Oser Communications Group

Kitchenware News January 2020

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News.....................................2 Ad Index.............................22 Cont. on page 3 Las Vegas Market Attendees to Face Minimal Disruption this Winter International Market Centers (IMC) has announced that construction of The Expo at World Market Center Las Vegas – a new 315,000-square-foot exhibition facility in downtown Las Vegas – has gone vertical. The $90 million project is scheduled to open in July 2020 for IMC's Summer 2020 Las Vegas Market, a semi-annual tradeshow for the gift and home furnishings industries. "Construction is on schedule and on budget," said Bob Maricich, CEO of IMC. "We're delighted to cooperate with the city of Las Vegas to bring this new exhibition venue to Las Vegas." "All external steel work is BY MARY KUDER Doug Gitter, Founder of Gitter Gallery in Metairie, Louisiana, began learning about and collecting American southern folk art in the 1980s; it soon became his passion. In those days, the days before cell phones and global positioning satellites, Gitter would get in his car, head to nearby towns, find the local church, and ask townspeople where to find local artists. He would get directions, and then drive to meet these artists, usually in their own homes. It was in that way that he discovered the art of Clementine Hunter. Already a collector of the work of other American folk artists, Gitter was moved by the work of this self-taught memory artist; her Cont. on page 8 See Serving Pieces Featuring Folk Art at Atlanta Market www.kitchenwarenews.com KITCHENWARE NEWS & Housewares Review Vol. 26 • Issue 1 January 2020 • $7.00 Winter Gift Show Preview See pages 6 & 7 Oak & Olive will be displaying beautiful new service pieces for cheese or appetizers this winter in the Werner Frank suite at Ameri- casMart. The Verdi Marble Cheese Board is a large rectangular acacia wood cheese board with green marble insert that makes a striking presentation for cheeses, meats, appetizers or desserts. The hidden slide storage drawer houses three full size artisan hammered cheese knives. The carbonized finish aca- cia wood and earth tone marble add elegance and grace to this large cheese and serving board. The Ardosia Marble Cheese Board is also made of acacia wood. This large rectangular board has black marble end pan- els and marble feet, so it also makes a striking serving board. It's designed with a carbonized finish that adds a warm and beau- Acacia Wood Service Pieces from Oak & Olive tiful caramelized color to the hue of the wood. Finally, Oak & Olive's Foodie Bite Tray offers a bee design and alloy handles on the acacia wood home entertaining serving tray. It comes with a set of matching bee- handle food picks, and it's a per- fect size for that perfect bite, ap- petizers, cheeses, desserts and more. For more information, call Oak & Olice at 610.738.3300 or visit www.shopoakandolive.com. KN

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