Oser Communications Group

World of Baking 2019

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Mike E. Maynard, Owner and Founder of ADSI, Inc. in Durant, Oklahoma, has been providing the world with the Centri-Matic III 286P-UL Egg Break- ing Machine since 1981. This machine will crack, extract and blend 30 dozen USDA graded eggs every 60 seconds with 100 percent liquid extraction, re- sulting in an average of 10-15 percent more yield over hand cracking eggs, solving the problem for both the foodservice operator and the baker/cook. This revolutionary machine is designed to be easy to use, easy to clean and to dramatically cut labor costs and improve the overall quality of the end product by using fresh eggs over liquid eggs. ADSI, Inc. strives to provide a high-quality product with little maintenance and one of the best warranties in the equipment industry, while saving hundreds of dollars by controlling the food and labor costs by consistently maintaining top quality, thus generating greater profits. "We are proud of our customer loyalty and will go above and beyond for each and every company we work with," explained Maynard. ADSI, Inc. is showcasing the Centri-Matic III 286P-UL Egg Breaking Machine at the IBIE show, booth #2978, targeting restaurants, bakeries, convenience stores and all ADSI, Inc. Showcasing Egg Breaking Machine at IBIE An interview with Mel Festejo, Chief Operating Officer, Amer- ican Key Food Products (AKFP), Closter, New Jersey. WB: Since American Key Food Products first developed Pre- mium Cassava Flour for gluten-free baking, how have your capabilities and growth developed? MF: We have shipped more than 55 million pounds of Premium Cassava Flour since its in- troduction in 2011. AKFP has invested eight years in developing and improving not only a distinctive gluten-free and grain-free ingredient adapted to the challenging, competitive en- vironment of North America, but also our production and logistics capabilities, and adhering to the high standards for quality and food safety demanded by the industry. We now have an established track record for promptly and reliably delivering consistent quality cassava flour to an increasing customer base. Thanks to a strong partnership with our manufacturer, it is produced in a highly efficient and controlled environment, with production capacity boosted By Greg Tischler, Radar Product Manager – VEGA Americas Nearly every bakery uses powder and granular ingredients like flour and sugar. It doesn't matter if the production line is making English muffins or biscuits, cookies or crackers, the recipe calls for one or both. Operators responsible for tracking how much of these ingredients are still in the silo know just how difficult it is to get an accurate, reliable level measurement at any given moment. Inside dry ingredient storage vessels, thick clouds of dust form during filling and emptying, which interferes with several different measurement technolo- gies. It can take a long time for these clouds to settle, and the fine granules and powders can even settle and build up on the sensor itself, interfering with the measurement. Plus, every ingredient has different physical properties that can make it difficult to find a "one-size-fits- all" solution. Innovations in radar technology, fortunately, have made all of these problems a thing of the past. An interview with Joe Miglia, General Manager, Novacart. WB: What kind of products does Novacart have to offer? JM: Novacart manufactures bakeable packaging. Novacart's bakeable packaging is by def- inition packaging that you can bake right in with no need to unmold and repackage, and is ready for sale. We produce over 300 styles of paper baking molds and cups to handle any baking need. WB: What does bakeable packaging mean? JM: Free-standing paper baking molds you just fill, bake and sell, all in the same unit. Once filled and baked in, your goods can be sold and/or served with no need to repackage, saving both time and money. Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20 80 GHz Radar Makes Level Measurement Despite Dust and Build Up Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 18 BOOTH #634 BOOTH #2935 BOOTH #7587 BOOTH #2978 SEPTEMBER 2019 n SPECIAL SHOW ISSUE AKFP Offers Premium Cassava Flour for Gluten-Free & Grain-Free Baking Novacart – The Bakeable Packaging Experts

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