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E d Te c h S h o w D a i l y 1 5 Fri d a y, J a n u a r y 3 1 , 2 0 1 4 BREAKTHROUGH TECHNOLOGY INCREASES LEARNING AND REDUCES COST uSave LED has developed a new tech- nology that is going to change the direc- tion of the entire lighting industry. The company has introduced its new patent pending Adaptive LED Lighting System known as the WalaLight™. The LED lighting industry is con- stantly pushing for more efficient prod- ucts and systems. For many years, it has been known that traditional lighting types, including fluorescent tubes, CFLs, par and incandescent bulbs, disrupt prop- er hormone production for children, keep- ing them from reaching peak perform- ance, and that increasing natural daylight in classrooms helps increase student pro- ductivity and reading comprehension. The WalaLight adaptive LED lighting system does just that by generating just the right amount of neo-natural daylight (6500 kelvin) and warm light (2500 kelvin) when needed, enabling students to reach peak performance and relaxation. WalaLight Systems are revolution- ary, adaptive LED lighting systems that feature smart temperature-changing technology, allowing one light to "do it all." LED diodes in each system can be set to provide bright, neo-natural day- light (6500 kelvin), warm light (2500 kelvin) and any level of light inbe- tween, all with the convenience of remote control operation. The WalaLight system is also very energy efficient, providing over 50,000 hours of quality, glare-free light, and result in an aver- age of 75 percent reduction in energy costs as compared to other types of light bulbs traditionally used, including fluorescent tubes, CFLs, par and incandescent bulbs. WalaLight systems pay for them- selves in one to three years. Take advan- tage of uSave LED's $0 down, 100 per- cent financing that provides you with positive cash flow from the first day. Your monthly electrical and maintenance savings will exceed your monthly finance charge! uSave LED's confidence in the WalaLight system is backed by a five-year full replacement warranty. WalaLight Systems belong at the heart of all educational environments. uSave LED's lighting experts, professors and scientists have amassed extensive knowledge and expertise over many years, gaining an extraordinary understanding of how lighting can affect human health, behav- iors and productivity levels, and have created a range of lighting solutions that not only fulfill lighting needs, but pro- vide additional, impressive benefits that affect day-to-day well-being. A healthier light that reduces your operating costs while increasing student performance is the core goal of WalaLight. A system that costs nothing up front and pays for itself over a short period of time is the bonus you receive. To learn more, visit WalaLight at booth 663, visit or call 855-672-7020. BUILD YOUR EBOOK COLLECTION WITH FUNDS4BOOKS & EBOOKS Every day, librarians across the country face slashed budgets and aging collec- tions, striving to keep their libraries and their jobs relevant in a changing techno- logical and educational environment. Although there is a lot to learn, and even more to teach, consider the exciting opportunity this new electronic world is providing for today's librarians. With MackinVIA, Mackin's free online platform for electronic resources, librarians now have access to hundreds of thousands of eBooks, audiobooks and databases. By acquiring, managing and instructing students and staff on how to use these new electronic materials, librar- ians can once again return the academic focus of schools to the library, and align with classrooms to improve and expand learning possibilities for students. Mackin's Funds4Books & eBooks, an innovative online donation program, is an easy and fun way for librarians to raise money to purchase eBooks and databases. With Funds4Books & eBooks, librarians receive 100 percent of all funds raised to spend on anything from Mackin. Whether building a new eBook collection or expanding the library's cur- rent digital offerings, this unique fundraising program gives librarians the ability to strengthen their libraries and provide students with the materials they need to succeed in today's world of digi- tal learning. Within the Funds4Books & eBooks department at Mackin, the company works with librarians to prepare for and manage these campaigns. Together, they create and tailor promotional materials to advertise the fundraiser, design a custom webpage where individual and corporate donors can contribute to the campaign, and plan how the funds will be used to benefit the library. Mackin then customizes the campaign with any goal you have in mind, such as acquiring pop- ular fiction eBooks for students, purchas- ing multi-user nonfiction eBooks for classrooms, adding audiobooks to the mix or getting more databases to facili- tate student research. Funds4Books & eBooks is also a great way to raise money to update or add new print books to your collec- tion – all delivered, shelf- ready, for free. Whatever your objective, a qualified represen- tative at Mackin is always available to help with ideas, suggestions or contributions whenever needed. To date, nearly 600 schools have already participated in Mackin's Funds4Books & eBooks, with hundreds of thousands of dollars raised and returned to libraries to spend on the materials they need. If you are interested in running a Funds4Books & eBooks campaign, or would like more informa- tion, call 800-245-9540 or email Visit Mackin at booth 1138. For more infor- mation, visit, call 800- 245-9540 or email NETSUPPORT CASE STUDY: CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL Background Helena is the state capital of Montana, and is home to Capital High School, part of the Helena Schools District. The school has eight IT labs for teaching, each comprising around 30 PCs. The Challenge When Business Technology teacher Hailey Selch joined Capital High from her previous school, she was surprised by the lack of active computer management in terms of what students were able to do on the campus PCs. There was no block- ing or control of websites and applica- tions, and students often had administra- tive rights for the computers. Not surprisingly, this lack of control led to viruses being introduced onto the school computers and network, and the configuration of the shared classroom systems being altered. Not to mention the temptation during lessons for students to go 'off task.' "I wanted something where I could limit access in various ways," explains Selch. "I'd used NetSupport School for a number of years in my previous school and absolutely loved it. I knew from past experience that NetSupport School allowed me to be a teacher instead of a baby sitter! I also like the teaching tools that NetSupport has to offer." Upon arrival at the school, one of Selch's first priorities was to convince the technology committee to invest in NetSupport School. NetSupport Solution "It took me a while to persuade Capital High's tech committee to install NetSupport School, but it has definitely been a worthwhile invest- ment," said Selch. Case Study "While lecturing up front, I can see all my students' screens or lock them, or shoot my screen onto theirs. It has also decreased the amount of negative social networking or gaming that takes place because these items can either be blocked, or I can just allow specific software to be used. This allows the stu- dents to remain focused on the lesson objective and not try to avoid work through media outlets. "By having the software, it has sig- nificantly decreased the amount of virus- es on the computers, and students 'hack- ing' each other's computers or files. This makes the computers run more efficient- ly, and decreases the school technician's workload because he does not have to debug or fix computers. "The ability for a teacher to view and control student screens and allow or restrict access to certain websites and programs are definitely favourite fea- tures. The guys at NetSupport have been very helpful and patient both pre and post installation." Learn more about Capital High School at Visit NetSupport at booth 845. For more information, visit MONOPRICE UNVEILS NEW 19-INCH INTERACTIVE PEN DISPLAY Is it a graphics pen? Or is it a monitor? Actually, Monoprice's new 19-inch Interactive Pen Display ($399, Product ID No. 10707) is both. This beauty com- bines the functions of a drawing tablet and a monitor into one convenient design that is ideal for professional graphic artists, designers and other drafting enthusiasts. The price is also striking when compared to competing products, which can cost as much as $800. Monoprice's display features a 1440x900 maximum resolution and a 0.3mm dot pitch, and can produce up to 16.7 million colors with a viewing angle of 160 degrees in the horizontal and 140 degrees vertically. The monitor also includes a lightweight, recharge- able pen-stylus, a pen holder and replacement pen tips. Other features of the Pen Display include a pointing accuracy of ±3mm, when tilted to a 50 degree angle, 5080 lines per inch resolution, 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity, 200 RPS report rate, USB inter- face for charging, angled adjustable stand from about 10-80 degrees, and it is com- patible with Windows XP and later, and Mac OS X 10.4.x and later. When used with a Mac, the moni- tor can serve as part of an extended desktop, multi-monitor setup. However, when using Windows, it must be used to mirror the other dis- play(s) or be in a single-monitor setup. For more information, go to www