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F o o d E q u i p m e n t N e w s 5 5 F r i d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 like welded construction and a seam- less front rail, work surface and back- splash that our competitors have never matched. Although our main underbar line is very successful, some customers still try to compare our main line to that of our competitors. To assist potential customers looking to find a closer match to the specifications of our chief competitor, we developed our all-new Choice line of underbar. FEN: What is the basic concept behind your new Choice underbar line? TH: Our chief competitor markets their underbar line as equivalent to Glastender's main line, but in reality, they do not have the same level of fea- tures, which lowers their cost of manu- facturing. With our new Choice underbar line, we are giving potential customers a new option that still exceeds the specifi- cations of our chief competitor, yet comes in at a lower price point. FEN: How were you able to lower the cost of your Choice underbar line? TH: Operators make purchase decisions by weighing the features against the price for a product. Adding product features often raises the price. Our main underbar line has so many features that our com- petitors do not match that we were able to lower the cost of our new Choice under- bar line by eliminating some of those exclusive features. Glastender (Cont'd. from p. 1) FEN: If you minimized the exclusive features on the Choice line, how can you still claim that it exceeds the specifica- tions of your chief competitor? TH: When we designed our new Choice line, we made sure to keep the features that were most critical in dif- ferentiating it from our chief competi- tor. Some of the features in our new Choice underbar line that are not found in our chief competitor's line are as fol- lows: all stainless steel construction for greater durability; one-piece seamless top and backsplash for easier cleaning; a 14-inch high skirt, which allows speed rails to mount lower, preventing bottles from interfering with work flow; integral stainless steel backsplash stiff- eners for greater strength; welded con- struction for greater durability; one- piece side and leg pad for greater strength; and full work surface corruga- tion on drainboards to maximize func- tional storage space. FEN: What do you hope to accomplish with your new Choice underbar line? TH: We aim to show the industry that our main line really has no direct comparison and that if potential customers want to minimize product features in order to save money, we are capable of making a superior product in that category as well. Visit Glastender at booth #6200. For more information, go to www.glastender .com, call 989.752.4275 or email suppliers in our field, and our products are used in more than 15,000 foodservice locations worldwide, including large international coffee and restaurant chains. FEN: What would you say makes your company unique? SD: CDN is a global category leader with the personal service and commitment of a family-owned business. This "best of both worlds" positioning defines our formula for success. CDN was named "Best Overall Company" in its category by the prestigious Stevie Awards for Women in Business. FEN: What are some of the new products we'll see? SD: We'll be showing new timers – including two new mechanical timers and a digital timer/clock – plus innova- tive new thermometers. The NSF ® Certified ProAccurate ® Waterproof Thermometer (DTW450) includes a 4½-inch stainless steel stem with a 1.5 mm thin tip. It features a six- second response, IPX-7 waterproof rat- ing, easy field calibration, BioCote ® technology and a wide temperature range of -40 to +450˚ F (-40 to +230˚ C). The ProAccurate Waterproof Thermometer (DTW450L) offers the same features with an eight-inch stem, 2.5 mm reduced tip and a clip. CDN now offers its bestselling NSF Certified ProAccurate Thin Tip Thermometer (DTT450) in purple, the color widely associated with best practices for preventing cross contact with food allergens. It stands out for its 1.5 mm thin tip and six-second response time, side temperature range, BioCote coating, easy field calibration and data hold features. It also comes in four additional colors that CDN (Cont'd. from p. 1) align with HACCP's preset color-coding system: red (meat), blue (seafood), green (produce) and yellow (poultry). FEN: What distinguishes your products from the competition? SD: Our focus on innovation, quality and value sets us apart. We've designed and tooled numerous products that are exclusive to CDN, many with unique features. For example, our field cali- bration feature sets us apart from com- petition. Digital thermometers without this have to be discarded after the ther- mometer loses accuracy, but CDN's calibration feature adds value for a life- time of use. FEN: Compare the position of your products and their technology against the current market. SD: Our thermometers and timers are known for their quality construction, ease of use and precise and consistent measurement of time and temperature. We have the features that the foodser- vice industry demands, from easy field calibration, thin tip temperature probes and temperature memory. For example, our NSF Certified ProAccurate line of thermometers offer 1.5 mm thin tips for measuring the thinnest cuts of meat and fish, and they also feature BioCote technology, which provides built-in antimicrobial protection. We also have a wide range of timers, which include convenience features such as long, loud alarms and the ability to track multiple cooking events simultane- ously. Visit CDN at booth #1523. For more information, call 800.338.5594, visit or email new to the industry. How do you account for this? CW: As an organization, our company has been, and will continue to be, extremely customer centric. In a very competitive marketplace, we have made it part of our culture to maintain tight relationships with our customers to better understand not only what their needs are today, but also to antic- ipate their needs going forward. As we develop and deliver solutions that address those needs, we are in a much better position to command attention. Actually, many of the technologies we employ are not necessarily new, but their applications are. FEN: From a manufacturer's perspective, how would you rate the industry's accept- ance of some of these new technologies? CW: Very good and getting better. Many of the other products selected for What's Hot/What's Cool exemplify both the innovative spirit and the will- ingness to embrace some of the most exciting technologies available. As foodservice manufacturers, we are Cooper-Atkins (Cont'd. from p. 1) quickly adopting consumer-tested ideas we would have believed were unthink- able 10 or 20 years ago. Our best cus- tomers are constantly looking for ways to maximize quality and minimize risk, and our products play a small but inte- gral role in helping them achieve those goals. FEN: Do you see this trend continuing? What new ideas are on the drawing boards at Cooper-Atkins? CW: Commercial foodservice kitchens will certainly continue becoming smarter and more efficient. As technologies advance, manufacturers will be equally challenged in finding methods to incorpo- rate the best of technology in ways that capitalize on demand and provide real value to the user. At Cooper-Atkins, we will continue to be a leader in our indus- try as we have been for the past 130 years. There is no shortage of new ideas, and that is one of the many great things about being part of such an exciting and robust industry. For more information, visit booth #3429, go to, call 860.347.2256 or email info@ equipment functionality. This can signif- icantly reduce equipment down-time and eliminate many unnecessary but expen- sive service calls. Even in those unavoidable situa- tions where a service call is necessary, the Renau SKM system can help iden- tify the most likely issues, identify and contact the most convenient authorized service provider, and even provide technicians with comprehensive equip- ment repair information, service manu- als, parts lists and schematics and much, much more. Renau (Cont'd. from p. 6) Available for dedicated timer dis- plays, wireless tablets, as well as Windows, Android and even iOS devices, the Renau SKM system offers multiple levels of access including User, Manager, Service Technician and Main Office. See Renau's SKM in action as it powers the T-1243 Digital Process Timer featured in the Productivity, Efficiency & Precision WHAT'S HOT! WHAT'S COOL! Trend Gallery during the show. For more information, visit, stop by booth #1933 or call 818.341.1994 a CAS unit or an ecology system that are used when long duct runs are not an option. Caddy has continued to research and improve its UVC hoods over the years by making them more reliable, easier to service, and by improving their efficien- cy. The company has done this by shrink- ing the light cassettes using a staggered bulb design, and locating the cassettes outside the direct air stream in the easily accessible lower cooler part of the hood. Using a quick disconnect design with no need for tools, keys or ladders service is a breeze. The 8000 hour bulb life is visu- ally shown in the touch screen interface as well as standard with audible notifica- tions. All of this can be accomplished in Caddy Corporation (Cont'd. from p. 6) a low profile 24-inch hood. Caddy UVC Hoods provide a rapid ROI whether used in back of the house or frontend, cafeteria- style kitchens. They can be designed into low air volume hood systems, architectural designer hoods, and can be retrofitted when purchasing a Caddy UV-Ready Hood. Although UVC in hoods is more talked about, there are also great benefits to adding UVC to a Caddy conveyor. UVC will sterilize bands and slats as well as reduce odors in scrap baskets, making your tray make–up conveyor and soiled dish conveyor perfectly hygienic with no manual labor. For more information, visit booth #2405, call 856.467.4222 or go to www.caddy