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F o o d E q u i p m e n t N e w s S a t u r d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 1 2 I.PRINT: A TOTAL SOLUTION FOR ON-DEMAND LABEL PRINTING Regulatory voices have spoken, and the verdict is in: all prepared food products and packaged products must be labeled with prep and expiration times. Packaged product must be labeled with ingredients and nutritional information. Health departments are increasingly focusing on product labeling for both prep and pre- pared product as a target for improving food safety. With such diversity in requirements and content, the only feasi- ble solution is printing on demand. The product that enables you to do it all is Integrated Control's i.Print. i.Print is an on-demand labeling sys- tem that can be used for both product rotation labeling and Grab'n'Go display labels with nutritional facts, ingredient list and barcodes. Exclusive features include: batch printing; product holding alarms; data collection and reporting; print to forecast data; calculated thaw times; extended time calculations; bar- code scanning – for scan and print; tem- perature device interface; multiple prod- uct print at the same time; custom label designs and so much more. Looking for an enterprise solution? i.Print can push down menu changes to your entire enterprise at the store level in a matter of seconds. Performance reports can be generated as desired. Want an extra printer? No problem, i.Print can be configured with a dual printer or remote or wireless printer to meet your opera- tional needs. Wide and extra wide for- mats or lengths with custom label designs are easily implemented. Portable, counter mount or wall mount, i.Print's slim design can be placed in very tight areas. New i.Print features a 5.7-inch color touch screen for ease of use and greater visual clarity. ICC is a premier partner of Zebra Technologies, and thus all i.Print products feature the highly reli- able line of Zebra print assemblies. Demonstrated ROI is often less than three months. As labor rates increase, time spent in the kitchen is more valuable than ever. The time it takes to remember a holding time and hand write a label has become cumbersome, expensive and obsolete, but most impor- tantly, prone to negligence. Inkjet or laser printers are simply not cost effective. Whether it be product rota- tion labeling or Grab'n'Go, i.Print will have the information present- ed in a clear and easy way that will save you time, money and improve food safe- ty. For Grab'n'Go and packaged offer- ings, eliminate the shower bar of labels and hold only one skew of labels, so you are no longer stuck with LTO labels long after the offer has expired. With ICC's i.Print, you can navigate through hundreds of products with a screen touch. A user friendly option, i.Print can be loaded with hold times, thawing times, employee list, nutritional facts, ingredients and barcodes to provide everything you need to have in a flexible, easy to use automated printing tool. Features include an onsite alarm to inform the user that product has expired and reporting of what product was used that day, week or month for inventory purposes. i.Print can be configured to print any kind of label, from day of the week labels to eight-inch Grab'n'Go graphical labels. There's never a need to worry about ink; i.Print has a direct thermal heat transfer print head, with generous warranty, that will deliver consis- tent, reliable quality over long peri- ods of time. ICC is also pleased to announce distribution of a new line of linerless label products that defies mois- ture and hostile environments. This unique adhesive is able to adhere to frozen, cold or wet surfaces, but still remove cleanly once the container reach- es the end of the relevant food cycle. i.Print is cost effective and flexible. Like all ICC products, i.Print has been developed and designed by technology engineers experienced in the foodservice market and knowledgeable in customiz- ing for your particular needs. Customization can include the incorpora- tion of different forms of technology to address ongoing demands. Visit ICC at booth #6027. For more information, contact Candace Gulley at 877.ICC.8788 or, or go to GLASTENDER OFFERS WMR24 WALL MOUNT REFRIGERATOR Glastender Inc., headquartered in Saginaw, Mich., has the WMR24 wall mount refrigerator on display at NAFEM. "If you need more refrigerated stor- age, but you are running out of space – think up," stated Todd Hall, President of Glastender. "The wall mount foodservice refrigerator allows you to conveniently locate refrigerated storage in a tight space or above existing work tables." The forced air refrigeration system on the WMR24 provides uniform cool- ing of product and is NSF standard 7 listed for open food storage. A remov- able condenser air inlet filter is included to make it easy to clean the condenser coil, and the automatic condensate evap- orator means that no plumbing hook-up is required. The back of the WMR24 is 16-gauge galvanized steel and includes an integral channel for mounting on the wall bracket. To securely mount the wall mount refrigerator, make sure that at least two of the mounting holes in the wall bracket are secured into studs in the wall. The WMR24 has an all stainless steel interior that includes two adjustable shelves and LED lighting. The unit is available with the door hinged left or right and with a solid stainless steel or stainless steel glass door. The digital thermostat con- trol allows for an easy visual check of the interior tempera- ture. Optional 4-inch adjustable legs are also available for coun- tertop installations. Visit Glastender at booth #6200. For more information, go to www.glasten-, call 989.752.4275 or email PROACCURATE WATERPROOF THERMOMETER The CDN ProAccurate ® Waterproof Thermometer (DTW450) and ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometer – Long Stem (DTW450L) provide accurate temperature readings with a fast six-sec- ond response. These are new additions to CDN's digital pocket thermometer col- lection that has become the industry's standard for their accuracy, rapid response and easy field calibration. These sturdy thermometers can withstand water immersion. The ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometers are rated at IPX-7, which means they are protected against water immersion for 30 minutes at one meter. This is more than enough protection against dropping the thermometer into a full sink or even a pot of soup. Both models are NSF ® Certified, with 304 stainless-steel stems and tips for easy insertion. The DTW450 has a 4.5- inch stem and a 1.5 mm thin tip, and the DTW450L has a long eight-inch stem, a 2.5 mm reduced tip and a clip. With an ever-growing concern about bacterial cross contamination, CDN has answered the call with the addition of BioCote ® antimicrobial coating to its ProAccurate line. While BioCote offers an extra form of protection against microbes, it must be used in conjunction with good hygiene/cleaning practices for effective bacterial management. The new CDN ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometers also provide the features commercial kitchens require: wide temperature range of -40º to 450º F (-40º to 250º C); large digital display that makes it easy and fast to read; tempera- ture data hold function to save time and streamline the operation; minimum/max- imum readings; sturdy construc- tion featuring food-safe ABS plastic and a stainless steel stem. Available for immediate shipment, the CDN ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometer (DTW450) has a list price of $28, and the ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometer – Long Stem (DTW450L) is $32. A global category leader, CDN has a foodservice solution for any temperature- measuring task. Visit CDN at booth #1523. For more information, call 800.338.5594, visit or email ALLPOINTS FOODSERVICE: YOUR PARTNER IN PARTS When it comes to selecting a replacement parts provider, most people look at the capabilities of each supplier. How fast can they ship? Do they have a warehouse near- by? What type of services do they provide? Do they keep the products I need in stock? All of these are very important crite- ria to consider, but just as important is the experience for you, the customer. When choosing a supplier, make sure to also ask yourself "Does this supplier treat me like a partner? Do they truly care about my business?" When you take into account both services and customer focus, one compa- ny stands out as a true partner: AllPoints Foodservice. When you choose AllPoints Foodservice, you're partnering with the leading distributor of cooking, refrigera- tion and general use parts and supplies for commercial kitchens. AllPoints' business has been built by supplying parts to serv- ice agencies, independent service techs and maintenance departments. But what does being a partner in parts really mean? For more than 30 years, AllPoints has been devoted to servicing its customers – it is not in the business of restaurant repair. It does not own or operate a service agency, so everything the company does is truly to help its customers, not compete with them. How many other parts suppliers can say that? Partners do more than work with you; they support you. AllPoints may not own a service company, but it has learned a few things over the past 30 years about the support you need to keep your customers' kitchens up and run- ning. With this in mind, AllPoints has implemented a variety of serv- ices, including unmatched deliv- ery times, an alternative choice to OEM parts and an extensive selection of in- stock parts. All of these services allow AllPoints to be a fast, reliable parts source. If you're interested in working with a parts supplier instead of competing against them, give AllPoints a call. AllPoints is looking forward to being your partner in parts. Visit AllPoints at booth #1633. For more information, call 800.332.2500.