Oser Communications Group

EdTech Show Daily ISTE June 30 2014

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E d Te c h S h o w D a i l y M o n d a y, J u n e 3 0 2 0 1 4 2 2 NEW GROUPS OF STUDENTS TO BENEFIT FROM DREAMBOX LEARNING PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION Middle school years can be challeng- ing. New social pressures, emotional changes and increased academic anxi- ety can leave adolescents wanting to run for the hills. The use of technology in the classroom that provides a unique approach to learning can help ease some of these challenges by building self-confidence and an excitement for learning. Designed to follow its K-5 lessons and appeal to older learners, DreamBox Learning for grades 6-8 enables students to make sense of chal- lenging algebraic concepts, including ratios, geometry, one-variable equa- tions and basic functions. The program also supports the needs of advanced elementary learners and learners of all ages who can benefit from understand- ing algebra. According to a 2012 study in The Qualitative Report, middle school stu- dents (grades 6-8) seek active, student- driven learning environments where they can engage with hands-on manip- ulatives and technology that foster independence and understanding. This is what DreamBox Learning delivers with its Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ Technology. Elementary students have been taking a hands-on, creative approach to math through the use of DreamBox Learning, and the company believes engagement should continue when stu- dents enter higher grade levels. Elliot Sanchez, founder of mSchool in New Orleans, La., who uses DreamBox Learning in his curriculum, sees mid- dle school students express a growing need for independence and a desire to take more control over their learning. "It's the student-directed approach that allows students to focus on their zone of proximal develop- ment," he says. "It's critical that all students have the support and opportuni- ties to acquire the skills needed to suc- ceed not only in math, but also in life," said Jessie Woolley-Wilson, CEO of DreamBox Learning. "DreamBox Learning delivers personalized learn- ing paths that motivate and guide all levels of learners, regardless of loca- tion or background, to achieve math proficiency. The addition of new cur- riculum lessons will only further sup- port our commitment to help all stu- dents realize a deep understanding and life-long confidence in math." In addition, DreamBox Learning is incorporating Spanish language for fall 2014. Offering lessons in native Spanish is a natural extension for a program that is already driving successful results for ELL students to date. One example of a school seeing positive results from its use of DreamBox Learning currently is Theodore Roosevelt Elementary in Houston, Texas, where 40 percent of students are ELL. According to princi- pal Yolanda R o d r i g u e z , "DreamBox is particularly effective in our diverse, multilingual school due to its game-based, highly motivating and visual environment. It keeps ELL stu- dents highly engaged and teachers par- ticularly like how it spirals instruction for students." Both English and Spanish lan- guage content will be available this fall ahead of the new school year in a sin- gle program and app as part of a prod- uct update, which also includes the new grades 6-8 curriculum. For more information about DreamBox Learning or to schedule a demo, call 877-451-7845, visit www.dreambox.com or stop by booth 2866. CA: Macally's 20 years of experience and the extensive range of products that Macally manufactures is unique among accessories manufacturers today. ESD: What was the most significant event or series of events affecting your company in the past year? CA: One of the most significant events affecting Macally in the past year was the introduction and release of the Macally wired 30-pin and Lightning keyboards for iPad. The news that Common Core, Smarter Balanced and PARCC technology requirements allow for tablets to be used during standardized testing as long as the student is using a wired keyboard has real- ly increased the demand for our iKey30II (30-pin wired keyboard) and iKeyLTII (lightning wired keyboard). We have a full line of computer and tablet/iPad acces- sories that are ideal for edu technology for K-12 classrooms and beyond. ESD: Are you introducing any new prod- ucts? CA: Macally is introducing the new Rack15 and Rack30 charging and sync- ing tablet storage cabinets for iPads and Tablets. They are ideal for schools because they can be used with any iOS or Android devices, are compatible with most tablet cases, have heavy duty steel doors with locks, a cable management system keeps the cables out of sight and untangled, and it has easy gliding wheels Macally ( Cont'd. from p. 1) with locks and handles for easy lifting. These cabinets are superbly priced and a great way to protect, sync and charge any tablet or iPad in the classroom or office. ESD: Where is your current product emphasis? CA: Macally's current product emphasis is on making high value, durable, smart technology accessories that are easy to use for K-12 edu, college, office and home users. Macally will continue to work hard to produce solutions to "Enhance Your Digital Lifestyle" for desktop, laptop, iPad, tablet, iPhone and smartphone users. ESD: What is the nature of your dis- tribution? CA: Our products are distributed world- wide. Macally has offices in the Netherlands, Brazil, Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan. ESD: What is your outlook in general for this product line? CA: Macally's outlook is optimistic. We are confident that if we continue to make quality products that fill a need, market our product at a competitive price and offer excellent service and support, we will continue to thrive. We proudly stand behind our products. We've been very successful for 20 years; we're stronger than ever and ready for our next 20 years. Visit Macally at booth 3271 or online at www.macally.com. STUDY SHOWS HIGHER ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG STUDENTS USING DISCOVERY EDUCATION TECHBOOKS A recently released study found that usage of Discovery Education's digital science textbook is associated with higher achievement scores. Specifically, the research suggests that the Discovery Education Science Techbook™ increases student science achievement and bolsters the effective- ness of instruction when teachers with one or more years of experience use it in classroom practice. Conducted by independent research firm Merola Research, LLC, the study reviewed results on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) in science for fifth and eighth grade students in Collier County, Fla. During the 2011-2012 school year, Collier County Public schools partnered with Discovery Education to implement Discovery Education Science Techbook, a digital textbook for their science curriculum. Included in the implementation was in- depth, customized professional devel- opment from Discovery Education's professional development team, which supported educators as they integrated the Science Techbook into classroom instruction. The researchers concluded that students whose teachers had one or more years of teaching experience and used Science Techbook for instruction scored higher on the FCAT than stu- dents whose teachers had similar lev- els of experience but had not used Science Techbook. Additionally, fifth grade English Language Learner (ELL) students whose teachers used Science Techbook for instruction were 66 percent more likely to score at the proficient level or higher on the FCAT, compared to ELL students whose teachers were not using Science Techbook. Other key findings from the study include: at the fifth grade level, FCAT scores were on average 4.36 points higher among students whose teachers had more than one year of teaching experience and used Science Techbook than for students with similar teachers who did not use Science Techbook; at the eighth grade level, FCAT scores were on average 16.54 points higher for students whose teachers had more than one year of teaching experience and used Science Techbook than for students whose teachers had similar levels of experience who did not use Science Techbook; and fifth grade ELL students with teachers who used Science Techbook scored about 14 points higher on the Science FCAT on average than ELL students whose teachers did not use Techbook. "We are proud to partner with Discovery Education to provide our teachers the high- quality resources creating the dynam- ic learning environ- ments we know are critical to student success," said Dr. Kamela Patton, Superintendent of Collier County Public Schools. Discovery Education Science Techbook series is a complete digital solution that replaces traditional text- books and features compelling video, interactive text, digital simulations and explorations, virtual and hands-on labs, and an interactive glossary with anima- tions, audio and video. The series is avail- able for K–8 science and high school courses including Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science and Physics. "When educators have the resources to create interactive learning experiences that support a variety of learning styles, abilities and lan- guages, they can create an environ- ment that supports academic success and the skills necessary for college, careers and global citizenship," said Andy Schaefer, Vice President, Discovery Education.

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