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GOURMET NEWS DECEMBER 2015 FROM THE PUBLISHER 4 Greetings! As we come to the end of another year of pub- lishing Gourmet News each month, it's a good time to review where we've been and where the magazine is going next year. You'll see some of that in this issue, with the story "Incubating Greatness in Shared Kitchen Spaces," which represents our decision to publish occasional longer stories. These stories give us a chance to take a deeper and more thoughtful look at important issues in the American food in- dustry, and we hope you'll enjoy them. You will also have already noticed Gourmet News' broader coverage of cheeses through our twice-annual Cheese Guide as well as extensive coverage of reg- ulatory issues concerning cheese in our monthly issues. We'll be keeping a close eye on what's happening as the Food Safety Modernization Act continues to be imple- mented in the new year. This year, The Cheese Guide will be appearing in Febru- ary and October to give retailers an earlier look at what's coming to the market in spring and the champion cheeses they'll order to elevate their cheese cases in time for the holiday season. Of course, cheese isn't the only food product that's being newly regulated under FSMA; the produce industry also has new rules to deal with, and the FDA has announced new rules for food importers, who will soon have to verify that the products they're importing can meet FDA standards all the way from their sources. We'll be keeping an equally close eye on those issues too. In the olive oil market, new producers are m a k i n g strong bids for a share of the Amer- ican market with spe- cialty oils poised to take advantage of publicity around new research on the health benefits of extra virgin olive oils high in antioxidants and phe- nols, aromatic organic compounds that are thought to have a role in decreasing the incidence of several chronic diseases. This year, our Oli e Aceti special supplement will be appearing in March so that all of our retailer readers can have it on hand as the oils from this winter's harvest are coming onto the mar- ket. Join us each month in the pages of Gourmet News as we continue our quest to bring you in- depth reporting on vital issues affecting the food industry as well as coverage of a tumultuous re- tail environ- ment and the new products that can help you stand out from your competitors. Finally, from the entire Gour- met News, we wish you all a peaceful and joyous holiday season filled with the blessings of fam- ily, friendship and food. GN — Lee M. Oser Publisher WWW.GOURMETNEWS.COM PUBLISHER Lee M. Oser ASSOCIATE PUBLISHERS Kim Forrester Jules Denton EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Lorrie Baumann SR. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Richard Thompson ASSOCIATE EDITOR Micah Cheek ART DIRECTOR Andre Gressieux GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Yasmine Brown Krystal Robles ACCOUNT MANAGER Carlos Velasquez CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Sarah Glenn CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Tara Neal CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green PUBLISHING OFFICE 1877 N. Kolb Road P.O. Box 1056 Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300 Fax 520.721.6300 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Gourmet News P.O. Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 520.721.1300 G OURMET N EWS ® OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP PRESIDENT Lee M. Oser MEMBER OF: Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ, and additional mailing office. Gourmet News (ISSN 1052-4630) is published monthly by Oser Communications Group, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715; 520.721.1300. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper. Contributors are responsible for proper release of pro- prietary classified information. ©2015 by Oser Communications Group. All rights re- served. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without writ- ten permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited. Back issues, when available, cost $7 each within the past 12 months, $12 each prior to the past 12 months. Back orders must be paid in advance either by check or charged to American Express, Visa, or Master Card. Gourmet News is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and dis- tribution channels of the specialty foods and hardgoods trade; paid subscriptions cost $65 annually to the U.S. and Canada. All foreign subscriptions cost $150 annu- ally to cover air delivery. All payments must be made in U.S. funds and drawn on a U.S. bank. For subscriber services, including subscription information, call 520.721.1300. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gourmet News, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715. FROM THE PUBLISHER