoniere@creagri.com. NEW ORCHARD CHOICE CALIFORNIA FIG SPREADS Sophisticated, alluring and versatile, Orchard Choice California Fig Spreads are fast becoming a popular and innova- tive menu item paired with cheeses. Home cooks and culinary professionals in ever-increasing numbers throughout the country are turning to fig spreads for a new and unique way to bring depth and variety to their dishes. Made from figs grown in the Central Valley of California, these gourmet fruit spreads are sun dried naturally and harvested at their peak of flavor and sweetness. Fig and California Orange is made from summer's best figs laced with a tangy twist of orange and creates a fruit spread ripe for pairing with cheeses, top- ping toasts and brightening desserts. Organic Mission Fig Sweet is earthy and bursting with fig flavor. This simple blend of summer's best organic Mission figs pairs well with cheese, perks up yogurt and tops toast in style. It's love at first bite when sweet figs join sassy balsamic vinegar and spicy black pepper for Fig and Balsamic Pepper. Brighten up cheese trays, garnish grilled meats – the possibilities are end- less. Imagine sweet, luscious figs drenched in port and you have the mak- ings of Fig and Port Wine spread. From appetizers to desserts, enjoy the possibil- ities. Linda Cain, Vice-President of Marketing and Retail Sales, says, "Consumers love the spreads, especially with cheeses—soft, firm, mild, blue- veined. I think it's the sweet-salty bal- ance that makes these combinations work so well. Bold and incredibly rich tasting, our spreads are creating consumer buzz—and lots of sales." E n j o y California Fig Spreads on burgers with blue cheese sprinkles and crispy onions, spooned over Brie and warmed until just melted, added to grilled cheese for a little gourmet glamour spread on crackers or sliced baguette with goat cheese and fresh herbs or blended with cream cheese and slathered on bagels. Where there's cheese, there's Orchard Choice California Fig Spreads adding richness and elegance. Packed in 10-ounce jars, Orchard Choice California Fig Spreads are dis- tributed through a network of specialty food brokers, sold direct to supermarkets and available online at www.valleyfig.com. All spreads are gluten free, fat free, cholesterol free, nut and peanut free, and have an extended shelf life. Valley Fig Growers (VFG) is located in Fresno, California. All of the commer- cially sold dried figs produced in the United States are grown in the Fresno area and north, in the fertile San Joaquin Valley. California represents 10 percent of the world production of dried figs. VFG was established in 1959 and is the largest han- dler of figs in North America. VFG mar- kets its products worldwide. Retail prod- ucts are sold under Valley Fig Growers brand names of Blue Ribbon Orchard Choice, Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice. For more information about the Valley Fig Growers cooperative and its products, visit www.valleyfig.com. Updates, recipes and company news also can be found on Valley Fig Growers' Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts. For more information on Orchard Choice California Fig Spreads, visit www.valleyfig.com or con- tact Linda M. Cain, Vice President, Marketing and Retail Sales, 925.463.7565. Email lcain@valleyfig.com.

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