Oser Communications Group

FETC 2014 EdTech Show Daily Jan29

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E d Te c h S h o w D a i l y W e d n e s d a y, J a n u a r y 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 4 For years, district offices and schools have been demanding greater access to data. As technology improved, the data arrived, usually in the form of static reports with rows and columns of num- bers. Unfortunately, this often left edu- cators none the wiser, as it takes a trained eye to see patterns or trends in the numbers. "We're data rich, but infor- mation poor," became an all too com- mon complaint. Advances in technology helped replace the numbers with more visual charts and graphs. While this was some improvement, the data was still static and did not allow for more active explo- ration or analysis—often required to discover new trends and patterns or to gain deeper insights. What many administrators and teachers need is a more powerful analyt- ics solution that helps them ask and answer questions on their own, explor- ing the data in a more interactive way and leading to more informed instruc- tional decisions. However, traditional reporting and analytics solutions aren't well-suited to this need. Instead, tradi- tional solutions define fixed paths for drilling into data, pre-define the reports and queries that must be used, and lock down the types of data that can be ana- lyzed. The Information Technology (IT) department often plays a significant role in such solutions, as they have to create the data models and build the reports and dashboards, sometimes based on one-off requests. This can be a time- consuming process for IT, as well as frustrating for the educators who need fast access to information. A new wave of analytics solutions is emerging to meet this need. Gartner, the analyst firm, calls these "Data Discovery" solutions, and identifies three common attributes: a proprietary data structure that can store data from dis- parate sources; a performance layer that avoids the need to calculate and store summary data; and an intuitive interface that enables users to explore data without much training. Pinnacle Insight is Scantron's Data Discovery solution. Powered by QlikView ® , Pinnacle Insight delivers rich interactive dashboards that help educa- tors make decisions based on multiple sources of data, including assessments, student information systems and learning management systems. Pinnacle Insight makes it easy for administrators to ask and answer their own questions, and for teachers to create and share knowledge and analysis as part of a Professional Learning Community. With Pinnacle Insight, educators are free to ask what they need to ask, and explore up, down or sideways, without being constrained by predefined paths they must follow or questions they must formulate ahead of time. Visit Scantron at booth 401. For more information, visit www.scantron.com, call 800-SCANTRON or email events@scantron.com. THE NEXT FRONTIER FOR DATA: DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION AVER AND THE 1-TO-1 CLASSROOM Education has arguably seen its greatest revolution in the past five years with the introduction of mobile devices in the classroom. The rise of tablets and other 1-to-1 devices has not only changed the way content is delivered, but has spawned a complete overhaul in how students receive and interact with cur- riculum, as well as how they are assessed. These devices are enabling students to interact with lesson material from virtually any location, from virtu- ally any source. Terms such as "blend- ed" and "flipped learning" have been developed around the 1-to-1 concept, and have evolved into the biggest stan- dards change in U.S. education— Common Core. Tablets, Chromebooks and laptops are fast becoming the centerpiece of tech- nology, giving students even accessibili- ty to curriculum both at school and at home. This enables students to literally take their education into the palm of their hands, while allowing educators to directly and immediately engage each, providing instruction to everyone. While these devices are becoming increasingly available to students and teachers that create, deliver and interact with curriculum, some of the new teach- ing methods cannot be achieved with them alone. Tablets and laptops require supporting solutions and apps to achieve their potential. They also require mainte- nance, storage and security. This is where AVer enters the picture, filling in some of the gaps to facilitate technology's role in 1-to-1 learning environments. AVer prod- ucts leverage mobile and tablet technolo- gies, creating true and complete solutions for curriculum development and delivery, thus furthering the new blended and flipped concepts. Beginning with the TabCam, AVer's wireless streaming camera, live video of physical con- tent is streamed directly to an iPad, Android, Windows tablet or PC/MAC. TabCam keeps your tablet mobile, allow- ing interactive lesson development while delivering live content and full lesson recording. The recorded lesson can be immediately uploaded to the cloud for student review or as lessons for substitute teachers—or the lesson can be flipped for student content development. The TabCam offers tools to support the traditional, blended or flipped classroom content creation and delivery needs. Next are AVer's line of Sync and Charge carts. These carts are built for the rigors of the classroom and are ideal for syncing, charging, storing and securing iPads, tablets and Chromebooks. AVer provides a full line of carts, from simple charge and store-only carts, to those with iPad sync, programmable timers and self- monitoring power systems. All are easy to set up and use. AVer's cart solutions are affordable without sacrificing fea- tures or security. AVer has a dedicated history in sup- porting education through solutions that help teachers more effectively create and deliver curriculum. As present and future revolutions in teaching pedagogy occur, AVer will continue to lead innovation in education technology to promote, foster and maximize curriculum effectiveness. Visit AVer at booth 1231. For more infor- mation, call 408-263-3828 or visit www.averusa.com/education. Lee M. Oser CEO and Editor-in-Chief Kim Forrester Paul Harris Jeff Rosano Associate Publishers Lorrie Baumann Editorial Director Jeanie Catron JoEllen Lowry Associate Editors Yasmine Brown Vicky Glover Graphic Designers Ruth Haltiwanger Traffic Manager David Lopez Account Manager Enrico Cecchi European Sales EdTech Show Daily is published by Oser Communications Group ©2014 All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520.721.1300/Fax: 520.721.6300 www.oser.com European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy. ULIVE: A NEW ONLINE DESTINATION FOR THE WAY YOU LIVE By Lee Hall, Scripps Networks Interactive As lives become busier and technol- ogy plays an ever greater role, consumers expect more out of their electronics. This is especially true when it comes to their video viewing habits. The brand best known for its portfo- lio of lifestyle-orientated television net- works is responding with a unique con- sumer touch point. Scripps Networks Interactive, whose media brands include HGTV, DIY Network, Food Network, Cooking Channel, Travel Channel and Great American Country, presents ulive (www.ulive.com), an online destination and distribution platform offering curated videos from all of Scripps' brands, plus more than 70 new original video series from Scripps' talent, social media stars and bloggers. Generated from the enormous demand for digital video and opportunity in the marketplace, ulive optimizes the video experience with entertaining con- tent for all aspects of consumers' lives. "With ulive, we have created an online destination where anyone can enjoy entertaining and relevant videos for the way you live," said Jeff Meyer, President of ulive. It enables viewers to discover, watch and share what they love the most, across food, home, trav- el, parenting and wellness, and this is only the beginning of the site's capabil- ities and content. Ulive enables Scripps to reach cur- rent and new audiences by creating a platform in which video content is dis- tributed in a thoughtfully curated way. Additionally, by utilizing a responsive player, ulive makes it easier for viewers to watch their favorite videos on any media device. Ulive brings together con- tent for all facets of life with videos that are instructive, fun and inspiring. Ulive is showcasing original series as well as content from popular Scripps brands. Two new originals include A Well Designed Life from Genevieve Gorder of HGTV, and The Mommy Show, hosted by Ilana Wiles, a widely popular mommy blogger. "Scripps has 20-plus years of forg- ing meaningful relationships with its audiences, and now we have a propri- etary video player that will provide our viewers with an enhanced and more engaging experience," said Lisa Choi Owens, Chief Operating Officer of ulive. Just as this technology benefits cur- rent and new viewers, it also works hard- er for advertisers, allowing them to reach their desired audiences in more places through ad targeting and placement across all Scripps channels. Ford Motor Company signed on as ulive's launch partner, introducing videos to showcase how the brand connects to its customers' lives every day. As a leader in lifestyle media, Scripps Networks Interactive consis- tently works to deliver relevant content to consumers and engage them on a deeper level. To learn more about ulive, the lifestyle digital video site and distribution plat- form for the best videos in food, home, travel, parenting, wellness and more, visit www.ulive.com.

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