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C o n s u m e r E l e c t ro n i c s D a i l y N e ws E ve n i n g E xt ra Tu e s d a y, J a n u a r y 6 , 2 0 1 5 4 UNCORK YOUR WINE WITH EASE WITH VIDADOO RECHARGEABLE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER This ultra compact rechargeable electric wine opener removes corks perfectly and easily. Only 8.2 inches tall, the opener is made with a stainless brushed metal hand grip and a transparent bottom. The cork removal process is completely visible. Fully charged, the 4.8 Ni-MH battery allows the user to open more than 40 wine bottles with ease. The convenient two-button operation quickly and safely removes the cork from the wine bottle, accentuated by a soft blue LED light, and then removes the cork from the electric opener, supported with a soft red light. The convenient wine opener comes in gunmetal, silver, metallic red and metal- lic black. Included are the A/C adapter and a practical foil cutter. VidaDoo™ Wine Accessories – A com- plete line of in-home essentials for the casual wine enthusiast: cork openers, chilling sticks, pourers, sealers, aerators and more; elegant func- tional design to enjoy. For more information, visit GIRL SCOUTS LEARN ECOMMERCE WITH DIGITAL COOKIE SALES Kelly Parisi, Chief Communications Executive for Girl Scouts of the USA, dis- cusses why the organization is taking its annual cookie sale into cyberspace through its "Digital Cookie" program. CEDN: What are you hoping to accom- plish this year at International CES ® ? KP: We are going to be showcasing one of the most exciting and innovative new programs in Girl Scouts: Digital Cookie. Digital Cookie is revolutionizing our iconic Girl Scout Cookie Program, teach- ing 21st century skills in 21st century ways to 21st century girls. Girls are going to be onsite to interact with atten- dees to show how, for the first time, they will be selling cookies digitally. Our Movement is girl-led and girl-driven, so girls are the ones who will be out front, demonstrating how Girl Scouts is diving into the digital space. CEDN: How will the Digital Cookie program work? KP: Digital Cookie allows girls to vastly expand the reach and effectiveness of their cookie business by bringing the marketing and business process into the digital space. Girls will use either a mobile transaction app or online person- alized website to market and sell cookies. Customers can order either online or face- to-face, from girls using the mobile app, and have their orders shipped any- where in the U.S. CEDN: Why is CES the place to show- case this new program? KP: CES is the biggest, most exciting electronic and tech conference in the world, so where better to demonstrate the biggest, most exciting new addition to our Cookie Program? Technology is helping Girl Scouts revolutionize the skills girls learn through our cookie program, and the fun, new ways girls learn those skills. CES is the perfect place to tell the world Continued on Page 10 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH INTERNATIONAL CES ® Lee M. Oser CEO and Editor-in-Chief Jules Denton Kim Forrester Paul Harris Associate Publishers Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director Jeanie Catron David Bernard JoEllen Lowry Associate Editors Yasmine Brown Andre Gressieux Graphic Designers Caitlyn Roach Sarah Glenn Customer Service Managers Heather Canale Keri Gall Jamie Green Tara Neal Annie Summers Show Logistics & Distribution Randal Fisher Lynn Hilton Marcos Morhaim Jeffrey Patten Account Managers Enrico Cecchi European Sales Consumer Electronics Daily News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2015 All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy