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R e s t a u r a n t D a i l y N e w s F r i d a y, M a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 3 4 Put down that log book! Let fusionchef immersion circulators streamline your HACCP plan. What is a HACCP plan? The objective of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan is to create and confirm a set of guidelines that will ensure foods are cooked and stored safely. Particularly for sous vide, it is essential for chefs to document their cooking procedures, further accounting for the food service operations' adher- ence to food safety standards. Some states have stricter regulations than oth- ers, so it is important to be familiar with regional health department guidelines in order to ensure HACCP compliance. Why is HACCP an issue for chefs? The required record-keeping and regula- tions for commercial sous vide programs vary by region, and the detailed plan sub- mission and approval processes are often a major obstacle for chefs or managers interested in utilizing sous vide in their kitchen. Additionally, HACCP plans are generally not transferable from region to region, so chefs managing multiple loca- tions across the country need to cus- tomize their plans based on a variety of factors, including menu recipes, the physical makeup and design of the kitchen operation and more. How is fusionchef solving the HACCP obstacle? fusionchef™ by Julabo, a leader in the FUSIONCHEF IMMERSION CIRCULATORS HELPFUL IN KITCHEN HACCP PLANS Continued on Page 83 The walk-in cooler in a foodservice establishment typically receives great scrutiny during routine inspections. Chances are a restaurant will not be shut down if they have shelving that is rusted, dented, chipped or severely worn out. However, they could be at risk of receiv- ing demerits, a corrective action notice and not "making the grade." There are other consequences to not having properly maintained shelving in a restaurant. For starters, when an environ- mental health specialist notices that shelving is not up to standards, it raises flags and makes the inspector a lot more vigilant and doubtful of other areas in the restaurant. Reliable, easy-to-clean, rust and corrosion resistant shelves are a very important part of food safety as they come in direct contact with food―not intentionally, but it does happen and quite often, especially during busy peri- ods in a restaurant. Often times, the kitchen staff is in a hurry and try to grab as many products as needed, using both hands. This often means setting one item down directly on the shelves while they grab another or while they take the time to put the lid back onto a contain- er. After a while, epoxy coated wire shelves peel, rust, collect build-up (if not maintained) and lead to unsanitary conditions if they come into direct con- tact with food. Environmental health specialists CAMBRO: WOULD YOUR SHELVING PASS INSPECTION? Continued on Page 83 Lee M. Oser CEO and Editor-in-Chief Lyle Sapp Senior Associate Publisher Director of Sales Kate Seymour Senior Associate Publisher Kim Forrester Associate Publisher Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director Hayden Neeley Jazmine Woodberry Associate Editors Janice Bauer Art Director Yasmine Brown Graphic Designer Ruth Haltiwanger Nicholas Travassos Traffic Managers Jeff Rosano David Chavez Jennifer Cope Joel Greer Lynn Hilton Account Managers Enrico Cecchi European Sales Restaurant Daily News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2013. All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH NRA