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Mounting evidence of the role probiotics play in immune health is spurring rising consumer interest in products that boost the body's defenses against pathogens. DuPont, a leader in the science of probi- otics, has responded to the trend by developing and validating the probiotic strain HOWARU ® Bl-04 ® , the Doctor Preferred Probiotic Strain for Respiratory Health (Based on an IQVIA ProVoice ® survey of Primary Care Physicians who preferred B. lactis Bl-04 for Respiratory Health after review of select clinical studies; December 2018). The complex network of cells, tissues and molecules that make up the immune system is capable of quickly identifying and eliminating invaders such as the virus- es that cause the common cold, either limiting the severity and duration of an illness or preventing it altogether. Yet, factors including stress and diet can diminish the HOWARU Probiotics Putting Consumers in Charge of Their Immune Health 2020 has already been a pivotal, challenging year for the pharmacy space. Retail pharmacies are shutting their doors, the industry's grappling with the implications of 2019's massive PBM consol- idation and many are still reeling from the hit of crippling DIR fees.With the economics of small to mid-size pharmacies in decline, it's critical – now more than ever – to ensure that these organizations have access to tech- nologies that can close some of the transparency gap to improve their financials. Last year, XIL Consulting launched a radical solution to address these gaps: XIL Impact. XIL Impact is a SaaS platform that offers clients access to their own, real-time data, complete with tools, analysis, insights and management dashboards. In less than a year, Impact has gained traction as pharmacies recognize that this is a solution built specifically for them directly from retail pharmacy input. "The key here is to identify what retail pharmacies need by listening to key opinion leaders, and then build it," Raymond McCall, President of XIL Consulting, explains. Riding the consumer hydration wave, Prodyne is launching the Grand Fruit Infusion Pitcher, adding to its collection of 18 water-infusing products that offer health-conscious con- sumers an opportunity to enjoy natural fruit flavored water at home for a fraction of the cost of artificially flavored seltzer water. While other hydration brands focus on flavored carbon- ated water or portable water bottles as options to sweetened soda consumption, Prodyne offers health-minded consumers stylish water pitchers, bottles and jars for home use that fea- ture a filtering core that can be filled with any array of fresh fruits and herbs for improving the flavor of tap water. Millions of consumers naturally infuse water and other beverages using Prodyne's extensive line of Fruit Infusion products. "Eleven years ago, we launched our first fruit infusion pitcher in response to Since the introduction of the HurryCane ® on television in 2012, it continues to be the No. 1 selling walking cane in the United States (Nielsen Total US XAOC Canes – 52 Weeks Ending 01/20/20). The HurryCane highlights great features such as standing on its own, the patented flex base that main- tains contact with the ground for stability and folding for easy transport and storage. The HurryCane also comes in four colors: Black, Roadrunner Red, Trailblazer Blue and Pathfinder Purple. These features, combined with nationwide television and print advertising, have made the HurryCane a household name. With a growing group of senior citizens in the United States, the demand for durable medical and mobility equipment continues to rise. This group of senior citi- zens is the wealthiest this country has ever seen, resulting in an all-time high demand for quality and stylish equipment. These customers are shopping in retail stores and Continued on Page 17 Continued on Page 17 XIL IMPACT: XIL Consulting Builds Technology to Assist Clients Prodyne Taps Hydration Movement with Grand Fruit Infusion HurryCane – Still 'The Cane That Stands Alone' Continued on Page 17 Continued on Page 17 Oser Communications Group Scottsdale Monday, April 27, 2020 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH NACDS

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