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GOURMET NEWS FEBRUARY 2016 FROM THE PUBLISHER 4 The National Commission on Hunger has just released a report that tells us that far too many people in this country are hun- gry. In spite of six years of economic re- covery after the Great Recession, the number of people who are hungry has not declined. This isn't about famine; our country has plenty of food. People are hungry simply because they can't afford to buy enough food to keep them well nourished. Among the most vulnerable populations are our nation's elderly, single-parent families with young children, veterans and active- duty military, people with disabilities, na- tive Americans, immigrants and the families of people who are incarcerated. It's hard to avoid a sense that our country has failed to provide for the most basic needs of our own people. As a community of people who are deeply concerned with what we're eating and how we're preparing our food, we all have a part in addressing this issue and helping to solve it. Many of us are already very active in this cause. Some of us vol- unteer to deliver food to the home-bound; some of us donate food to the needy; some of us donate cash to our local food bank; and some of us turn out of our warm homes to help out at our church's soup kitchen. As a group, we're part of the so- lution. Now it's time to think about how we might also be part of the problem. We owe it to ourselves and our communities to make this issue part of the public discus- sions our country is having this year as we decide who's going to lead us on the way ahead. Let's raise our voices and make this one of the questions we expect our leaders to answer: How are we going to feed our people? GN — Lee M. Oser WWW.GOURMETNEWS.COM PUBLISHER Lee M. Oser ASSOCIATE PUBLISHERS Kim Forrester Jules Denton EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Lorrie Baumann SR. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Richard Thompson ASSOCIATE EDITOR Micah Cheek CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Greg Gonzales ART DIRECTOR André Gressieux GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Yasmine Brown Krystal Robles ACCOUNT MANAGER Carlos Velasquez CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Sarah Glenn CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Tara Neal CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green PUBLISHING OFFICE 1877 N. Kolb Road P.O. Box 1056 Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300 Fax 520.721.6300 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Gourmet News P.O. Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 520.721.1300 G OURMET N EWS ® OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP PRESIDENT Lee M. Oser MEMBER OF: Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ, and additional mailing office. Gourmet News (ISSN 1052-4630) is published monthly by Oser Communications Group, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715; 520.721.1300. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper. Contributors are responsible for proper release of pro- prietary classified information. ©2016 by Oser Communications Group. All rights re- served. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without writ- ten permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited. Back issues, when available, cost $7 each within the past 12 months, $12 each prior to the past 12 months. Back orders must be paid in advance either by check or charged to American Express, Visa, or Master Card. Gourmet News is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and dis- tribution channels of the specialty foods and hardgoods trade; paid subscriptions cost $65 annually to the U.S. and Canada. All foreign subscriptions cost $150 annu- ally to cover air delivery. All payments must be made in U.S. funds and drawn on a U.S. bank. For subscriber services, including subscription information, call 520.721.1300. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gourmet News, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715. FROM THE PUBLISHER