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James Lozano-Byerly, Enterprise Account Executive for Education with Tools4ever, dis- cusses how the User Management Resource Administrator is being leveraged by school districts to create savings and efficiencies for net- work user account management. ESD: What is the User Management Resource Administrator? JL: The User Management Resource Administrator, or UMRA, is an enter- TOOLS4EVER: STREAMLINE USER ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT By Traci Kampel, Vice President, Strategic Communications, BrainPOP The conference booth is great for an overview of a given exhibitor's offer- ings, but at BrainPOP ® , we feel it's important that our audience also hears the deeper perspectives of fel- low educators – the people who are using our resources beyond the exhibit hall, in actual classrooms. We've recruited Sandra Mercado and Robert Miller of Port Orange Elementary (Port Orange, Fla.) as well as Jeanette Choy and Annie Mitchell of Nottingham Elementary (Spring Branch, Texas) to share initial feedback on our newest An interview with Marcus Kingsley, CEO, NetSupport Inc. ESD: Tell our readers about your company. What's your main line of business? MK: We're in the business of classroom management software. Rewind a few years, and that would have been translat- ed as monitoring student activity on their desktops. Fast forward to today, and the term has evolved to include not only An interview with Tom Piche, Product Manager, Epson America, Inc. ESD: What are the challenges you face in developing products for today's classrooms? TP: Technology is constantly evolving. Compatibility, connectivity and security among various devices, [espe- cially in the BYOD environment] present unique chal- lenges when developing technology for the classroom. To this end, Epson offers Easy MP networking software and iProjection App to bring devices, such as document cameras, DVD/Blu-ray players, iOS and Android devices together, in a way that allows teachers to leverage all of Continued on Page 45 An interview with Tim Evans, Vice President, Impulse Point. ESD: You have said that 1:1 computing programs represent a short term strategy when it comes to getting more technology in the class- room. Can you explain? TE: A 1:1 computer or tablet initiative has a number of significant advan- tages that help get technology into the classroom. These programs get a Continued on Page 44 TEACHERS' PERSPECTIVES ON BRAINPOP'S NEWEST TOOL CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT FROM NETSUPPORT INTERACTIVE PROJECTORS FROM EPSON CAN 1-TO-1 PROGRAMS SURVIVE? Continued on Page 45 Continued on Page 44 Continued on Page 41 O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G ro u p Au s t i n W e d n e s d a y, Fe b ru a r y 5 , 2 0 1 4 An interview with Brooke Shamhart, 5th Grade Teacher. ESD: Tell our readers about yourself, and how you became involved with AVer's TabCam. BS: My name is Brooke Shamhart, and I am in my sixth year of teaching at a 1-to-1 iPad school where all of my students use iPads on a daily basis. This tool alone has become an integral part of my daily lessons. This year, AVer approached Rogers Ranch to pilot their new TabCam wireless streaming camera because of our 1-to- 1 iPad initiative. I was one of the lucky teachers given the opportunity to try TabCam and to integrate it into my An interview with Jerry Foster, Admissions Adviser, Boise State University. ESD: What makes your online master's program different than others? JF: A 20-year tradition of innovation. Boise State's online master's program in educational technology is one of the first such programs in the nation to offer all classes online, to teach effective online teaching, to teach in virtual worlds and in Continued on Page 45 AVER'S TABCAM PROVIDES SOLUTIONS FOR TEACHERS BOISE STATE OFFERS ONLINE MASTER'S PROGRAM Continued on Page 44 Annie Mitchell (top); Jeanette Choy (bottom); and Robert Miller (right)