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Food Equipment News Saturday, February 9, 2019 4 6 grocery retail space today? CQ: At Zumex ® , we are committed to what we call Life Essence, a different way of understanding and enjoying a healthy lifestyle model with benefits for the body and mind. Healthy eating is a current that is gaining strength and it has come to stay. The consumer is looking for an hon- est and transparent process, 100 percent natural in terms of fresh products. The objective of Zumex with the new Speed S +Plus has been to create a series of pro- fessional juicers that are able to convert supermarket shopping into a unique experience, because they allow con- sumers to instantly, quickly and easily, prepare freshly squeezed juice by them- selves to take away or to drink in the establishment. FEN: Has Zumex seen increased interest from supermarket retailers interested in adding new equipment to their foodser- vice areas? If so, what products are they looking for? CQ: Absolutely, yes. There are steps being taken now to create new spaces for the Zumex experience. In fact, a great deal of retail chains have had Zumex Speed series machines on their shelves for some years, such as H-E-B, Kroger, Lucky's Market, Whole Foods and Sprouts Farmers Market among others. The thing is to change the concept and move to the self-service juice station in order to increase the customer experience and transparency, taking the squeezed juice to the freshest level. Thus, Zumex, leaders for some years Zumex (Cont'd. from p. 1) in the incorporation of citrus fruit juicers on the shelves of supermarkets in Europe, America and Asia, continues with its commitment to the healthy cur- rent, with the new Speed S +Plus series models, prepared to offer the most effi- cient and safest service on the market, improving experience of use and offering greater speed and convenience for con- sumers of freshly squeezed juice. The new Speed S +Plus commercial juicers are the most complete solution for self-service areas. FEN: Are there certain things retailers should look for when purchasing equip- ment? How can they make sure they get the best returns on their investment? CQ: Experience has shown us that chains that commit to the incorporation of our automatic juicers in their fruit and veg- etable section increase: brand positioning reinforcement, healthy food concept; innovation, live experience; an increase in the average of purchase tickets – if selling freshly squeezed citrus juice adds more value for the customer, it adds more margin for the stores; an increase in prox- imity customers; and greater perform- ance and optimization of perishable products. They also act as an engine to drive the consumption of other fresh products on the shelves. We work together with the supermar- kets to integrate our solutions, in agree- ment with their business needs and their internal operation to make them more profitable, and the results are amazing. Visit Zumex at booth #1077. For more information, go to www.zumex .com, call 305.591.0061 or email zumexusa@zumex.com. JD: Aside from the singular craftsman- ship and stand-out features found in our product lines, I would say the things that make us unique include the fact that we're privately and multigenerationally owned with a long, consistent history of delivering quality. I would also mention that our products are made in the U.S.A. with parts that are – for the most part – locally sourced. FEN: What are you doing this year that's different from what you did last year? JD: In 2017, we completed the acquisi- tion of Turbo Coil and this year we are engineering and marketing a wide variety of equipment that intensely integrates features that make it easier for operators to keep hot things hot and cold things cold. For example, we have developed refrigerated, drop-in pan chillers that can maintain precise temperatures of 41 degrees Fahrenheit or below within six inches of, say, a plancha grill reaching intense 800 degree Fahrenheit tempera- tures. By spearheading advancements in proximity, design symmetry and techni- cal durability, we're continuing to pro- vide products that no one else offers. FEN: What was the most significant event or series of events affecting your company over the past year? JD: Things are rapidly evolving on the cold side of restaurant business, and Montague keeps striving to stay on the cutting edge. Tariffs on certain of our raw materials are presenting some challenges, as is staying on top of regulatory changes regarding refrigeration. Case in point: there's a huge CO 2 movement being pushed out there. FEN: What do you anticipate will be your greatest challenge in the year ahead? JD: Being able to provide increasingly The Montague Company (Cont'd. from p. 1) more customized, highly-specific com- mercial kitchen equipment solutions in ever more compressed time frames. Behind that lie the more perennial chal- lenges of maintaining a reliable, cost- effective supply chain and managing our business amid the high growth rate we're currently enjoying. FEN: What products do you see as being hottest this year? JD: This year, Montague is prioritizing the development of new kitchen config- urations such as our UDC or Universal Distribution Channel Island Suite, a product whose pieces of equipment are modular and not fused together. As an example, it allows operators to easily swap out a six-burner range and con- nect a char broiler for specific cooking needs. We're also developing a megatop glycol-cooled prep table with lots of pan chillers to accommodate the growing open-assembly trend in making burgers, salads and pizzas. American steakhouse broilers are also on our hot list – not just for the U.S. market, but worldwide. FEN: What equipment have you devel- oped for the international market? JD: We've enhanced both our heavy- duty and restaurant-series lines to be CE- compatible for the international market. In particular, our Grizzly Medium-Duty Restaurant Ranges have developed a great reputation in the international field. FEN: To what do you attribute your company's success? JD: Carefully listening to the unique needs of each and every one of our cus- tomers, then employing proud old tradi- tions in new ways to make equipment offering exceptional quality, reliability and performance. Visit The Montague Company at booth #1400. Mediterranean derived sun dried toma- toes and Southwestern grown and smoked chipotle peppers. Combining the two ingredients made a sweet and smokey flavor that had to be added to the Bella Sun Luci brand. Bella Sun Luci (Cont'd. from p. 1) Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomato Chipotle Topper & Sauce can be added to zucchini noodles, roasted cauliflower, steamed carrots and broccoli. It can be used as a smokey baked potato topping, a lettuce wrap, on top of grilled aspara- gus, mixed with spaghetti squash and so much more. cook-chill pouches. Subsequent rapid chilling to 40 degrees Fahrenheit in approximately one hour (product dependent) and storage at 34 degrees Fahrenheit within 48 hours can yield a shelf life of 30 days without deterioration in color, texture or nutrient value. But what if a new kitchen isn't in the budget? Or perhaps an organization is interested in testing prior to committing large amounts of time, resources and money. What then? The new EconoChill Cook-Chill Starter System from Tucs uses an opera- tor's existing kettles coupled with a volu- metric pump-fill station to safely, precisely and gently transfer product from the ket- tle(s) to preformed, high-barrier pouches. From there the pouches are sealed using a portable, foot-operated impulse heat sealer. The sealer creates lay-flat pouches that cool quicker and are easier to store. Next stop: The Tucs Liquid Immersion Batch Chiller. Tucs (Cont'd. from p. 1) The batch chiller is maintained at 33 degrees Fahrenheit to provide fast, gentle cooling. Integral evaporator coils directly coupled to the refrigeration eliminate the need for costly, bulky ice-builder or gly- col systems. The chiller system is so effi- cient it only requires 7HP of refrigeration and can oftentimes be tied into an exist- ing system. A separate refrigeration unit is available for customers that require a dedicated machine. Once chilled, product can be stored or transported to remote locations. Product can be rethermalized in the pouches, thereby eliminating any poten- tial for contamination between cooking and service. Stop by booth #1275 to see if your existing kitchen is a candidate for a Tucs EconoChill system and learn more about all the innovative products from Tucs, including its new gas-fired self-contained kettles and its electric self-contained sous-vide cook tanks. Visit Tucs at booth #1275. real savings in terms of time, energy and labor. Thanks to this innovative technolo- gies, impeccable results are always guar- anteed without any need for supervision. Unox technologies have always maxi- mized your return on investment. For this reason, Unox has applied industry leading 4.0 innovations to its top of the line combi ovens: the CHEFTOP MIND.Maps. Unox calls it Data Driven Cooking. Ovens are connected to the internet with Data Driven Cooking (DDC), an arti- ficial intelligence cloud-based technology. It enables ovens to collect data, process information, analyze usage and make use- ful and personalized suggestions, like new recipes or custom-made cooking and bak- ing processes, which translate directly into new dishes for your menu. DDC also mon- itors energy consumption, water consump- tion, cooking times, door open time and monitors cleaning activities. This informa- Unox (Cont'd. from p. 1) tion is transformed into concrete, measura- ble, useful and practical information in order to help you eliminate any kind of waste and increase your daily profit. With Data Driven Cooking, Unox MIND.Maps ovens become much more than just basic commercial kitchen equip- ment: they become a real partner who will help you build your success. Your oven linked to the Unox internet cloud sends data to permit starting the Data Driven Cooking service. These are then processed by means of AI, artificial intelligence to identify and present you with recipes and personalized suggestions tailored to your specific needs, which you can immediately translate into new dishes for your menu. The results are tangible; after three months from the start of the DDC.AI service, average use of the oven increases by 25 percent and maximizes your return on your investment. Visit Unox at booth #4167.

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