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Produce Show Daily 1 5 Saturday, October 19, 2019 Avocados From Mexico – Helping Retailers Make Healthy Gains Avocados From Mexico (AFM) is raising the bar in the fresh produce health and wellness space. The fact is, avocados are little powerhouses of good nutrition. What makes them so special? Avocados are loaded with good fats, the kind that contribute to heart health when con- sumed as part of an overall healthy diet. Plus, avocados are nutrient dense and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals per serving. A proprietary study conducted by AFM revealed that salads are a primary growth opportunity for AFM in the health and wellness space. Given that consumers consider sal- ads to be a prime way to eat healthy, AFM has launched the Avocado Salad Center, a digital hub where shoppers can access delicious salad-making opportuni- ties. A produce marketing breakthrough, it includes an inventive e-commerce application to make AFM recipes "shop- pable" by automatically adding the need- ed ingredients to shoppers' online gro- cery carts. AFM is educating and inspiring instore shoppers too by tapping into the knowledge and powerful influence of registered retail dietitians. To lead this effort, the company has partnered with registered dietitian Barbara Ruhs, MS, RD, LDN to serve as its resident avoca- do health expert and develop programs that help retailers, retail dietitians and their customers discover tasty new ways to add more avocados to their daily diets. "My passion is helping people make better food choices by lever- aging the impact of retail dietitians," said Ruhs. "Avocados From Mexico are a delicious and versatile fruit, full of good fats that can improve the nutritional impact of any meal." As part of its RD pro- gram, AFM has developed comprehensive Health & Wellness Activation Kits for its retail- ers and RDs throughout the year. Fully downloadable and themed to key occa- sions, seasons and holidays, the kits provide retailers and RDs inspira- tional, eye-catching materials that help connect with shoppers, and expand usage possibilities with the goal of increasing basket size. Since Avocados From Mexico are always in season, retailers enjoy promotional boosts all year long. "The kits include everything needed to empower the retail dietitian to engage customers in the aisles with signage, storing and ripening information, coupons, recipe cards, nutrition brochures, social media assets and more," said Stephanie Bazan, Vice President of Trade and Market Development for Avocados From Mexico. "It's a great way to amplify our heathy eating message to consumers while tap- ping into the influence of in-store nutri- tion experts." Visit booth #1049 to talk to Barbara Ruhs in person and learn more about AFM's initiatives for the coming year. Barb will be sharing prescheduled avoca- do dietary counseling and helping RDs discover new ways to reach their cus- tomers. For more information, visit AFM at booth #1049 or go to Port Canaveral: Economical, Convenient Port Canaveral is an economical and con- venient ocean gateway into Florida. Located directly on the main shipping lines along the East Coast of Florida, its deep draft main channel and unencumbered transit offers carriers highly efficient rout- ing and reduced vessel costs. The Port has the berthing options, equipment and facili- ties to handle a wide variety of vessels and cargoes including containers, break-bulk, roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro), project, heavy lift and bulk commodities. North Cargo Berth 8, a multi-pur- pose berth under construction slated for completion by Spring 2020, offers a 900- foot seawall, 100-foot pier extension; -35 foot dredge depth for handling vessels up to 850 feet long, and 2,000 pounds-per- square-foot capacity for handling aero- space cargo and other heavy project cargo. Port Canaveral's two Gantry cranes and a new Liebherr LHM 600 mobile harbor crane are capable of han- dling all types of diverse and heavy car- goes, including aerospace components. At 154 tons plus an outreach of 18-con- tainers across, the Port's MHC is the largest in the U.S. and the heaviest lift capability in Florida. As the grantee for Foreign Trade Zone #136, encompassing all of Brevard County, importers and exporters can benefit from many cost sav- ing advantages, such as speedier customs clearance and lower fees, inverted tar- iff relief and the ability to change or alter products quickly. Port Canaveral offers: controlling draft of -45 feet in main channel and -43 feet at berth; 10 deep-water container and multipurpose cargo berths; one hour from sea buoy to dock provides deep draft and unencumbered transit for carriers; highly efficient routing and reduced vessel costs; over 370,000 square feet of enclosed, dry and secure dockside ware- house, including 280,000 square feet refrigerated warehouse space; Foreign Trade Zone #136, encompassing all of Brevard County, pro- vides cost saving advan- tages including speedier customs clearance, lower fees and invert- ed tariff reliefs; and Liebherr LHM 600 mobile harbor crane, largest in the U.S., and two Gantry cranes handle all types of heavy cargoes, including heavy space components. For more information, email or visit North Shore Living Herbs + Greens: The Living Difference An interview with Suzette Overgaag, Vice President and Founder, North Shore Living Herbs + Greens ® . PSD: How would you describe North Shore Living Herbs + Greens? SO: North Shore's products are always fresh and ready at your fingertips, because unlike cut herbs, we leave the roots attached. Whether you're buying them in our root lock clamshells or in our pots, you can be sure you're bring- ing home the finest herbs available, for the simple fact that they're still alive. You can't beat the fresh flavor of herbs you just picked from your kitchen win- dowsill. Most importantly, when they're that fresh, they retain their nutrients all the way up until they're eaten. PSD: What varieties of herb does North Shore offer for consumers? SO: We have so many options available – from the herbs everyone knows and loves like basil, mint and rosemary, to more cuisine-specific ones that are hard- er to find fresh, like marjoram and tar- ragon. If customers visit our website, they'll find we've included profiles for all our herbs that provide flavor guides, as well as suggested pairings with dif- ferent foods. Our extensive list of recipes is also constantly being added to. We hope these will help our con- sumers find ways to use our herbs in healthy and delicious meals to take the stress out of eating right. PSD: How about the facility where you grow your herbs? How does it operate? SO: North Shore is proud to be the nation's first sus- tainably certified herb grower. Over 70 percent of our facilities are solar-pow- ered and our greenhouses are heated with renewable, geo-thermal energy. We also grow all our product hydroponically, which means we use 80 percent less water than field-grown crops. Any extra runoff water is collected and re-used. We understand the concern people have for the usage of non-renewable resources and the impact it has on our planet – North Shore is determined to be the reliable, sustainable option that's making a difference. PSD: In addition to helping the planet, what does North Shore do for its employees? SO: North Shore is a family-owned and operated company that advocates for fair labor for our employees and a safe work- ing environment. We care immensely about our employees' success outside of work as well – we offer a yearly scholarship pro- gram for all employees and their families. For us, it's important to know that in addition to taking care of our planet, we take care of our people, too. PSD: What do you feel is your end goal with the products you produce? SO: North Shore Living Herbs + Greens hopes to give back customers' buying power. We want them to know they will always get the same great quality plant every time and that they are supporting a company that cares about their carbon footprint. This is a product we want peo- ple to be proud of and feel inspired to share with others. For more information, visit booth #3577, go to, call 760.397.0400 or email ESC DUOZ Feature Dual Fillings ESC DUOZ, from Endangered Species Chocolate, is a single-serve chocolate bar with dual, side-by-side fillings developed with a revolutionary patent-pending "one-shot" process. ESC DUOZ are available in Peanut Butter & Caramel or Cinnamon Caramel & Coffee Caramel. The launch of ESC DUOZ at this year's Natural Products Expo West accompanied the introduction of Endangered Species Chocolate's new branding and packaging. Though the look has changed, the company's mission is the same, and Endangered Species Chocolate still dedicates 10 percent of annual net profits to the sup- port of wildlife conservation efforts. For more information, call 800.293.0160, email or go to