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F o o d E q u i p m e n t N e w s S a t u r d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 6 STAINLESS STEEL FURNISHING BY KLOPPENBERG Kloppenberg is proud to say it has pro- vided quality stainless steel furnishings for the restaurant, laboratory and health- care industry for more than 70 years. Whether you are interested in ice storage equipment or a beautiful water feature to accent your place of business, Kloppenberg is happy to provide a cus- tom option to meet the individual needs of its customers, so you can meet the needs of yours. Kloppenberg understands the food- service industry is a competitive busi- ness, so the company has made it its busi- ness to manufacture quality stainless steel ice storage equipment that you can depend on. Kloppenberg knows you have enough on your plate thinking about what is going on theirs. A family owned company, Kloppenberg and Company is not only a business, but a name you both know and trust. For more than seven decades, Kloppenberg has brought the foodservice sector a perfect combination of beautiful- ly built American Made product that truly stands the test of time. It is grateful for the opportunity to serve the industry and does its best to anticipate the needs of its customers and meet them with quality workmanship and results, every time. With particular pride, Kloppenberg encourages you to check out its dispenser line, showcasing dispensers that range from 500 to 5,000 pounds of ice storage and dispensing capacity. The Kloppenberg Advantage ISE Advantage (Ice Storage Equipment) Products: superior quality stainless steel ice storage equipment built with pride, BROWNE FOODSERVICE FORGES AHEAD WITH NEW PRODUCTS Browne Foodservice was founded in 1950, and is widely recognized as a leading Canadian foodservice compa- ny. In 2003, Browne entered the U.S. market with the purchase of Halco, and has quickly become a foodservice leader in the U.S. as well. Browne focuses primarily on smallwares, cookware, buffetware and tabletop segments. Browne Foodservice's mission is to market and distribute value-added and innovative products to the global foodservice community. Browne is a virtual manufacturer, and designs its products with the customer in mind, utilizing an in-house staff of designers and engineers. High quality and con- sistency are maintained by using a core group of suppliers who share the com- pany's philosophy. Browne also offers the only cookware lines awarded the ACF (American Culinary Federation) seal of approval. This distinction, earned by Browne's Thermalloy Stainless Steel and Tri-Ply cookware lines, underscores its value-added quality. New products are the cornerstone of Browne's marketing strategy; roughly 100 to 200-plus new SKUs are launched each year. In 2014, key new product suc- cesses included Thermalloy TriPly cook- ware, Browne Premium chafers, Resin Eclipse serve ware, and an assortment of contemporary and innovative AdHoc pepper mills. These new product intro- ductions played a major role in 2014's success. Browne's main challenge in 2015 Continued on Page 55 Continued on Page 55 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH NAFEM Lee M. Oser CEO and Editor-in-Chief Jules Denton Kim Forrester Paul Harris Associate Publishers Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director Jeanie Catron JoEllen Lowry Associate Editors Yasmine Brown Andre Gressieux Graphic Designers Sarah Glenn Caitlyn Roach Customer Service Managers Heather Canale Keri Gall Jamie Green Tara Neal Show Logistics & Distribution Jay Avery Randal Fisher James Genette Lynn Hilton Marcos Morhaim Cathy Neuman Account Managers Enrico Cecchi European Sales Food Equipment News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2015 All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy