Oser Communications Group

EdTech Show Daily TCEA February 4 2015

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E d Te c h S h o w D a i l y 1 7 W e d n e s d a y, F e b r u a r y 4 , 2 0 1 5 SPORTSPAY'S BOOSTER PAY RAISES MONEY FOR SCHOOLS, CLUB DISTRICTS AND ORGANIZATIONS American Credit Card Processing Corporation, through its SportsPay divi- sion, specializes in providing low cost credit card, debit card and e-check pro- cessing for non-profit organizations, schools, churches, clubs, sports organiza- tions and activities. As one of the largest privately held payment processing companies in the nation, it specializes in saving its clients money on their cashless payment pro- cessing needs. The SportsPay division works directly with non-profit organiza- tions, charities, schools, districts, clubs, etc. to provide them with low cost, easy to use methods of accepting payments for any of their payment needs. This includes accepting payments with mobile technol- ogy, such as phones, tablets or mobile credit card terminals. They are able to accept payments over the internet via their website or in conjunc- tion with a software provider they use, in addition to traditional credit card terminals. Organizations that choose to participate in the Booster Pay marketing program receive dona- tions to their school, club, district or organization equal to a percentage of the profits on the business they refer to ACCPC via the Booster Pay program. The businesses they refer save money on their payment processing. It doesn't cost them anything to switch, and the referring organization receives dona- tions ongoing throughout the year for their efforts. It is truly a win/win for all parties involved and there is no product to sell (no candy to sell, no wrapping paper to sell, no cookie dough to sell, no discount cards to sell). Ready to start accepting cashless payments? Ready to increase your dona- tions? For more information, visit www.sports- pay.net or www.ACCPC.com, call 817.798.1425 or email TonyD@sportspay .net or tony.debruno.accpc@hotmail.com. Learn more at booth #2026. THINK BIG: BRING OKI'S AFFORDABLE SOLUTIONS TO YOUR SCHOOL OKI offers high-value, low-cost printing- based solutions to help students, teachers and administrators get the most out of their classroom time. Educators are often challenged with the constraints of ever- tightening budgets and the risk of unlim- ited access to color printers in schools can be a problem. However, OKI has the ability to let schools monitor and control color printing with select color printers and MFPs (multi-function products) by defining who can print in color and what gets printed. Color Access Policy Manager (CAPM) makes printing in color cost effective for your school. It allows administrators, teachers and/or computer lab technicians to control printer usage by determining who and what can print in color, in black and white, or not at all. In addition to the CAPM, OKI provides other software solutions to fit all your needs and help control costs in the class- room such as PaperCut MF™, Print Job Accounting Software and SMART Managed Print Services. Additionally, research shows that teachers spend at least 35 percent of their time on grading papers and on adminis- trative tasks. OKI knows that testing stu- dents and processing results can be a time-consuming task, and more and more educators are looking to automate the grade testing process. With the Remark© Test Grading Solution that is compatible with all OKI multifunction devices, teachers now have a bubble testing solu- tion that allows them more time to focus on the most important thing of all – teaching. Check the technologies below that you think would most benefit your school and enhance your students' learn- ing experience, and bring this list to an OKI education specialist at booth #1247 to learn about the cost-effective products and solutions your school can employ today. My Wish List Printing support and control from your iPad ® or mobile device: Increase print flexibility in your school with the ability to control which documents can be print- ed from your smartphone, tablet or laptop – wherever and whenever you need them. Easy-to-use tools to monitor and control printer usage: Educators and administrators control who can print and what can be printed. This makes print- ing more cost-effective by reducing overall print out- put costs while providing secure access to printing. A simple and efficient way to man- age classroom testing processes: A con- venient solution that allows you to print the exact number of bubble sheet tests you need on demand, grade the tests instantaneously, print reports in minutes and even scan documents to specific classroom folders. Cost-effective and convenient color printing of educational materials: Increase student learning and retention and boost lesson comprehension for a more rapid and greater understanding of materials. Free educational materials: A school communications pack DVD that offers a unique way to bring learning to life through the use of color. Educators can print a variety of instructional banners (e.g., Periodic Table, Food Pyramid, Human Body), and students benefit from the use of color. Fast, reliable, affordable, quality printing: There are color and mono printing solu- tions that can deliver long- term savings, faster print- ing speeds and greater product reliability com- bined with world-class technical and customer support that's available 24/7/365. Visit booth #1247 to discover which OKI products can best meet your school's printing needs! With OKI prod- ucts and solutions such as the School Communications Pack, MotionPrint technology and PaperCut MF, you can enhance your students' learning experi- ence, while maintaining a budget and controlling your output. Look for the OKI banners and stop by booth #1247 to speak with a technol- ogy expert on all that OKI has to offer to help make your classroom an even more colorful and creative learning environ- ment for your students! While you're there, be sure to ask about OKI's wireless compatibility with mobile devices and you will receive a $20 Target gift card, while supplies last. For more information, stop by booth #1247. MEET EDSBY: A LITTLE BLUE ROBOT THAT WAS NOT LIKE OTHER KIDS An interview with Edsby, the blue alien/robot mascot of the Edsby learning management system for K-12. ESD: I understand you're from the future? Edsby: Yep. My father was something of a notorious chainsmoking metalworking bot and my mother was an Andorian. I was transported back here to bring K–12 learning management into the future. ESD: How are you doing that? Edsby: Our software product, Edsby, is a modern, cloud-based learning man- agement system (LMS) for K–12 school districts that uses the latest web and mobile technologies to connect teachers, students and parents in excit- ing new ways. Edsby has tightly integrated features like social learning, school news, group collaboration, assessment management, timetables and calendars, course plan- ning, report cards, attendance and more. They work district-wide, so districts can bring all of their teachers and students into the future at the same time. ESD: What sets it apart? Edsby: Unlike other LMSes, which were developed for higher education or corpo- rate learning, Edsby is designed specifi- cally for K–12 school districts. To make rollouts quick and to minimize ongoing administration, it integrates tightly with existing school district systems, leverag- ing data and security policies that already exist. It allows for deep customization, even while being cloud-based, while sim- ilar systems don't. ESD: You're working with some famous humans to do this, yes? Edsby: Yes. The team at Edsby has been developing educational software for almost 30 years. It's the origi- nal team behind FirstClass, a messaging and collaboration product used by school dis- tricts around the world and still widely used in K–12. Their close relationships with education customers over three decades have given them insights into problems faced by teachers, students, parents and adminis- trators. This gave them inspiration to cre- ate Edsby – something completely new for schools based on latest software tech- nology. ESD: What's the biggest thing you've faced so far? Edsby: Well, they made fun of me a lot at school for looking different. ESD: No, I mean at the company. Edsby: Oh. Well, number one has been tending to our largest customer to date. With some 300,000 users, Hillsborough County Public Schools in Florida uses Edsby extensive- ly. We've optimized and cus- tomized the system to perform quickly and reliably for Hillsborough. Hillsborough's use of Edsby is staggering. Virtually all 300,000 students, parents and teachers use the system regularly. Another challenge is that K-12 education is very regional. Even neighboring school districts often have radically different ways of assessing and reporting kids' academ- ic progress. Systems like Edsby have to be built to connect to a wide variety of regional databases, embrace a wide variety of assessment schemes (e.g. letter grades vs. percentage grades) and report card formats. Luckily, the company was aware of this from day one, and designed its product to take these requirements into account. For more on Edsby, visit edsby.com.

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