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V O L U M E 1 9 , N U M B E R 1 0 News ..............................................6 Ad Index .......................................26 VOLUME 21, NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2015 n $7.00 BY AMBER GALLEGOS While they are many, many options to choose from when it comes to selecting a wine glass, for the uninitiated the choices can be daunting if you do not know the different characteristics that wine glasses possess and which are correct for your purposes. The wine glasses featured here are unique and should be considered solely based on their aesthetic appeal. These are not the glasses to pull out when the sommelier you happen to know is coming over for dinner. Rather, they are the glasses you use for a fun lighthearted experience that is more about the company than taking wine tasting to new BY AMBER GALLEGOS At Superior Equipment & Supply, the retail area for kitchenwares spans 20,000 square feet of the 50,000 square foot facility that sits on seven acres of land. While certainly large in size, Superior Equipment & Supply covers a lot of ground in terms of services as well. The business originally started out in commercial refrigeration and has evolved to now offer customers wholesale prices on professional kitchen Milwaukee's Superior Supplier of Kitchenware for Home & Restaurants Continued on PAGE 16 Continued on PAGE 6 Continued on PAGE 12 Continued on PAGE 7 supplies. "If we had to plan this from day one, it would be difficult to plan it the way it has come out," says Mike Mahmood, Vice President. Throughout the 31 years of business in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Superior has gradually grown into what it is today. On the commercial side of things, Mahmood can help customers with everything from restaurant layout, to planning for equipment and implementation. On the retail side, there is a Culinary Center that offers cooking classes to the general public, a large outdoor patio with a kitchen area and a commercial kitchen that can be rented. BY AMBER GALLEGOS When it comes to Millennials and coffee, there is a definite trend towards specialty coffee. As a generation coming of age in the era of Starbucks, the group leans more towards espresso-based beverages than the grocery store coffees preferred by older generations. They are also more likely to drink coffee away from the home than other generations. What this means for the coffee industry is yet to be seen, experts say, but in the meantime, Coffee Brewers to Appeal to Specialty Coffee Loving Millennials Trend Spotting at the Summer Markets Fun Wine Glasses for Casual Enjoyment manufacturers of coffee brewers are taking varied approaches to potentially serve the large population of Millennials. The Pew Research Center defines Millennials as adults that are ages 18 to 34 in 2015. The 2015 National Coffee Drinking Trends Report (NCDT) from the National Coffee Association, finds that at-home coffee consumption is directly related to age. Younger consumer are more likely to consume coffee out-of-home than older consumers, 45 to 46 percent among those aged 18 to 39, versus 18-35 percent of those aged over 40. "Millennials are a unique consumer demographic for our industry as they tend to come to specialty coffee much earlier than their older counterparts," says Heather Ward, Research Analyst for the Specialty Coffee Association of America. "In part, because they grew up in a world where a specialty coffee shop was available to them on every street corner. Historically coffee heights. Although some could definitely be your fancy-pants selection to show off with, these are more likely to be the ones you whip out for a rowdy game night with friends. Madeline Puckette is a wine expert and certified sommelier with The Court of Master Sommeliers. She started the blog Wine Folly in 2011 with her partner, Justin Hammack, and the two have a book coming out this month, " Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine" (Avery). Puckette explains that the experience of drinking wine from what might be considered the "correct" glass, is really a matter of preference. "Once you learn how to hold a stemmed glass and feel confident in holding it and drinking out of it, it's a psychological effect that happens," says Puckette. "It's the same way that a stemmed water BY AMBER GALLEGOS Whimsical barware, eco-friendly bamboo fiber dishes, and products featuring woods for a modern organic look were hot at this year's summer gift shows. BIOBU by EKOBO is a line of tableware made f rom biodegradable bamboo fiber and other natural plant materials. The dishes are designed for everyday use and are as durable as plastic or melamine, but better for the environment since bamboo is a highly renewable natural resource. BIOBU has a decidedly contemporary look to the line with plates that have rounded corners that softly curve upward so there are no hard lines to be found on any of the dishes. The GUSTO collection is aimed at adults and professionals and is available in six different colors, while the BAMBINO collection was designed especially for kids and features six bright color options to choose from, with Lagoon as a neutral teal color that appears in both collections. The dishes are all stackable, dishwasher safe and intended for indoor or outdoor use. BIOBU has suggested retail prices ranging from $5 for a single bowl to $99 for a set of 12 pieces. Also making a splash with bamboo fiber was Magpie, a London-based line of all vegan housewares and gifts that launched in the U.S. last year. Among the collections f rom GLASSWARE n Wine Glasses & Charms 16 SMALL ELECTRICS n Coffee Brewers & Electric Kettles 20 BUYERS GUIDE n Wine & Cheese Accessories 22 GOURMET GOODIES n Gluten-Free Baking Mixes 24 THE KNIFE RACK n Elegant Edges 25 GADGET OF THE MONTH n Cheese Graters 26 H o u s e w a r e s R e v i e w KITCHENWARE NEWS S E R V I N G K I T C H E N W A R E , H O M E D E C O R A N D G I F T W A R E M A R K E T S