Oser Communications Group

FETC 2014 EdTech Show Daily Jan 31

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E d Te c h S h o w D a i l y Fri d a y, J a n u a r y 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 1 0 EDCO IPTV SOLUTIONS FIT EVERY BROADCASTING NEED The K12 Broadcaster™, brought to you by EDCO, can replace outdated coax broadcast equipment. There is a solution just right for you. The Enterprise Solution is designed for the school district that wants the abil- ity to provide centralized programming delivered through the WAN to the school's LAN. TV LaunchPad software located on the teacher's computer offers every classroom access to the full menu of available channels. The addition of the Mobile Broadcast Solution gives central administration the ability to provide down streaming of live broadcasts and training directly to the classroom. The Local Solution is a school level solution designed for schools that want the ability to provide centralized pro- gramming delivered through the school's LAN. This building level solution incor- porates all of the channels down- streamed from the central administration office plus whatever local channels the school decides to add to their sub-system. Site-specific TV LaunchPad software on the teacher's comput- er offers every class- room access to the full menu of available channels. The addition of the Mobile Broadcast Solution gives schools the ability to provide their own live broad- casts including morning announcements, principal broadcasts, remote broadcast- ing from around the school and training directly to the classroom. The product is fully scalable; the numbers of available channels are based upon available band- width and the video quality desired. The Mobile Broadcast Solution is a fully configured standard definition or high definition Mobile Broadcast Solution that includes camera, tripod, dolly, broadcaster box (enclosed in locking metal box), software license, installation, delivery and training. A Mobile Broadcast Solution gives administrators, teachers and stu- dents the ability to produce live broad- casts from any location around the school that ties in to the LAN. At the central office level, supervisors and trainers can use the Mobile Broadcast Solution to pro- vide curriculum specific training to the school staff without the costs associated with having training at a central location. This product is also fully scalable. For more information, visit EDCO at booth 1131. THE NEW MODERN FLIPPED CLASSROOM Which technologies are effective in suc- cessfully flipping my classroom? How do I get started? These are some of the questions asked by teachers when mak- ing their first attempt to flip their class- room. There are various methods to flip your classroom. The challenge is deter- mining what works for you. Why Do I Want to Flip? The flipped classroom model has revolu- tionized the way students master the sub- ject material. What is initially done at home is now completed in class, and what is done in class is now done at home. The benefit of this model is to offer offline instruction, allowing stu- dents to be active learners. As a result of implementing this model, teachers are allocated more one-on-one time with stu- dents. This approach also encourages project-based activities in the classroom. What Methods Are Available In Order to Properly Implement the Flipped Model? There is more than one way to flip your classroom. Depending on the subject and grade level, the resources available for flipping will vary as well. One form of flipping consists of teachers creating video lesson plans and storing it on the cloud or social media sites. Students will watch the video lessons at home and return to class prepared to demonstrate what they have learned in a group setting or working one-on-one with teachers. The AVer TabCam has all of these capabilities, including the ability to create your video lesson plans on the fly and share these videos with your students. With the use of the live video streaming TabCam along with an iPad, tablet or Chromebook, teachers can generate custom video les- son plans, upload them to the cloud and make them available for students to view on their own time. Flipping can also expand beyond the standard vodcast (video lessons) cre- ation and viewing. There are a number of great, free resources available online and offline, teacher-created as well as stu- dent-created. Podcast creation, blogging and online chats on a social network are also effective ways of engaging your stu- dents and providing them with more than one way of mastering a subject. How Do I Get Started? When flipping your classroom, you need to ask three questions: What can students do in the classroom to reach mastery of a subject? Which activities are possible in a group setting or one to one? How should this content be deliv- ered to the students? Many teachers begin with creating a few videos ranging between five to seven minutes in length. Reduce your lecture time by approximately 15 to 20 min- utes. Once the students return to class, allow them to work in groups on a presen- tation of the material. If you are con- cerned about whether students are watch- ing the video, reference a homework assignment announcement where they will have to bring in the answer to a par- ticular question. For students without internet access at home, provide students with the video stored on a flash drive. In summary, there is more than one way to flip. The most important lesson in flip- ping is to choose what works for you. Visit AVer at booth 1231. For more infor- mation, call 408-263-3828 or visit www.averusa.com/education. MEETING COMMON CORE GOALS USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY As the K–12 educational system transi- tions to the Common Core State Standards, the subject has captured the nation's attention. The Standards require students to demonstrate a "depth of knowledge" that goes beyond superficial understanding and memorization of material to deep application of knowl- edge and demonstration of problem-solv- ing and high-order skills. Digital educa- tion plays a significant role in how the Standards are being implemented and met in classrooms across the country. If you look at the last 30 years of education research, one thing that's shown again and again is that instruction becomes more effective and leads to deeper learning as it becomes more per- sonalized. Digital education tools create the personal, highly interactive, engaging learning environment that leads to more classroom discussion and fosters a deep- er level of understanding required by the Common Core. McGraw-Hill Education sees this time of change as an opportunity to work with schools and teachers to combine the right content, the right technology and the right instruction to help students per- sonally engage with the content, learn most effectively and succeed in the world that awaits them. Last year, McGraw-Hill Education partnered with Time To Know to deliver a personalized learning solution that is aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Time To Know is a fully dig- ital learning system that harnesses the power of technology in the most dynamic and engaging way possible. The program uses data and instant feedback to allow the teacher to differ- entiate instruction and group students based on needs in real time, while still maintain- ing control over their instruction style and classroom. Because the program follows an inquiry-based approach, Time To Know encourages group discussion, teacher-led exploration and student experimentation to support the Common Core State Standards' goal of developing critical, high-order thinking in students. McGraw-Hill Education's SRA FLEX Literacy, a comprehensive reading and language arts intervention system for students in Grades 3-8, is an example of how digital technologies are being inte- grated in new programs that are designed to meet the Common Core State Standards. SRA FLEX Literacy was built from the ground up to specifically help at-risk students learn the critical reading and writing skills required to meet the Common Core State through research-based, intensive, explic- it instruction. To truly improve education through the Common Core requires a significant investment, not only in the curriculum and technologies used in the classroom, but in professional development and teacher training. The best technology in the world won't make an impact unless we make sure that educators feel com- fortable using it and understand how the technology meshes with their preferred style of teaching. It's important to remember that the return on this invest- ment will be critical to the success of our country's greatest asset: our children. Visit McGraw-Hill Education at booth 301. LIQUIPEL: FOR MORE THAN JUST SMARTPHONES "At Liquipel, we know how accident- prone adults can be who are actually try- ing to take care of their devices. Kids, on the other hand, are a different story and that's why Liquipel is great fit," said Sam Winkler, Executive Director of Liquipel. "Now that parents can get pretreated FunTab Pro and Genesis Prime tablets, they can rest easy knowing that these fun learning devices can withstand just about anything their kids can dish out." The FunTab Pro is a 7-inch Android 4.0 tablet designed for children and approved by parents. Everyone knows that little hands can make big messes, but Liquipel's treatment will protect devices against unfortunate milk spills, bathtub drops and more. The FunTab Pro comes preloaded with fun features like Video Mail and Art Studio, and users can access thousands of today's popular kids' apps. Parents can even check in on their child's tablet usage with the Parent Dashboard by Zoodles. Ematic's Google-certified Genesis Prime is a 7-inch tablet with an Android 4.1 operating system, perfect for on-the-go users. With Google Play, users can browse this online market for content like books, movies, TV shows, music and more. The Genesis Prime also includes other Google services, such as Chrome, Maps, YouTube and Google Talk. Continued on Page 23

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