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What if there was a way to cut your sanita- tion operating expenses by up to 35 percent by using less chemical, water and labor? Birko Corporation, a leader in pro- viding food safety solutions, is the exclu- sive distributor of The Birko by Lagafors ® suite that includes centralized, decentralized and automated cleaning systems to support food hygiene and san- itation in small and large food and bever- age plants. Simply put, this pressurized Birko by Lagafors When looking to spruce up your produce depart- ment, look no further than Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomato Chipotle Topper & Sauce. This sauce brings a mild heat and smoky flavor to an old classic – sun dried tomatoes. While searching for an interesting and innovative way to incorporate sun dried tomatoes into a spicier dish, the Bella Sun Luci team looked to chipotle peppers from the Southwest. The two vine-grown veg- etables, sun dried tomatoes and chipotle An interview with Ali Lotfi, President and co-Owner of Lacerta Group, Inc. PSD: Tell our readers about Lacerta. AL: We are a family-owned business, started over 25 years ago. We manufac- ture thermoformed packaging with a focus on food and custom packaging. We have three facilities: one in Massachusetts with design, mold-making and thermoforming capabilities, we just added California with thermoforming Selvática is an Ecuadorian brand that prides itself on pro- viding sustainable produce around the world. End con- sumers get the assur- ance that the conventional bananas, organic bananas, plantains, baby bananas and red bananas, among other tropical fruits from Ecuador that came from Selvática were produced with sustainable environmental practices by farmers and processors who enjoyed excellent work- ing conditions. These products have been Sunsweet has launched a new Feel Good brand campaign that integrates multi- ple media chan- nels and reflects the zest for life shared by consumers of Sunsweet Amaz!n Prunes. Sunsweet's new campaign looks to infuse positive reinforcement into the healthy habits consumers already employ, while crowdsourcing to inspire others with new ideas. Sunsweet recog- nizes that people are already taking small actions every day to improve their lives, Continued on Page 48 Everyone has a favorite summer event/fresh pro- duce pairing, like corn on the cob for a cookout or berries for a picnic. That's for good rea- son: from Memorial Day through Labor Day, many fruits and vegetables in the U.S. enter peak season, meaning increased consumer demand and stressed fresh supply chains. While summer can be a season of fresh produce logistics hurdles – like tim- ing deliveries to match summer holiday Continued on Page 57 Continued on Page 57 Bella Sun Luci Sun Dried Tomato Chipotle Topper & Sauce Innovative Packaging from Lacerta Feel Good Brand Campaign by Sunsweet Selvática Promoting Sustainable Produce Four Steps to Prepare for Summer Produce Surges Continued on Page 46 Continued on Page 48 Continued on Page 48 By Sharon McGukin, Smithers-Oasis North America Design Director, AIFD, AAF, PFCI. With one simple yet brilliant why-didn't- someone-think-of-this-before change, your floral design possibilities have expanded. How? Black floral foam. Specifically, OASIS Floral Foam Midnight, which has similar properties to other OASIS floral foam but is black, the color every other color seems to want to displace. Growers Are Us is buzzing with excite- ment. The company's programs with French beans, baby carrots and rainbow car- rots have erupted drastically due to demand and the consistent quality it has been supplying to customers. Growers Are Us products have sustain- able supply year-round for your con- venience. French beans are usually in a stan- dard or a snipped format where both sides are clipped, ranging from 2.5, 5 Continued on Page 57 Black Floral Foam Changes Design Possibilities Growers Are Us: Sustainable Supply Year-Round Continued on Page 46 BOOTH #2203 BOOTH #2002 BOOTH #1502 BOOTH #4425 Oser Communications Group Anaheim Saturday, October 19, 2019 AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION NOT AFFILIATED WITH PMA