Oser Communications Group

Gourmet News January 2018

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BY LORRIE BAUMANN This year's Winter Fancy Food Show promises a wealth of new product introductions as well as special honors for industry leadership from the Specialty Food Association. Honorees for the 2018 Leadership Awards will be presented at a special ceremony on Sunday, January 21 during the Winter Fancy Food Show. The event will be followed by a reception spon- sored by the association's Nat- ural & Organic Council. SFA Leadership Awards hon- orees include Meg Barnhart of The Zen of Slow Cooking and Christopher J. Patton of River BY LORRIE BAUMANN Consumer demand for humanely produced eggs is increasing, and producers like NestFresh are re- sponding with eggs that meet consumer de- mands for t r a n s p a re n c y in how the hens laying those eggs are treated. Nest- Fresh is a brand based in Denver, Col- orado, that specializes in cage- free eggs. "At the very minimum, all of our hens are cage free. ... NestFresh Helps Grocers Meet Demand for Humanely Raised Eggs Continued on PAGE 9 Continued on PAGE 7 Continued on PAGE 14 They're free to move about the barn. All of our barns are built with furnishings and enrichment to encourage the natural behav- iors of the hens: perches, nest boxes, dust- bathing areas," said Brandy Ga- moning, Mar- keting Manager for NestFresh. "They can so- cialize, preen, run, jump — all of those things." According to the American Egg Board, cage-free hens are a grow- ing segment of American flocks, with the trade group estimating that the percentage of cage free hens in American flocks grew by 31 percent between October 2016 and October 2017 and, as of Oc- tober, represent almost 16 percent of American flocks of laying hens. Retail sales of fresh eggs have re- mained nearly flat this year, ac- cording to data compiled by Nielsen, but sales of cage free eggs were up sharply while sales of eggs from caged hens were down almost as sharply, suggesting that consumers shifted their egg-buy- ing preferences in favor of cage- free eggs over the past year. NestFresh, founded in 1991 as a family-owned company dedi- cated to the production of eggs in a way that reflected their values of humane animal care, sources and distributes organic-certified eggs, Non-GMO Project Verified eggs and pasture-raised eggs from more than 20 small family farm- ers. "We work with family farms all over the country," Gamoning said. "That allows us to produce eggs that are regional, that are as local as possible for retailers and consumers." The company is the first to Good Food Finalists Recover From CA Fires Fancy Food Show Celebrates Specialty Foods from Sustainability Leaders Hills Harvest Marketers, who are being honored for business leadership. Ryan Emmons of Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water and Sam Mogannam of Bi-Rite Market are being hon- ored for citizenship, and Mo- hammed Ashour of Aspire Food Group and Thierry Ollivier of Natierra By Brandstorm, Inc., who are being honored for vi- sion. "These six specialty food en- trepreneurs reflect the great power and impact of our grow- ing industry on society at large. It's an honor to recognize their positive social, economic and environmental achievements – all undertaken while also meet- ing the daily challenges of man- aging successful businesses," said SFA President Phil Karafakis. On the show floor, Bridor, which makes artisan breads and pastries for both the retail and foodservice channels, is making its Fancy Food Show debut this year in the show's France Pavil- ion. The company's display will focus on its fully baked items from its American and Cana- dian bakeries as well as items imported from its French facili- ties. "Because we have so many BY LORRIE BAUMANN Pier 33 Gourmet is bringing some exciting new seafood prod- ucts to the American market. Pier 33 Gourmet is the retail brand owned by Chilean seafood pro- ducer Camanchaca, and the com- pany promises that the new items, an Ocean Raised ® Black- ened Salmon, a Bourbon Glazed Salmon and Wild Argentine Red Shrimp, will persuade consumers that their purchase from your freezer or seafood cases will pro- Continued on PAGE 12 A Lobster of a Shrimp from the Waters of Argentina vide them with restau- rant-quality meals at home. The Ocean Raised Blackened Salmon and Ocean Raised Bourbon Glazed Salmon can go from freezer to plate in minutes. They're an extension of Pier 33 Gourmet's product line that al- ready includes Ocean Raised At- lantic Salmon, Wild Caught Langostino Lobster Tails, and Mussel varieties, all seasoned, ready to cook and frozen at the peak of freshness. The Wild Argentine Red Shrimp is a species that will be new to most Americans, but it's a familiar product in Japan, where BY ROBIN MATHER As a finalist for a 2018 Good Food award, Travis Day should be a happy man. It'll take him a little while to catch up enough to enjoy the honor, though, as he tries to put his business, Thistle Meats of Petaluma, California, back on its feet after the wildfires that raged through Napa and Sonoma Coun- ties in October. "Business is starting to feel like it's getting back to normal," he says. "But it was really horrible. Be- tween the fires and a drop-off in business from poor air quality for at least a week, foot traffic was zero. Plus, that was a really busy time for us in our catering side, and we had all those cancellations and had to re- fund those deposits." Money is money, but Day's larger worry was that "every one of my employees was either dis- placed or had immediate family displaced by the fires. We only have six employees, and two them were evacuated from their VOLUME 83, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2018 n $7.00 NEWS & NOTES n OTA Stumps for Farm Bill Priorities PAGE 6 RETAILER NEWS n Brennan's Cellars Opens in Madison, Wisconsin PAGE 10 SUPPLIER NEWS n Land O'Lakes, Inc. Names Beth Ford Head of Land O'Lakes Businesses PAGE 12 NATURALLY HEALTHY n Eliot's Adult Nut Butters Offer Bold Flavor PAGE 13 SUPPLEMENT n Winter Fancy Food Show Preview PAGE 15 News ..............................................6 Ad Index .......................................22 Calendar.......................................22 www.gourmetnews.com G OURMET N EWS T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® SUPPLIER NEWS: Bellucci SEE PAGE 11 SUPPLEMENT: WFF Preview SEE PAGE 15 NATURALLY HEALTHY: Traina Foods SEE PAGE 14

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