Oser Communications Group

Cleaning News Nov 7, 2014

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C l e a n i n g N e ws Fri d a y, N o ve m b e r 7 , 2 0 1 4 1 2 including a floor stand and multiple hose adapter. The Air Movers are for a multitude of uses, including drying car- pets, walls and ceilings, and can also be used to circulate air in closed-in spaces. They can also be stacked for easy storage. The Air Cleaner will filter airborne particles in workshops, base- ments or garages. The Shop-Can line will include brushed stainless steel trash cans from 4 to 20 gallons with a bag ring to hold the Shop-Vac ( Cont'd. from p. 1) plastic trash bag in place. The trash cans will be available with either a stationary or caster base. Shop-Can also offers four different tops that can be used with the trash cans: a solid top, open top, and a spring loaded top that can be used with all cans, and a flipper top is available for the 10 to 20 gallon cans. These can be used in kitchens, offices, bathrooms or anywhere you want an upscale look. For more information, stop by booth #1063 or contact Shop-Vac Corporation at 2323 Reach Road, Williamsport, PA 17701. fresh towel every time, and can be sure that no outside contaminants have come into contact with that product." Protecting the Health of Cleaning Staff and Customers Alike According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most common cause of skin infections in the U.S. is Staphylococcus aureus, or a "staph" infection, which can result in ill- nesses ranging from minor to life threat- ening. Although these infections occur most frequently in healthcare facilities, they can cause illnesses outside of these environments, spread by touching shared items or surfaces that have been contam- inated by an infected person. To best pro- tect themselves and others, custodial pro- fessionals and BSCs must focus on the prevention of cross-contamination by ensuring that surfaces are thoroughly sanitized and disinfected with the appro- priate tools – especially those surfaces that are frequently touched, such as doors and elevator buttons – to minimize cross- contamination between surfaces. However, custodial professionals and BSCs are also exposed to common ill- nesses such as colds and the flu. Every year, businesses lose about $227 billion due to lost productivity from employee SCA Tork ( Cont'd. from p. 1) illnesses, according to a report from the Integrated Benefits Institute. Simply touching a doorknob after sneezing can spread common germs, which can in turn cause infections and illness around any type of facility. Thus, cleaning in a safe and efficient manner is paramount – espe- cially for custodial professionals' health. Controlling Cost through Task-Designed Wipers Another key priority for managers is to maintain employee health and safety while improving efficiency and cost control. Disposable wipers can help alleviate these pain points. With convenient dispensing options, BSCs and custodial professionals can easily have wipers close by for the task at hand In addition, wiper dispensers keep wipers clean, avoiding contamination from germs or liquids that could spill or spatter. They also provide controlled dis- pensing, which will help manage costs, as staff can grab only one at a time. "Task-designed wipers help create a more productive and healthier environ- ment," said Kelley. "When managers provide employees with quick, easy-to- use alternatives for cleaning, which require minimum training, they not only increase safety, but also improve their bottom line." For more information, visit booth #1817. the task is arduous and our role is to fade into the background accomplishing tasks efficiently while not negatively impact- ing the customer and the customers' cus- tomers. We pride ourselves on our cus- tomer service and our products applica- tion to the transportation and utility of getting work done. This is our product line; cleaning tools to transport every- thing you use in your daily cleaning duties. CN: What is the nature of your distribu- tion? BP: We are an international company with distribution throughout the world. Clearly, our U.S.A. presence is our core business, geographically. We do have distribution in most every country throughout the world, and we are grow- ing at a 40 percent rate, year over year. This is due to our relationships in the industry and our expertise in understand- ing our customer needs and the creativity of the products we produce. CN: Tell our readers about your trade show objectives, plans, products, promo- tions, etc. BP: The visibility that Interclean pro- vides for a company our size is signifi- cant to us. We are always quite success- ful at trade shows. Companies immedi- ately understand how our products will Mobile-Pack ( Cont'd. from p. 1) enhance their performance and more effectively assist their employees in the completion of their work. We understand their needs and we provide them with products that improve their ability to accomplish the tasks they are responsible for. Try us, you will most assuredly like us. CN: How can our readers find out more about your company? BP: Our website, www.mobile- pack.com, lists our end users. There is a three-minute video they can watch to understand how the process works. Each of our products are listed on our website with specifications pertaining to dimen- sions, weight capacity and for each prod- uct purchased we provide a Jump Start Kit explaining how to effectively imple- ment and use the Mobile-Pack. Most sig- nificantly is our customer service and interest in speaking with you personally, asking and answering questions pertinent to your unique challenges and needs. We understand the industry and we are prob- lem solvers devoted only to the trans- portation of cleaning tools that effective- ly and efficiently accomplish the tasks your employees are committed to com- pleting in an efficient and productive manner. Visit Mobile-Pack at booth #3556. For more information, go to www.mobile- pack.com, call 206-652-2400 or email bryon@mobile-pack.com. mounts in the clean patient rooms after sanitizing. Pexco uses the cart packages and wall mounts to make workers aware of potential hazardous situations and restricted areas not to enter. Schneider Electric remains in com- pliance with the new electrical safety requirements by using the barricade sys- tem in and around their electrical rooms. Global Foundries uses the cart pack- ages and wall mounts around its large machinery while doing bi-annual required maintenance. Various universities use the stan- chions, bases and retractable belt banner heads for crowd control while students register for classes. Cleaning Contractors section off areas with the barricades while doing floor striping and waxing. Morongo Casino, Muckleshoot Banner Stakes ( Cont'd. from p. 4) Casino and others use the cart packages and wall mounts in their housekeeping department to block off bathrooms when closed for maintenance or cleaning. Banner Stakes has developed a line of quality products that can serve a variety of situations for protecting workers and the public, and at the same time save companies a substantial amount of time and money due to the quick application of the innovative Cart Packages and Wall Mount Kits. So next time your company is concerned about safety and is interest- ed in the cost savings and expediency that Banner Stakes has to offer, visit www.bannerstakes.com or contact your local distributor. You can also view the company's short 90-second video to learn more about how the system works. Visit Banner Stakes at booth #3280. For more information, go to www.banner stakes.com or call 855-809-3800. EXCEL DRYER: COST SAVINGS TO THE MAX By William Gagnon, Vice President of Marketing, Excel Dryer Among the growing restaurant trends are casual yet upscale burger joints like Max Burger, based in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Max Burger features American-style comfort food such as all- natural gourmet burgers, sandwiches and craft beers. The second Max Burger loca- tion opened in 2012 under the leadership of General Manager, Tim Taillefer. "Just like the growing trend of cus- tomers looking for fine dining experi- ences that don't break the bank, it's my job as general manager to spot the latest trends that can help us cut costs," said Taillefer. "The best investment we made when opening the second location of Max Burger were XLERATOR ® hand dryers." XLERATOR is the original, patent- ed, high-speed and energy-efficient hand dryer that represents a 95 percent cost savings when compared to paper towels and eliminates their maintenance and waste while creating a more hygienic restroom environment. "XLERATOR helps us save money versus paper towels, and their durability and reliability have made them the indus- try standard," continued Taillefer. Taillefer said part of his responsibil- ities as General Manager is the role of 'Mr. Fix It,' so he is acutely aware of why XLERATOR has become the industry standard. "I've been in the restaurant industry for almost two decades, and after the first year everything begins to break. Unlike XLERA- TOR hand dryers, many of our restroom fixtures have needed replacement, like the automatic soap dispensers and toilet seats." He went on to explain that XLERA- TOR hand dryers were not the first hand drying solution in place at Max restau- rants. "At another Max restaurant loca- tion we had installed trough-style hand dryers and it was my job to clean them – a dirty job. They were high maintenance and included trays to collect excess water that needed to be emptied out frequently. The bacteria buildup was overwhelming … I will never forget the smell alone." Hygiene is particularly important for the restaurant industry, which Taillefer said is another reason why XLERATOR was the right choice. "We serve about 4,000 people a week, so it's great that guests and staff don't have to touch anything when they use the XLERATOR." The hands- free approach prevents the spread of illness, "which is a big advantage for the foodser- vice industry," said Taillefer, "because the flu can wipe out half my staff in a day. XLERATOR is safe, sanitary and also dries hands faster than conventional dryers, which improves my customer experience." Specifically, XLERATOR dries hands three times faster (in 10 to 15 seconds) than conventional hand dryers, while using 80 percent less energy. For more information, go to www.exceldryer.com, call 888-998-7704 or email sales@exceldryer.com.

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