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Best Offense Products, Inc. is proud to announce that it is now manufacturing its PEST OFFENSE ® electronic indoor pest control product in the U.S. Its contract manufacturer, Syncron EMS, is located in Palm Bay, Fla., which is about an hour PRODUCTS ALL MADE IN THE USA FROM BEST OFFENSE PRODUCTS An interview with Lou Lentine, President and CEO, Viatek Consumer Products Group. HHR: Tell our readers about your company. What is your main line of business? An interview with Larry DeWitt, Founder and CEO, DeWitt. HHR: Tell our readers about your company. LD: We don't just make Overland Construction Supply's full line of new and innovative plastic level- ing products is designed to eliminate all of the common problems associated with using wood shims. SmartWedge products have been An interview with Jerry Hill, CEO, Jerry Hill Innovations, Inc. HHR: Just what is a Jeri-Rigg? JH: The Jeri-Rigg is a tie-down/anchor An interview with Dwayne Siever, President and CEO, Real Milk Paint, LLC. HHR: Tell our readers about Real Milk Paint's main line of business. What does your company do? By Jim Hardaway, Vice President of Viribright Lighting Inc. When shopping at the National Hardware Show for LED bulbs, make sure you stop by and see Viribright Lighting for the lat- Continued on Page 69 Continued on Page 69 Jasco Products Company, GE licens- ee of consumer elec- tronic accessories, home electrical products, personal secu- rity and surveillance products, introduces the new line of GE-branded TouchSmart™ Timers, the simplest and Continued on Page 73 Continued on Page 69 Continued on Page 73 Continued on Page 73 Continued on Page 69 Continued on Page 69 VIATEK WELCOMES INVENTOR IDEAS GREAT PRODUCTS, GREAT SERVICE: THE DEWITT DIFFERENCE SMARTWEDGE SHIMS: INTERLOCKING TEETH TO BUILD SMART CREATE SAFE AND SECURE CONNECTIONS WITH JERI-RIGG LATEST LED TECHNOLOGY FROM VIRIBRIGHT NATURAL FINISHING PRODUCTS FROM REAL MILK PAINT JASCO INTRODUCES GE-BRANDED TOUCHSMART TIMERS An interview with Inventor/CEO Mark A. Carpenter, GenTent ® Safety Canopies. HHR: Why GenTent? MC: The Consumer Products Safety WEATHERPROOF YOUR POWER WITH GENTENT In 2015, Outdoor Edge Cutlery is debuting one of the most signif- icant advancements in the everyday carry folding knife market with its Razor-Lite EDC. The EDC takes Outdoor Edge's top selling Razor-Lite replacement Since 1947, Butler Home Products has built its business on innovation, quality and diversity. The company now operates in five different general merchandise categories that all enhance the cleaning and storage busi- nesses of its retailer partners. With Continued on Page 66 Continued on Page 66 Continued on Page 66 RAZOR-LITE EDC FROM OUTDOOR EDGE BUTLER: STEADY GROWTH AND RE-INVENTION O s e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n s G r o u p L a s V e g a s Tu e s d a y, M a y 5 , 2 0 1 5 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH NHS TapeBuddy Drywall Taping Tool is an innovative concept, allowing both the do- it-yourselfer and the professional drywaller to finish their drywall project, saving time, money and effort on every project. Continued on Page 66 TAPEBUDDY WINS NRHA 2013 RETAILERS' CHOICE AWARD