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Produce Show Daily 5 7 Saturday, October 19, 2019 and that celebrating and sharing these tips helps promote conversation and engagement with the brand. "We want to encourage people to appreciate the steps they are already tak- ing to feel good in their everyday lives, and to share those tips so that others may be inspired to do the same," says Stephanie Harralson, Director of Marketing, North America, at Sunsweet Growers Inc. Sunsweet is promoting Feel Good across Sunsweet's traditional and social media platforms. The program features a microsite, sharethefeelgood.sunsweet .com, which highlights over 50 winning videos submitted by consumers, incor- porating Sunsweet's "Feel Good" jingle featured in its television spot. Consumers created videos to highlight their own feel good moments, and even submitted original recordings of the song. The content will be highlighted in Sunsweet's national advertising throughout 2020. "Consumers are looking for positive inspiration and have been very apprecia- tive of our feel-good message," notes Harralson. "Sunsweet wants to be a brand that helps people lead a healthy lifestyle, and we are excited that this con- cept of feeling good is really resonating with our fans." Sunsweet continues to innovate by Sunsweet (Cont'd. from p. 1) launching new products for the dried fruit segment that provide consumers with new and convenient forms of Amaz!n Prunes. Sunsweet's popular Ones Individually Wrapped Prunes will expand in 2020 with three new varieties: Cocoa Dusted, Berry Essence and Bite Size Ones. Sunsweet believes there are many ways to feel good, and one aspect of feel- ing good is giving your body the nutrition it needs to feel your best. Sunsweet Amaz!n Prunes are the Feel Good Fruit – with 3 grams of fiber and no added sugar for only 100 calories per serving. One serving of Sunsweet Amaz!n Prune juice provides five essential vitamins and min- erals to help balance and maintain your digestive health. About Sunsweet Sunsweet Growers is a grower owned Prune Cooperative based in Yuba City, California. For over 100 years it has been committed to providing the highest quality products around the globe. Sunsweet strives to help make it easy for consumers to make healthy choices by offering a full range of delicious dried fruit and juices. Sunsweet Amaz!n Prunes and Prune Juice are favorites around the world, providing the nutrition you need to keep your body feeling good and energized. Visit Sunsweet at booth #2203. For more information, go to www.sunsweet.com. With Midnight, you can stop hiding foam. Instead, you can use it as a visible element in your designs. You can show- case elegance. You can even use fewer flowers and foliage. Bring Elegance to Floral Design Black endures because it is the versatile, stylish, elegant, flattering and goes-with- practically-everything choice. You can use Midnight Floral Foam for any design application. It offers maximum visual impact and allows you to produce creative designs with less flower coverage. Not So Basic Black Basic black is often considered the ulti- mate in good taste. It's the "new" black when it comes to dressing up your floral party work for black tie affairs. Black can be used in any style of design. The dark foam recedes visually; this makes it less noticeable inside a glass vase and allows the flowers to catch the eye instead. There's no need to wrap black foam in foliage to cover it. The black base becomes an element of the on-trend design. It's a sophisticated look for party designs, and it works well for weddings with a black-based color harmony. Smithers-Oasis (Cont'd. from p. 1) When dry, Midnight looks dark gray. It deepens to jet black when saturated with water. Why would a florist choose to use Midnight? "I quite liked it," says Neville MacKay, CAFA, PFCI, Design Director at Smithers-Oasis, and Owner of My Mother's Bloomers, Halifax. "You can probably use one third less floral material in some designs since it's not necessary to cover all the foam with some styles. Unlike a previous color-foam product, Rainbow Foam, that was dense and didn't hold water well, Midnight feels to me like it has the density of standard foam and holds water just as well." The floral foam is just as effective as it is interesting to look at. How can you use Midnight? Midnight was developed in Europe as the black tie of floral mechanics and has received an overwhelmingly positive response from U.S. consumers. How will you use it? What innovative ways can you think of for introducing it to your cus- tomers? Visit Smithers-Oasis at booth #1502. For more information, go to www.oasis floral.com or call 800.321.8286. cultivated, harvested, processed, trans- ported and delivered in the best hands in order to ensure consumer satisfaction. The idea of developing products around sustainability started in 2015 when banana exporting company, TropicalFruit Export, decided to become carbon neutral, becoming the first banana and plantain exporter to hold this certifi- cation. In order to obtain this seal, carbon dioxide emissions from its operation were monitored throughout an entire year. Those measurements resulted in the company's sponsorship of more than 1,000 hectares of the Amazonic jungle in Limon Indanza, Morona Santiago, Ecuador. The next step after making sure that the company's operations were benefit- ing the environment was to standardize agricultural processes through Global GAP certification. All 52 farms had to show that they met the required stan- dards. The company's plantain division is also now Global GAP certified, solidify- ing a group of Global GAP producers around El Carmen, Manabí. In furtherance of the company's sus- Selvática (Cont'd. from p. 1) tainability agenda, plans were developed to certify farms through Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade. The company can now proudly say that it exports RFA bananas and FT bananas to multiple des- tinations around the world. Promoting these certifications throughout the com- pany's network of growers contributes directly to improving environmental and social standards in a country where grow- ing and exporting bananas and plantains is an important industry that symbolizes Ecuador to the world. Supply chain responsibility is another very important aspect of sustain- ability. The company is a proud member of Sedex and has been audited by SMETA. It's in the process of auditing its farms in order to secure responsible sourcing along the chain. Additionally, CTPAT auditing guarantees its fight against corruption and terrorism. Finally, the company's Global Compact mem- bership provides a vehicle for Selvática to contribute to the Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations' 2030 goals. For more information, go to www .tropicalfruitexport.com. Shrooms Mushroom Jerky (2.0 ounces) Made from tender shiitake and meaty portabella mushroom caps and packed with nature's goodness, this next generation jerky takes your taste buds on an unforget- table trip. Shrooms Mushroom Jerky is deep-marinated a full day to produce three robust, adventurous flavors, including Honey Chipotle Shiitake, Roasted Teriyaki Portabella and Original Portabella. Shrooms Splits Jerky (2.5 ounces) This ultimate hybrid snack pairs marinated mushroom jerky made from meaty porta- bella mushroom caps with other perfectly chewy jerky varieties, including Turkey, Berries, Filet Mignon and Peppered Beef, which are made from grass-fed, USA-bred beef. All four varieties create an unforget- table snacking experience. Shrooms Snack Bar (4-packs) A game-changing, allergy-friendly bar made from simple, wholesome ingredi- ents including crispy mushrooms that will satisfy your craving for the extraor- dinary. Flavors include Chocolate Chunk and Sweet & Savory will change every- Shrooms Mushroom Snacks (Cont'd. from p. 4) thing you know about snack bars. Mushrooms are a functional superfood, packed with important nutrients like vita- mins D and B, selenium, potassium, zinc, copper and fiber, all essential to a bal- anced diet. All product lines are tree nut free and dairy free, and the majority are gluten free, vegan and kosher. Shrooms Crispy Mushroom Snacks are certified by the Non-GMO Project. "Mushrooms are experiencing a surge in popularity as people from all walks of life get smart about snacking," says Lewis Macleod, Chief Executive Officer of South Mill Champs. "With over 80 years of experience, we know mushrooms, we're a natural fit to lead the development of this category of great tasting, better-for-you snacks. We want to revolutionize how people think about mushrooms." Shrooms Snacks are available in select grocery, club and convenience stores and Amazon. For more information, visit booth #4075, call 610.444.4800 ext. 226, email deberwein@southmill.com or go to www.itsamushroom.com. He sees an even greater technologi- cal focus over the next five years. Such focus has created a culture of innovation within the company and gives all employees a sense of community for its new technology vision. One of Able's recent projects from its technology department is its new cus- tomer portal called DataHub. A web and mobile-based system which provides real time data pertaining to any shipment a customer has going through Able Freight Services, DataHub provides one-stop, real-time visibility of all the related doc- uments of the customer's shipments and allows for proactive resolutions and com- munications. Another application of technology involves Able's "Freshport" initiative, piloting a cutting-edge blockchain enhancement to its DataHub for tempera- ture measurements deploying commodi- ty-based shelf-life formulas for its global clients. Able Freight Services (Cont'd. from p. 4) The company is also leading the way for electronic airway bill (eAWB) inte- gration allowing optimized efficiencies, real-time status updates and paperless communications with airlines. In fact, Able was No. 1 at LAX for implementa- tion in 2018 and the first half of 2019. Recently, Able also introduced a new mobile Quality Control tool which result- ed in improved reporting of the product's quality as received in real-time. Wong looks forward to the tremen- dous improvements that technology is affording the shipping industry. "If the industry does not effectively adapt the opportunities in technology, then the risk of obsolescence becomes very real, very fast," notes Wong. Able Freight Services is based in Los Angeles, California, and is a global expert in importing and exporting perish- able commodities from the United States to destinations worldwide. For more information, visit booth #4435/4534 or go to www.ablefreight.com.

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