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R e s t a u r a n t D a i l y N e w s 1 1 7 F r i d a y, M a y 1 7 , 2 0 1 3 Ranne ® Meatballs, Italian sausage, Italian beef, pot roast and chicken sausage," said Joanne Fontanini, President of Fontanini Italian Meats. The company also manufactures break- fast sausage, ethnic sausage, gyros, hot dogs and a large selection of pizza top- ping, including our signature raw bulk and pre-cooked chunks. Fontanini has a direct national sales force that are experts in the company's product line. "We service the foodservice industry nationally through a network of distribu- tion throughout the country," said Gene Fontanini, CEO of Fontanini Italian Meats. "Fontanini is also expanding in the global market, now servicing Canada, Mexico, and various Asian nations. Further, we are honored to supply our products to the United States Armed Forces, both locally and abroad." The company is constantly innovat- ing and creating products that intrigue today's palates while keeping industry trends and food safety at the forefront of our company's objectives. Fontanini con- tinually strives to meet its customers' Fontanini (Cont'd. from p. 1) innovation needs by creating and produc- ing customized products. The Fontaninis are excited about the new products the company is bringing to consumers. "Our newest product is right in line with the small bites trend that is taking over the nation. We take our colossal gar- lic sausage chunks and toss them in a per- fectly complimented sweet and spicy buffalo sauce to create one of America's newest appetizers―a perfect pop-able bite!" said Gene Fontanini. "This sweet and spicy appetizer hits all the right notes with our customers―exceptional flavor at an even better price. Wouldn't you love a 100 percent profit margin on a sin- gle item too?!" Gene points interested customers toward the company's website,, where readers can explore the company's extensive product line and be inspired with recipe and menu ideas. Consumers can also learn how to purchase products for home use on the site. For more information on Fontanini Italian Meats, visit or call 800-331-MEAT―or stop by booth 3801 at the 2013 National Restaurant Show. FM: FancyHeat manufactures high-qual- ity chafing dish fuels in the U.S.A. We are located on the east coast in Somerset, N.J. Over the last decade, FancyHeat ® has established a Gold Standard reputa- tion in manufacturing "The World's Best Fuel" line at competitive prices. RDN: What makes FancyHeat unique? FM: What makes FancyHeat so unique is our never-ending quest to manufacture and produce innovative, high-quality, competitive products in our industry. Our products include a full line of chafing dish fuels, candles, fuel cells, and buffet sets for the retail market. While we offer a premium grade product at competitive pricing, we also have our dedicated team of employees who excel in their fields. Coupled together, FancyHeat is unique! RDN: What sets FancyHeat apart from its competitors? FM: FancyHeat stands alone when compared to our competitors. We pro- vide superior safety, quality and service second to none, which makes our chaf- ing fuel the most user-friendly in the world. FancyHeat sees growth with new and exciting product development, as well as offering new products and expanding our product line. Our research and development team is always seeking to create new and inno- Fancy Heat (Cont'd. from p. 1) vative products. FancyHeat's success lies in our ability to offer new quality products to the market and to always be "The World's Best Fuel!" RDN: Tell us about your product line. FM: After a decade of producing "The World's Best Chafing Fuel," FancyHeat continues to manufacture state of the art products when compared to fuels pro- duced with 40-year-old technology in the marketplace, these products can be unsafe and inefficient. Did you know that our gels are liquid-free and burn 20 per- cent longer than our competition? Our cans are labeled with detailed instruc- tions on every can? We offer the cleanest burning fuel without offensive odors? FancyHeat provides maximum heat BTU output? FancyHeat uses strong corrosive resistant steel cans? RDN: What is your goal at the NRA Show this year? FM: Our goal this year is to inform and educate users on why they should choose FancyHeat's products over our competi- tors. The show also provides us with an opportunity to greet many of our world- wide customers in one of our favorite cities in the world! For more information on FancyHeat products, visit booth 7654 at the 2013 NRA Show. After the show visit Frylow is a device that you put in your deep fryer that will save you money, improve food taste and quality all while lower your environmental footprint. Frylow is an oil extending photo-cat- alytic ceramic device for use in all deep fryers. Frylow's patented technology con- ditions and extends the fry oil's lifespan by up to 150 percent, providing a longer life period between oil change cycles. RDN: What are some of the benefits of Frylow? PC: Frylow is the perfect solution to the rising costs of deep frying oil. Frylow requires no electricity and is simple to install. It is highly cost effective and very low maintenance. Frylow is not a filter or a chemical additive. The powerful syner- gy of Frylow and its ability to save you tremendously on oil costs has no rivals. The results of that then are: extended oil life, lowered cooking temperatures, reduced energy costs, and crispier, better tasting food—all with less oil absorbed for fewer calories and improved flavor. RDN: What makes Frylow unique? PC: Currently Frylow has no rival! There is not another product on the market that can so efficiently extend your fry oil's life like Frylow. Manufactured in Japan and made to the highest quality standards Japanese manufacturing has been renowned for, Frylow is a robust, long- lasting unit. We believe the best way to prove this is by way of a free dark oil demonstration. Frylow has been tested and certified as food-safe. Highly reputable laborato- ries including, NSF International, Japan Food Research Laboratories, and CERAM Research have independently confirmed that Frylow is safe for use in your fryer. The unit contains absolutely no toxic substances such as lead or cad- mium, and will not leach anything into the hot cooking oil. Frylow comes with a three-year warranty. RDN: Who currently is utilizing Frylows oil extending abilities? PC: Frylow is currently used in some of the most recognized restaurants, hotel and kitchens in the world. As an example Paul Carter, Executive Chef at The Phoenician resort in Scottsdale, Ariz., said about Frylow: "During my tenure as Executive Chef at The Phoenician Resort we implemented Frylow throughout all of our kitchens. I can say that the results were very beneficial. We saw a significant reduc- tion in oil use, resulting in cleaner, bet- ter looking and a more appealing taste to our fried food. I would highly rec- ommend Frylow to any chef looking to reduce oil costs and improve the appearance and flavor of their fried food items. It has been a pleasure working with the team at Frylow and I look forward to implementing Frylow in future kitchen operations." RDN: How can our readers find out more about Frylow and how to introduce it in their kitchens? PC: Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to set-up a demonstration. Visit our website, contact me at 480-329-3205 or email me at For more information on Frylow visit booth 888 at the NRA Show. Frylow (Cont'd. from p. 1) including the nation's leading airline, loy- alty, charitable and hotel dining programs. The programs offer diners the reward of their choice. In addition, the team at Rewards Network gives its diners incentives beyond their rewards to try new restaurants and return again and again. The Rewards Network program includes comprehensive and targeted dig- ital marketing to keep program restau- rants top of mind with frequent diners. Participating restaurants receive detailed Rewards Network (Cont'd. from p. 1) weekly statements, monthly summaries and quarterly reports which provide actionable data, including where both new and repeat members are coming from and a synopsis of their survey comments. Marketing a restaurant online involves more than having a website. Rewards Network's web marketing provides a virtu- al meeting place that connects our diners to you through our dining program websites, social media tools and mobile app. For more information, visit booth 3849 at the 2013 NRA Show. COOPER-ATKINS HACCP MANAGER SYSTEM MAKE MONITORING EASY Cooper-Atkins' newest innovation in thermocouple technology is the HACCP Manager™ System. The handheld ther- mocouple is a data-collecting instru- ment designed to simplify both the recording of food product temperatures and the monitoring of all corrective actions in foodservice environments. The back-office software includes a state-of-the-art database system designed for reporting, analyzing and storing temperatures and allows data to be transferred between the handheld and PC. Featuring a high level of accuracy (±1 degree Fahrenheit) and extended temperature range of -99 degrees to 999.9 degrees Fahrenheit, this multi- purpose thermocouple accepts all Type K thermocouple probes and stores as many as 3,000 temperature records. The database allows programming of up to 300 user-configurable menu items into the software. The water-resistant hand- held features a full color LCD and comes with a five year instrument war- ranty. A protective storage pouch, durable rubber boot, rechargeable bat- tery and lanyard are included in the new HACCP Manager Kit. Cooper-Atkins Corporation, head- quartered in Middlefield, Conn., has been a leading manufacturer of environ- mental solutions since 1885. Cooper- Atkins serves the foodservice, HVAC and healthcare markets and has built a solid reputation as a leading manufac- turer and provider of quality time, tem- perature and humidity instruments. Led by Carol P. Wallace, President and CEO, Cooper-Atkins is a Certified Women Owned Business and proud member of the WBENC. For more information, visit www.cooper-, call 860-349-3473 x154 or email